Thanks Quacken! That's a funny name you gave to that Vixen variant.
From what I know, the five variants can usually be identified just by looking at their color. Haven't paid much attention to their voices. I only wish the weaker variants were more often used but it seems all RR games and especially user maps suffer from using the blue variant way too often, which isn't helped by the fact it's the default variant (pal 0). Also one thing to add to the last post, in Campy Crystal Lake, you don't have to hit Bubba with the crowbar to finish, just approach him to exit.
Anyway, here is the review for the rest of the Route 66 and the overall conclusion. It is quite a lengthy post, so grab the popcorn and enjoy!
BigFoot Convention (BIGFOOT.MAP)
Kills: 59
Secrets: 4
Another map I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, the location is interesting and the trailers are pretty nice, especially the one whose interior is bigger on the inside. On the other hand, the design is quite bland, the combat is okay though somewhat repetitive and the puzzle at the end is a pain in the ass with keyboard only controls, since the pistol is not very accurate when hitting switches (same problem as in Duke3D) and that's without taking into account the one secret located at around the same place (shoot one of the red buttons to get the last secret near you).
If you are having trouble completing the puzzle even with the mouselook, just ask yourself how people back in the day did it, especially keyboard only. Although I didn't play this game back in the day (I played a lot of Duke3D though), I am doing it old-school style with arrow keys and such, so although the puzzle can be difficult, it's still doable, thus you have no excuse to not do it with modern controls. I still recommend doing a bit of save-scumming, especially since I had one nasty thing happen to me in one past playthroughs where one of the timed doors/walls close on top of me and squished me.
As for the gameplay, combat can be a bit difficult since the pistol guys continue to be annoying with their insane accuracy sometimes, like the one time I got shot 2-3 times in a row by the same guy. But despite spending most of the time with around 30-50 health and occasionally using the toilet in one of the trailers at the beginning of the level, I still managed to survive to the end. Plus there weren't as many food items as I wished, so the toilet was useful to lower the Alcohol meter when it was in the orange zone. I found that standing near the toilet while drinking and pissing is the best result since it will lower the alcohol meter quickly, usually into the left side of the orange zone but after a while it goes into the green zone.
Oh and having to rescue Bubba at the end because he can't deal with a single alligator, I am still not amused by that, even though I appreciate the mapper's intention of adding a bit more to the "story". And the fact backtracking is allowed is also a positive in my book, especially if you want to get all the kills, even if this means having to redo the puzzle again. I don't like that the water sector at end is a hard surface, so you lose a bit of the health upon dropping down. However I learned recently if you drop to the right side, you can avoid the fall damage and finish the level with 100 hp.
Overall, this map was meh. The only good thing is that this was the only E2 map (not counting the intro map) that I beat without dying in this playthrough, since most of the E2 can be quite tough. And maybe also the location being somewhat interesting but outside of that, this feels closer to a typical RR map. Maybe the next map will be better?

Kills: 65
Secrets: 1
Probably the most impressive level in the whole expansion. It's also pretty good in the gameplay department, although it is a bit too vixen heavy and the mappers also decided for some reason to use not one but TWO very rare "orange hair" variants. I actually got killed a few times by the vixens in the halfway point of the map, which was getting a bit on my nerves but I handled the second half perfectly fine with the meters in green zone and losing very little health, even with other tough fights like the two hulks you fight in that spacious room and more vixens later in the map. The other deaths I've had were caused by blowing myself up with the Crossbow but that's because whenever I see groups of poop minions, I just try to kill them as fast as possible to make sure to get all the kills.
Oh yeah and although Bubba can be seen initially with a Sheriff (it's a fake one), you can't reach him by normal means, unless you use the Moonshine and crowbar him in time, as I watched an YouTube video many years ago that showed this trick. Though at the end of the level you get to fight the Sheriff and rescue Bubba. The way this is done is because there are multiple "copy-pasted" sectors throughout the whole map, like when you revisit a place that is currently being flooded, it's actually a different section of the map thanks to Build engine trickery.
