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Duke It Out In D.C. HRP + Music Pack  "Coming up: New music pack by Jimmy!"

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


About 9 months or so ago I had half-finished the lights for dukedc3.map, I thought it'd be fast and easy to finish it off now. Heh, ended up taking me over 2 hours.

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User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Hehe, great! Without knowing anything about lighting, I can already predict that "Smithsonian Terror" will really be a TERROR to do. It's a terribly huge level and probably can only be compared to "Derelict" of the original episodes, but actually I think it's worse...

User is offline   Spiker 


Signs 3722 and 3766. Also this pack contains revisions of my previous textures that I wasn't satisfied with (for various reasons) . I included textures.def for your convinience but probably you will have to update it with textures that were contributed by empyrock. Also you might want to put them in the correct order.

Some textures that are already in the DC HRP will need to be revised because they could look much better. Some other other will need normal maps. But the biggest problem will be for me to find these in maps because there are some instances where it would be hard to recreate a texture without seeing were it is used because it's apperance is very ambiguous.

Any comments or criticizm is welcome, if not I assume that everyone is satisfied with the quality of the stuff that I provide:P

Also thanks for positive points to my reputation. At least I know someone appreciates my work:P

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User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNightFright, on 01 May 2011 - 11:50 PM, said:

Hehe, great! Without knowing anything about lighting, I can already predict that "Smithsonian Terror" will really be a TERROR to do. It's a terribly huge level and probably can only be compared to "Derelict" of the original episodes, but actually I think it's worse...

Speaking of the Smithsonian map, there should be a maphack that moves the under water keycard slightly. Right now it is possible to grab it from outside the tank, allowing the player to skip a large part of the level. My apologies if this has already been done -- I haven't checked the DC HRP in ages.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Do you mean the blue keycard, seen on the screenie below? I really tried hard to get it from the outside, and boy, I wished it were possible since this level is a pain in the ass. ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNightFright, on 03 May 2011 - 10:54 AM, said:

Do you mean the blue keycard, seen on the screenie below? I really tried hard to get it from the outside, and boy, I wished it were possible since this level is a pain in the ass. ;)

Yeah, that's the one. And I have grabbed it from the outside lots of times. It just takes some wall humping.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


A maphack won't fix the keycard. Maphacks are specifically designed so that they only edit stuff that is not synced--spriteext and lights. You may be able to move the keycard model, but the keycard actor won't budge.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Well at least we'll be able to make the keycard look like it's unreachable from outside the tank and discourage grabbing attempts Posted Image (it's a possibility)

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Already looks pretty unreachable to me as it is. xD And if you don't try really hard to get it from the outside, you won't be able to cheat. I tried and didn't get it, and since hacking won't change much about it, I think it's not needed. Also, the model moving code seems to be somewhat broken right now, doesn't work properly (already noticed in the original D3D maps, see other threads).

User is offline   Micky C 

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I've started chipping away at Smithsonian Terror. The bad news is the level isn't well suited for spotlights because there's basically lots of large, relatively empty areas which are interconnected and will drop the framerate like a stone, or lots of long, windy corridors. Neither area type would have much benefit from spotlights. However the good news is that there are actually lights (as in light textures) placed everywhere on the level, so my main tactic is placing a point light under most of these, which results in incredibly natural and realistic lighting. Another problem is that the D.C episode makes extensive use of negative shades which means shadows from spotlights would barely be seen anyway, so point lights it is.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Well I could imagine some blue lighting in this "Sea World" area (entrance behind the blue keycard room). Maybe some red or orange in the mummy room. There is much creative freedom to be applied, I am sure it is in capable hands with you. ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Duke In D.C. level 1 like you've never seen it before!

This is an experiment with an overhead camera. I tried to write code for smart camera movement, but for the purpose of this video I disabled it and moved the camera manually. It's pretty hard to get right with sector over sector glitches.

Anyway, you can see some of the recent work on the D.C. HRP in the video. Good job, guys!

I would be up for making a Diablo style TC using an overhead camera, if I could get some help.

User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


Do the thing where it randomly generates levels from predetermined map chunks!

User is offline   Spiker 


View PostDeeperThought, on 04 May 2011 - 05:44 PM, said:

I would be up for making a Diablo style TC using an overhead camera, if I could get some help.

The video looks really cool but this camera mode would work much better with slower kind of gameplay. The thread got slightly derailed but
any more details about this mod?;)

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostSpiker, on 04 May 2011 - 11:18 PM, said:

The video looks really cool but this camera mode would work much better with slower kind of gameplay. The thread got slightly derailed but
any more details about this mod?;)

heh, well the movie shows the DC HRP, so don't blame me for derailing...

I don't have any plans for a mod except for what I already said, but if you are interested let me know in a PM and we can discuss it. Right now the camera mode is what happens if you press F7 in Attrition in my local copy.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


That definitely looks like it's worth a play. In addition to the fresh gameplay due the the new perspective, there's a new tactical element as you can see what enemies and pickups are in the rooms around you and plan your next moves accordingly, also it's harder to get lost which is a huge bonus in some maps.

I'm surprised the framerate was as high as it was when the camera clipped outside the playable area, it never dropped too low, but what happens when you play the level with the maphacked lights I added? (should be in the latest HRP) Is it still playable when the camera clips outside then?

