I was planning to run an Indie VGM label, to relase all this and other suff from other people. But I feel this was stopping me for actually release anything, I was on hold planning and investigating stuff about it, as well as creating the name and designing the visual identity of the whole concept, but this is taking more time than expected, so I just decided to release "REDUKEDs" as an Indies albums by me, under any alias. I can always re-edit them when the label is ready anyways. (Including new tracks and shit)
Just decided to give less importance to artwork, and keep things simple. Putting on the pack what is already done, and scrap unfinished tracks.
Reduked 2014 is gonna be released first. Holly Cow knows some tracks really needed proper EQ'ing / mastering and rework.
Then in a month or so Episode 2. DN2 remixed would be released separately as well.
I was preparing a trailer for "REUKED: ATOMIC EDITION" and release the whole thing. Right now I don't know how this could fit separate relases though.