In continue of topic. By coincidence, Ken got in touch shortly before John Romero, so the formation of the list of questions turned out to be parallel. For those who don’t know who he is, but still want to address a question:
1. https://en.wikipedia...i/Ken_Silverman.
Three conditions applied:
1. No joke questions.
2. 1 person - 1 question. Subquestions allowed.
3. Total amount will be limited to 30. Slots left: 27.
Will be waiting for your offers.
Current questions list:
1. Does anything inspired you to create the Build engine? And, regarding your participation in specific games development, perhaps you can mention few interesting facts?
2. taufan99 asking: "Ever since I played Ken's Labyrinth and your other programs, I've fallen in love with the KSM format. However, I'd like to know if you may release a converter to the General MIDI format, because even though I acknowledge that AdLib is a good sound card, I'm more of a General MIDI enjoyer myself.".
3. DNSKILL5 asking: "Build during developing of first Blood times. There are some controversal information about this period available around the web. Long story short - things seems to be gone rough with this one. Could you tell us a little about the specifics of the work at that project?".