2. In the upper left corner, press the triple dot, then "report a problem".
3. right-click on the image, then "open the image in a new tab
4. change the width of the image in the address bar. Use the formula: cubemap sides width * 4. For example: to get the size of each image 2048x2048, replace w400 with w8196. Then save the panorama image
5. Go to https://jaxry.github...ama-to-cubemap/ upload the panorama file, wait a while. Follow the instructions on the page to save each file separately.
6. Copy the resulting files to the eduke32 project and add a description to the def file
skybox { tile 4103 pal 0 front "pz.jpg" nocompress right "px.jpg" nocompress back "nz.jpg" nocompress left "nx.jpg" nocompress top "py.jpg" nocompress down "ny.jpg" nocompress }
7.Enjoy the awesome result and ultra-violence with copyright.