Posted 24 February 2025 - 03:29 PM
Well, despite StarNukem's attacks on autistic people here, I also have some autism (I think even more than I imagine). For me, it's impossible to accept the idea that the franchise is 100% dead, since there are still people creating content. Duke Nukem will never die in the sense that it is one of the main FPS classics and one that marked its time.
For me, one of the best classics, if not the best of the 90s!
I sincerely still believe that one day a new game in the franchise will come out, I just don't get my hopes up. Whether it's a remake of Duke Nukem 3D (something like what was done in the mod for Serious Sam) or something new (but keeping the personality of the protagonist, which is vital here), what matters to me is that something better than what has already been done comes out, that's all. Maybe a synthesis of all the previous games?
I think the problem isn't having a new game in itself, but the company that will make it!
Well, years ago most were also skeptical about a "ROTT 2", and then came the 2013 and 2023 versions. So... Who knows?
Regarding the community, despite having had some friction because of my ideas regarding a new game for the series (it seems to me that most people hold a grudge because of what Gearbox did with DNF and it became like this, this climate of resentment, fear and distrust when talking about new games) or mainly because of the way I'm learning to make CON scripts using artificial intelligence as a "facilitator" (or not) and that this may have caused a stir in some...
At no time did I attack or insult anyone because of this!
And I'm going to stay that way, because I don't want to act like an asshole. Because despite this, I don't want to leave the community because of these silly frictions. Despite the flaws, I honestly still think that every now and then an interesting mod emerges, and it usually comes from here. So because of this and the skills of certain members, I still have some respect, despite the stones they've thrown at me recently.
I don't hold a grudge against anyone in particular, I'm just disappointed!
But I'm sure things will cool down and life will go on.
I'm sorry that one of the members decided to leave, probably because he had many disappointments. I'm not going to criticize him or tell him what he should do, because it's up to him to decide whether or not to leave the community.
I only posted here because it was an opportunity to say these things.