Download here: install with the latest EDuke and select episode 2.
It's got smaller, more streamlined levels and 20+ new enemies (builds off the Blast Radius roster). Ideally I'd want about 30 maps except I'm running out of time to keep actively working on this this actively these days and so instead of sitting on everything I'll just release everything throughout different drops as they happen until the picture is complete.
You can play Zero Zone even if you've never completed or played Blast Radius, but if not used to the Blast Radius enemy variants and general fast pace, you may find some of the combat exceptionally difficult.
The story so far: after all the progressive deconstruction and then seemingly final events of Blast Radius (potential spoiler alert), Duke Nukem has not just realized, but accepted his merely symbolic status as a video game character which in return grants him the power to warp spacetime within his dedicated universe at will, so long as he exists. By design, he naturally uses this newly understood power to reach into forgotten dimensions as he can now imagine and thus materialize them, like a first-person lucid dreamer, and only fulfills fate via his constant pursuit of more asses to kick.
SP, DM, Coop, difficulty settings, it's all in. Also, only Slayer MIDIs.
More info later (maybe), enjoy!