Edit: whoops I was writing the post before you said to take it to PMs, but it's a general enough question I guess this thread can withstand one more OT post.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 05 May 2011 - 12:51 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostMicky C, on 05 May 2011 - 12:49 AM, said:

That definitely looks like it's worth a play. In addition to the fresh gameplay due the the new perspective, there's a new tactical element as you can see what enemies and pickups are in the rooms around you and plan your next moves accordingly, also it's harder to get lost which is a huge bonus in some maps.

I'm surprised the framerate was as high as it was when the camera clipped outside the playable area, it never dropped too low, but what happens when you play the level with the maphacked lights I added? (should be in the latest HRP) Is it still playable when the camera clips outside then?

Edit: whoops I was writing the post before you said to take it to PMs, but it's a general enough question I guess this thread can withstand one more OT post.

The take it to PMs thing was about making a new Diablo style mod out of it. Your question is about the new camera in the DC level so it's on topic. ;)

The frame rate was good because it is a relatively small and simple map. I haven't tried it with your maphacks yet. As was explained to me once, Polymer essentially converts a map into one giant model. The complexity of the model makes a huge difference to frame rate. Zooming out uses more resources, but in some maps the frame rate is low even before zooming.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


DukeDC HRP v1.53 has been released. Get it from HRP site. Mirrors are welcome, if you have any.

> Added: 
    - dukedc\sprites\props: 3626 (desk lamp), 3667 (chandelier), 3686 (buckler & sword),
                            3687 (buckler), 3769 (pier lamp)
    - dukedc\sprites\signs: 3627 (tours sign), 3722 ("Authorized Personnel"), 3766 (Smithsonian)
    - dukedc\textures: 3601 (moon rock), 3633-3636 (wallpaper), 3693 (metal door),
                       3707 (old roof), 3732 (white metal wall), 3745/3746 (brick walls)

> Maphacks:
    - dukedc3.mhk: Polymer lighting added
    - dukedc8.mhk: hacks for pier lamps added

> Revisions:
    - dukedc\textures: 3637-3639, 3641-3643, 3732 

This post has been edited by NightFright: 06 May 2011 - 10:37 AM


User is offline   Spiker 


Cool. I hope to contribute more soon. There's not that much stuff left to do ;)

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Ok. It's done. Smithsonian Terror, dukedc4.map. Took me 7 hours over the past week, and has almost 400 lights, which is the largest amount of lights I can remember doing for 1 map, . I used spotlights in some areas as well.

Can someone please test this out for me? I can't stand to look at the map anymore Posted Image

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Micky C: 06 May 2011 - 04:17 PM


User is offline   Spiker 


Small update.

New textures:

- 3628
- 3650
- 3691
- 3692
- 3694


- 3654 (delete old 3654.png)

Replaced with a model:

- 3670 (delete 3670.png from textures and from textures.def).

I love how this stuff looks IN GAME.

Micky C: It would be good if you could upade your maphack for the first level when you have some time. It shouldn't take you too long. All you have to do is to reduce intensity of some lights.

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User is offline   Micky C 

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Are you thinking of some lights in particular? E.g the outdoor lights, hallway lights, room lights?

User is offline   Spiker 


Mainly outdoor lights. You can clearly see that the front looks to bright even with the lowest ambient lighting while the side of the building looks good.

Attached Image: 1.jpgAttached Image: 2.jpg

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Ok do you mind trying this out? My bat I had to include DC assets in mapster magically stopped working and I can't figure out why. Nothing's changed, all the files are there, but the DC models and sprites are gone, and the walls with DC textures appear black, so I can't tell how the lighting looks.

Just paste these lights over the ones in the maphack: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=6KwrXi22
I reduced the intensity to 60%, and I hope shadows still show up on the ground well enough.

User is offline   Spiker 


Looks definately better. You could even drop it down slightly more to 50 or 45%. The shadows look ok for me.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I might consider it. Maybe the next time you're checking something out in dukedc1.map you could post a screenshot.

User is offline   Spiker 


This is how it looks now

Attached Image: duke0002.jpg

Probably it's not that bad now. I also found similar problem in the 3rd map.

Attached Image: duke0004.jpg

But maybe I'm a little nitpicky? But the first 3 maps are rather well lit. However I've tried the 4th and I have to say that there are many many areas that don't have any lights. When I started the map I had to double check if the maphack is there because first I thought there are no any lights at all. I know it's a huge and demanding level but in my opinion it can't be considered done if you don't add more lights. Apart from that you're doing amazing work with this :)

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Hmm so it's not just me. I had the same problem with the lack of lights, but if you look at it in mapster the lights are there and the level's lit quite well and consistently, except for a few areas which are meant to be dark, but nowhere near the beginning of the map iirc.

I have encountered this problem before, and it might have something to do with the sectors being moved from where they were originally and that the lights aren't in the sector that they're designated for in the maphack, in which case I'd have to copy all the SE sprites over to a fresh copy of the map to their corresponding locations, as has worked in the past (rapid transit I think it was).

I'm extremely busy at the moment and can't really look into it, but if anyone's interested, here's the level I used to add the lights.

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User is offline   Spiker 


I replaced my map with yours and now the lights are there :) Hehe now I get about only 3 fps on this map but this only means you made a good job with this :D

This post has been edited by Spiker: 17 May 2011 - 02:51 AM


User is offline   Spiker 


Another update just to keep things going.


- 3683 (aeroplane)

Attached Image: 1.jpg

- 3715 (switch, only later I found out it's not used in game but at least it's of the list now :) )


- 3610, 3611 (also improved)
- 3629
- 3690
- 3695
- 3713

Attached File  stuff.zip (4.86MB)
Number of downloads: 493

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