Hank, on 22 May 2023 - 10:27 AM, said:
The add-on works well.
Well, it's a start only. (Renderer used is only Workbench)
No idea how to set up the parallax sky in Blender, and it's shading. Any ideas? (Yes, I can delete the top and make a conventional skybox instead.)
Next is to re-write all my tiles from Build numbering system to the add-on's, and make a show piece of one of my unpublished levels. But it will take some time.
I'm really happy you find the Add-on useful!
For the parallax I also didn't find a good shader setup yet.
That's also why I sorted everything with parallax into the Sky Collection so it can be easily hidden and replaced with a skybox.
If I get to know of a good shader setup I will gladly include it in the Add-on.

Please share if you have anything.
Regarding the tiles/textures numbering system, I just went with what the Xtract tool was using:
But I was already thinking of supporting other numbering systems. E.g. just the plain picnum as filename.
What numbering system do you use for your files? (Best case I can save you some time rewriting all those file names ^^)
Also, I'm looking forward for that show piece!