Furthermore, this level is very linear and remember that there is only one secret before the control room with the vixens and big switch. It contains a Whiskey bottle and can be spotted from a misaligned wall. In rest, grab everything before advancing through the map because of the various points of no return.
This is definitely the highlight of the pack, although I wish the mappers stopped abusing the powerful vixen variants, then the gameplay would be much better.

Oddity Museum (ALIEN.MAP)
Kills: 51
Secrets: 1
The final level is interesting at least. It features some tough battles and I am still puzzled why nearly every Vixen is the default blue one. It is especially frustrating in the area with the UFO, you have to fight FOUR of them and even with meters in green zone, it was painful to do.
You can't snipe them with the pistol because it takes a long time to kill them and the autoaim will cause you to hit others when one teleports and then they will gang up on you. And as if it wasn't enough, there are TWO more to fight on those platforming segments. No, they won't die if they fall off the platforms and makes me wonder why they are even there. If you don't care about getting all the kills, just let them fall and they won't bother you anymore.
If you are trying to kill both of them without any of them falling, this will result in a test of the patience and can lead to many cheap/unfair deaths. After doing this, NOW it's your chance to backtrack (you can teleport back if you stand in the initial sector and even if you manage to make a long jump from the first platform). Afterwards, there is no way back, so I hope you picked up the map's only secret with the two TNT crates earlier, which is located around the place where you fight two Alien Hulks, before arriving in the UFO field.
Afterwards, you just do some more platforming, fight a couple more enemies, teleport to last area that has like FOUR (or FIVE) vixens. Most of them are the Brown variants and can be easily killed with the Teat Gun. The last one is the Final Boss variant from the original game, which means no new boss or anything, so don't hold your breath. It is basically a rematch of the original game's boss fight.
The fight went well initially when I killed the brown variants without taking any damage but the final boss gave me a bit of a trouble this time with a few cheap deaths, good thing I have saved in advance because I have no patience redoing fights, especially in RR due to the randomness.
Another problem with this fight is that you are only provided with a Whiskey Bottle (and two more in the previous blue maze) and I suppose two teat gun ammo pickups scattered around the arena but there are no food items to counter the drunkenness, if you happen to get drunk and also no toilets to use anywhere. However, if you arrived in the maze with the Gut meter in the green zone, there is a bit of a hope for the final battle to go smooth. Either way, after a few attempts, I emerged victorious against the bitch with just 11 health left.
Then you get to see a new cutscene or rather some credits scenes made up in Build and see everyone who worked on the expansion, as is the case with every Sunstorm expansion ending. And that's it. After you have seen the credits, the ending screen with Leonard and Bubba's ugly close-up faces and the results screen, you get the intro cutscenes and eventually the main menu, which has a chance to become a glitched main menu. Yes, that's how glitchy the original game can be. It doesn't always happen but it's still worth pointing out.
Oddity Museum is much better than
Close Encounters (ENDGAME.MAP) was from the original game, that's for sure. Even if the final boss was recycled, the effort to make an actual ending map is appreciated.

Route 66 is an interesting expansion for Redneck Rampage. For many, it's what the original game should have been. Many of the levels are much better designed compared to the original levels.
Unfortunately, Route 66 doesn't fix any of the issues with the base game but at least the balance and the gameplay is usually better. And while there are still a few confusing levels, I think the progression is far more straightforward than the original game. The only problem is that it's not very consistent, especially in the second episode. And the difficulty is all over the place, especially the second episode that will give you a beating in most of the levels, mostly thanks to the overpowered Vixens. Which brings us to the issues to this expansion because it's not perfect and Redneck Rampage already has plenty of issues and the expansion obviously inherits the issues but I'm not going into detailing everything wrong with the game, so my criticism will only focus on the expansion.
I really HATE the overuse of the default Blue Vixen variant. Why couldn't they use the Green one instead? I have complained enough so far but the default blue variants are quite overpowered and not fun to fight in high numbers. If they used the Green and Brown ones more often with an occasional Blue one (not the awful orange hair one, though I think she should have appeared during the final battle), then I would appreciate the enemy placement better and would reduce the amounts of potential deaths. But as it stands, it is too much luck based whether you will survive or not, even if you are using the most powerful weapons in your arsenal and building up your meters in the green zone.
