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My school library level [WIP]  "a nearly done polymer map"

User is offline   Micky C 

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@ LeoD: Whoa, I nearly had a heart attack reading your edit, thinking at first you were saying my map was too small for replay value, after all the alternate routes I put in, but it's all good now ;)

Here's a video playthrough of the core level; it's the 'standard' route, the longest one, and the one I'd expect most players to have found on their first playthough. The only rooms I didn't have to go into was the alien infested theatre room, and the small room with all the devastator ammo on the top floor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwbEMj1XYuI...e=youtube_gdata

Edit: the playthrough is obviously a spoiler so don't watch it unless you're not going to play the level or are desperately stuck somewhere (don't forget to check the view screens in that case)

This post has been edited by Micky C: 06 October 2010 - 04:48 PM



For those talking about Columbine & DOOM:
-They never made any maps of Columbine, as there is no actual proof they did one. Both were avid Doom players, though. However, you might be able to find Harris or Dylan Doom maps online somewhere, but they are NOT of Columbine.
-Oddly enough, this is bought up whenever violent games are discussed.

User is offline   tryhard 


This map is really fun to play.
Download it now!
What are you waiting for? - Christmas?
This map is christmas: Posted Image

This post has been edited by tryhard: 10 October 2010 - 11:00 AM


User is offline   Mike Norvak 

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View PostMicky C, on Oct 6 2010, 09:05 AM, said:

Ok here's the release! It's still at the point where I'm open to suggestions, but after all the time I've spent on this I don't really have the energy to do anything more than simple, quick fixes.

This was designed with any openGL renderer and the High Resolution Pack. Captain Awesome pm'd me, there are countless graphical bugs in software mode, but there is sector based shading for polymost, and some good looking dynamic lights for polymer.

It hasn't been tested by me personally without the HRP, or with any mods such as DukePlus, but I'm guessing the combinations of textures I've used from the HRP wouldn't look good together/simply wouldn't look good with their 8-bit counterparts.

That's enough talk, here's the download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/7y3oxl

As always, comments are welcome (such as the choice of music for example). Enjoy ;)

Downloading now, back on a few days with my impression. ;)


As for this topic, I downloaded the map. Will give it a try as I have a wild need to play Duke3D.
5,147 map pack wouldn't do much for me.


I gotta say, very good map, suffers a tiny bit from early-mapper issues, but I barely noticed to be honest. What can I say? It's good ol' Duke action, blowing stuff up and finding keys, it's worked for 14 years and it still works today.

I liked the "Lead, Learn, Inspire" - reminds me of my College's little phrase "Inspired for Life".

I mapped my school in Blood once, I might rake that map out and share it, but it doesn't compare to this one.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Early mapper issues? *gulp,* I'm really pleased people are enjoying the map, and if anyone spots something they think that could be changed for the better with minimal effort, feel free to do so. I took on LeoD's advice and have removed the weapons from the start, which certainly makes it more interesting, as well as adding other details/texture allignments and surprises. I sent it off to MSDN but Mikko_Sandt said that he won't be able to review it until at earliest the weekend, which gives me 5 days to work on improvements before I resend it.

@ The Dukenator, with 5147 maps with no mention of quality, I'm not surprised ;)

Here's the absolute latest version of the map, if you're going to play it at all, play this one. If you have played it, but are bored, play this one on a harder difficulty. This is just the map folder, if you want the music you should also download the .zip from my OP, but it's not a requirement (as long as you don't play it with that dreary dethtoll.mid)

Attached File(s)



@Micky This what I was talking about: http://www.duke4.net...oad.php?view.33

User is offline   Micky C 

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Yeah I've seen that before, but it's such I large number of maps it did more to put me off than draw me in. If I was going to play a bunch of user maps I'd be more inclined to play attrition myself, as I know DT made careful choices about which maps to include. Hmmm, makes you think about what's going to happen to Duke mapping once DNF comes out, but that's not a discussion for this thread

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513



Now that you have decided to follow my suggestion I felt obliged to replay your latest version. "Too much weaponry" mostly referred to the blimp. Starting without the RPG puts this right as well. This time I skipped the blimp until the very end and had a really hard (and fun) time (using DukePlus enemy AI), especially behind the yellow card door. I assume that there is no way to program the number and type of items the blimp gives, otherwise it would/should be used more often.

Some addtitional observations:
After shooting a certain switch (picture attached) you have to go through the activated door immediately, there is no second chance after it closes. Since finding the shortcut-secret nearby works in a similar way this might be intentional.
Near the end I could not get back through a blown up crack.
There are a few HOM-like effects left. I have encountered similar things in Forge's Duke 6:8 recently, maybe this is one of the early-mapper issues HT has mentioned. Or, though not likely, it is due to my personal HRP modifications. There is not too much urge to fix those IMHO unless you aim for every percent of the reviewers' ratings.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: switch.jpg
  • Attached Image: crack.jpg
  • Attached Image: HOM.jpg
  • Attached Image: blurry.jpg

This post has been edited by LeoD: 11 October 2010 - 07:35 AM



When you open the yellow key door, you don't see the switch or the extra door until you're on the other side.
Blue key door doesn't open all the way when you unlock it. You have to jump thru the windows to get in. This intentional?
Some doorways are black on both sides, you can pass thru them anyway.
You can even fly thru the window without breaking the glass first.

I'll see if I can get screens.

