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Wolf3D Super Upgrades with Activision Release v1.4  "Getting this to run on Wolf3d Activision Release v1.4"

User is offline   NY00123 


Hi all,

I've got the Wolfenstein 3D Activision Release v1.4 from Steam (it shows an Activision logo on startup). I've also got to hear of the Wolfenstein 3D Super Upgrades, an add-on for the full version version of Wolf3D, now freeware. Or at least, Apogee Release v1.4g.
If you want a link to a page with download link, well, here is one: http://www.3drealms.com/wolf3d/

I'd like to know if someone has got this to work with the Activision release, even though this pack appears to be an Apogee one. And if yes, then tell the exact steps (looks like it's a bit unintuitive, maybe even for owners of the Apogee Release v1.4g).

I'm using a local x86_64 build of DOSBox v0.74 on the Ubuntu 10.04 Release.


User is offline   NY00123 


While not actively testing, looks like a solution has been found. It could be relevant to all commercial releases of Wolf3D v1.4 so far (including 1.4g by Apogee).
Source: http://vogons.zetafleet.com/viewtopic.php?...6bcc5222edc78e5

ripsaw8080 said:

The addon was released as freeware by 3DRealms, and is available (with no support) on their FTP server. Wolf3D is crashing because the external menu program tries to rename some files using wildcards, which DOSBox does not support.

You can work around the situation by using the 4DOS command shell, which has more full-featured versions of DOS commands. Place 4DOS.COM in the root of your mounted C: drive, and then type "SET COMSPEC=C:\4DOS.COM" in DOSBox prior to running the addon. You can put the SET command in the autoexec section of your conf file for convenience. You should also probably re-install Wolf3D and the addon because of the leftover files that didn't get renamed.

Note that I could use a COMMAND.COM file from some FreeDOS boot floppy disk as well.
Do NOT try executing the command shell before installing and running the game. It didn't work for me that way. Instead, you should simply set COMSPEC to the (mounted) path of the shell.

Here are basic instructions to get things working, at least for a few short tests with level packs:
1. Copy the contents of the original Wolf3D v1.4 release to a new directory.
2. Also copy the contents of the Wolf3d Super Upgrades to the same directory.
3. Launch DOSBox, mount a directory containing some command line shell as above, and set the COMSPEC environment variable accordingly.
4. Mount the recently created directory with Wolf3d+SU, and run SETUP.EXE. Afterwards, you can execute WOLFM.BAT for playing.
5. Note that several options may appear to be broken (e.g. instructions). You can choose a new set of levels (from the original menu appearing in the very beginning, not another one). After choosing it, you can start the game from within the menu.

From now on, whenever you're running everything related to the Wolf3D Super Upgrades, do NOT forget to set COMSPEC in the very beginning. You can permanently set it in the DOSBox configuration file's autoexec section, by adding the relevant commands. For instance:

mount c d:\path\to\freedos

This post has been edited by NY00123: 13 August 2010 - 01:59 AM


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