Besides new maps, new textures, a new loading screen, a new enemy and a new ending, Route 66 doesn't offer anything new. Everything else remains the exact same, despite the new levels and new textures having some effort put into them. No new weapons, no actual new monsters, no new cutscenes (besides the unique ending that plays when you kill the final boss), no new intermission graphics, no new soundtrack and so on. Though the box art features the new R66 logo and some new pictures. If you look closely on the sides of the Route 66 box, you can see Leonard and Bubba taking pictures during their vacation:
And the reason why Route 66 wasn't made for Rides Again is because Rides Again was released months later, so it kinda made sense the expansion pack to be for the main game. If it was made for Rides Again, there would have been another expansion, probably done by another team.
Which reminds me, last year there were news revealed that Simply Silly Software (the same company behind Duke Zone II, Duke Nuclear Winter and Deadly Kiss) was meant to create an expansion for RR but in the end, it was cancelled. You can read the details on this topic here:
And while I don't agree with Quacken that the Route 66 expansion had no reason to exist, his rating of 6/10 is pretty much spot on. I would have given Route 66 a little bit more if it was released a bit earlier and had received more polish, as I mentioned above. This expansion was released just around the time Quake 2 was released in stores, so you can already imagine that most people moved on to Quake 2. Not to mention the original game was already dated when it came in April 1997 and the sequel was even more dated when it came in March (or May?) 1998. But despite that and despite the same rating (6/10) given for the main game and the expansion, I vastly prefer the Route 66 levels over the original levels.
Now I know that the original Redneck levels were slightly more impressive and pushing the Build engine to its limits but Sunstorm understood more how to make the levels more fun, more straightforward and more balanced (except for the extra health items being extremely rare), so although the Route 66 levels may lack some details or may be less impressive, they are far more enjoyable overall, even with their issues present and the second episode being less consistent.
At the end of the day,
Suckin' Grits on Route 66 is pretty much more
Redneck Rampage. It's both easier and harder at same time, at least if you compare some of the levels but I think I died about 50 times in total, most of my deaths coming from four levels in the second episode and 10 deaths in two levels from the first episode. And Bubba is just as useless as before, no matter how the story portrays him. If you liked the original Redneck Rampage, you will enjoy Route 66. If you didn't, there is no reason to check this out, as it's literally more of the same.
Anyway, looks like... no one has won actually. Because this month ended in a tie, I propose next month that the three mappers (Jason Bredhauer, Juha Laaksonen, Kevin Cools) will get chosen, while Aleks' maps/mods will be chosen in January. There are several reasons for that:
1) Some of those maps created by the three mappers are very "Duke Atomic" inspired, while a few others are very Christmas themed. Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition v1.5 was released just two weeks before Christmas in 1996, so what better way than to celebrate by playing these maps?
2) Aleks' birthday is in mid January, so his maps/mods being chosen for January works better as a birthday present.
3) Aleks mentioned last month that he is working on another map and it is a better idea to nominate his works then, so that the newest map is also included in the package. Because I wanted to be fair, I didn't want to remove the nomination, as it wasn't even my nomination in first place, so I kept it like that.
4) I wanted to play through the recently released 2023 maps with the latest 2023 December EDuke32 build. I figured that waiting another month will pay off.
5) I wanted to begin 2024 with a bang and what better way than to (re)play through Aleks' fantastic maps/mods? Especially since the anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D shareware version is on 29th January. So I wanted to make things more special for that month, as people are more likely to celebrate that date compared to the dates of the Full Version/Atomic Edition. Kinda like how people celebrate Doom's anniversary on 10th December, when the initial shareware version was released, as opposed to the dates when the full game or the sequel came out.
Regardless, new nominations will resume in January. Hope everyone is okay with that. Have a nice day and see you on the December edition of the club!