This post has been edited by The Dukenator: 11 October 2010 - 07:55 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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First Screenshot: yes everything to do with that room is meant to be one shot only. I didn't really want players to keep coming back to get more chaingun ammo, although if people feel like they can't be bothered coming back all the time, I might change it. You can go into it as many times as you want in DM.
Second Screenshot: That's weird, I thought that all cracks with the same hi-tag blow up if any individual crack is blown. CAN SOMEONE CLARIFY THIS? I'm guessing that problem will also be in DM where there'd be more cracks on both sides, so it'd be great to get rid of that.
Third: I've seen that before but I don't know what it is, and I definitely don't know how to fix it. It's got to be some kind of map bug, but I don't think it happens in polymer, which everyone's going to be using in a year or so, and it doesn't break the map or gameplay.
Fourth: I just fixed that, thanks, turns out both floors had 'maximum transparency' set on them which causes the effect. It could actually be practical in some cases, as it's like the texture lags half a second giving a funky appearance.

And perhaps I'll get rid of that blimp.

@ The Dukenator: Yes, you're not meant to go through the blue key card door, I made it that way so the player has to go through one of the rooms with the monsters, but you can shoot through it if you have to.
With the yellow key door, what happens is that you go through, and Duke finds himself ambushed, says 'holy shit' and that barrier or 'door' closes behind him, at the same time a switch opens up on the other side so that if you want to come back in through that way you can.
The doorways which are black on both sides is because I used the SE 7 (teleporter) to simulate rooms over rooms most of the time, and I figured black is as good a colour for the wall as any.

Flying through the window is the most concerning thing in your post, which window are you talking about?

This post has been edited by Micky C: 12 October 2010 - 12:40 AM



You could fly thru these windows without kicking out the glass.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0000.jpg


User is offline   Micky C 

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Sorry for the late reply. I fixed the windows, got rid of the blimp (although like a lot of dangerous things it can be fun in moderation), and made some other barely noticeable changes. I re-submitted it to Mikko Sandt, and hopefully he'll be able to write a review for it, I can't wait ;)


@Micky Your map reminds me some of the ones I've seen (and played) for Tomb Raider 4.
Its been awhile since I've played them, but they were big compared to your map.

This post has been edited by The Dukenator: 15 October 2010 - 01:58 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

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That's a good thing right?


Its been a few years and I have a few maps on my PC. Just gotta remember how the hell to get them running.
Ghost Library was big compared to your map. Found it: http://www.trle.net/...es.php?lid=1123

Edios release Tomb Raider Level Editor years ago. I'm checking on how the modding and such worked.
It would be really weird to do your map using TR4 engine. http://www.skribbler...m/tutorials.htm

This post has been edited by The Dukenator: 15 October 2010 - 06:08 AM


User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


Damn i hadn´t hav any time to finish the map, maybe tonight...

As far as i hav played, i should tell u that the first part (the streets) are too empty besides the interior of the library.

User is offline   Micky C 

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It's a bit too late to change that now, but for future reference, what would you suggest filling it up with?

User is offline   Micky C 

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I have a yearning to make another Duke map so I have a question for those who have played this one: what do people think my strengths are in mapping and what type of situation should I base my next level on?

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


I just wanted to write down my proposal but you have anticipated that almost exactly in the other thread. I you can chew it I'd like some abandoned mine area added. There you could live out your supposed strenghts: nonlinearity and multiple paths. I'm looking forward to your new map[s]!

User is offline   Micky C 

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Ok I've figured out a way to put the mine in. This is kind of a spoiler general-layout wise, so I'll blank it out as a precaution;


User is offline   Mikko 

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View PostMicky C, on Nov 1 2010, 08:57 AM, said:

I have a yearning to make another Duke map so I have a question for those who have played this one: what do people think my strengths are in mapping and what type of situation should I base my next level on?

Unfortunately, your strength is polymer lighting and without it your levels look quite empty. This is not a good thing due to how poorly optimized Polymer is which kinda puts a stop to the idea of creating levels just for Polymer. I'm responding to this thread now because I was finally about to give this level a proper try (I got a brand new computer yesterday) but it runs just as bad as before :blink: Pretty shocking if you ask me.

User is offline   Micky C 

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I'm cringing in preparation for the score I'm going to get when you play it in polymost. Sorry about the performance I guess, I don't have the motivation to work on this map any further but hopefully it won't do too badly as a second map, I'll keep this in mind for my next release though.

Edit: Now that I think about it, the map has gone through 3 iterations: first it was a side project aimed at recreating my school library as closely as possible, then it became part of the NBCBP so I replaced textures, mixed things up and reconfigured tags and effects to make it more Duke, then finally it became standalone so I changed things around again and added polymer lights as an afterthought.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 02 December 2010 - 05:10 AM


User is offline   Mikko 

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User is offline   Micky C 

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Yay an extra point, I'm improving! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the review, although it's obvious you didn't find any of the alternate routes or shortcuts, but I guess you'd have to have been paying pretty close attention to finding them so that's no biggie.

@ Everyone, I might as well point out now that shortcuts are located (although still tricky to use) through the double doors at the start, in the side room to the cinema room, in the underground room with the shooting range, and the mechanical stairs behind the building can be activated by a bloody hand switch outside for anyone who was interested. Not to mention other secret areas.

All I can say now is look forward to my next release within a few months. I doubt the overall quality will be much better, but as I'm guessing all mappers do, I'm making this as something that I myself will enjoy playing, but hopefully everyone else too.


thats the spirit micky :rolleyes:

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