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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - May 2023  "Maps by the Oostrum Brothers have been chosen!"

User is offline   NNC 


View Postck3D, on 13 May 2023 - 05:56 AM, said:

There's so much I want to comment on in this thread right now and can't find the time, but I'm making an exception now because that is word for word how I just described that map to a Duke streamer (who wasn't aware of it) just two days ago or so, absolutely verbatim. Probably the best way to encapsulate what the impact of that map was, in order to describe it to those who aren't familiar and, at the same time, it sounds so improbable I'm not sure anyone who factually happened to miss the timely context of that release can even get or believe that. What's wild is, that means Red 3 literally is an incredible level.

Can you show me the proof of your words? :D
Maybe we are both right with that. The only poor thing in Red3 is the 2 unbeatable commanders. Somehow Merlijn should remake that part and maybe add a little extra section for them.

User is offline   Quacken 


Now I officially begin Merlijn's half of the list. Back to two maps at a time for now!


Pop quiz, how do you make a Redneck Rampage map without using any of the Redneck Rampage textures? Well, using only three monster types and relegating the other three as background characters is a start. RedDuke is short, weird and disjointed. After playing this I can definitely see why this and its sequel map got remakes, because this map definitely feels quite amateurish. Despite this, there's still a hint of the modern Oostrum mapping even as far back as in 2001. Mostly in the aesthetics. The poster in the Rock restaurant as well as the natural lighting in the house up the hill wouldn't be too out of place today if it were polished up a little more. You don't get a lot of ammo in this map, but the 66 kills in this map mean you should only have to kick a few Troopers' mouths in before you get the Chaingun. There's honestly not much more to say here. RedDuke is about as humble of a beginning as you can get for both a map set and a mapper.


Red 2

Despite a higher body count and a dusty old city to run around in, Red 2's flaws outweighs its new strengths to deliver an experience that's a little worse than its predecessor. There's a lot of invisible walls in this map to give you less space than you think there is. I don't know if half of the stuff behind barriers or indestructible glass that has items behind it you can actually get to, but it contributes to a central hub that feels pretty limiting in what you can do. There's also a lot of hitting a switch in a random place and then having to walk over to a different area that has no cue for something changing, which can make the progression feel pretty confusing. Add a bunch of cheap gotcha moments like six drones in a matchbook sized box and the final fight where a bunch of Enforcers fit in with you into a clown car, and you've got an experience that feels pretty damn messy a lot of the time.


User is offline   ck3D 


View PostThe Watchtower, on 14 May 2023 - 08:58 AM, said:

Can you show me the proof of your words? :D
Maybe we are both right with that. The only poor thing in Red3 is the 2 unbeatable commanders. Somehow Merlijn should remake that part and maybe add a little extra section for them.

https://www.twitch.t...deos/1817004203 4:45:19 in chat (wasn't completely verbatim I'll give you that, but very much close enough)

IIRC, Mikko also was cracking similar comments as far back as around the release of Red 5.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 15 May 2023 - 03:48 AM


User is offline   NNC 


View Postck3D, on 15 May 2023 - 03:46 AM, said:

https://www.twitch.t...deos/1817004203 4:45:19 in chat (wasn't completely verbatim I'll give you that, but very much close enough)

IIRC, Mikko also was cracking similar comments as far back as around the release of Red 5.

Yea, Merlijn was Doom 3 before Doom 3 is the main narrative. :D

I like that map played in that segment.

User is offline   Merlijn 


View PostAleks, on 11 May 2023 - 04:44 AM, said:

I can agree with this - but in my book, that's a compliment, Woudrichem War so far was probably the only map where I genuinely experienced getting lost which gave exploration a whole new purpose, kinda like playing a brand new GTA game.

Anyway, back to the Red series with the complete overhaul of the first map. Here's Red 1: The Poisoned Lands.

And I must say I'm glad that Merlijn went on and "redid" (no pun) the whole map, yet capturing the essence and vision of the original. Now it feels like Redneck Rampage on steroids, with awesome visuals. The first part of the map is quite bold - the design is beautiful, but we don't get to experience it much as we have to run from a pack of monsters without ever having a chance of getting back to this area. I particularly like the details in the small concealed weed farm here and the neat texturing of the staircase. Then there's a part which reminded me of the beginning of Clear the Coast, which large-scale rocky mountain roads scenery. There's the house from "Colour from Space" (I think it's mentioned in the text file, but I've seen the movie with Nicolas Cage a year or so ago, so the storytelling on the screen+locations clicked). "The Rock" restaurant also makes a comeback in style (I liked the nod to the original map's switch hidden in the refrigerator, in this case leading to a secret place). The visual storytelling, which is Merlijn's trademark, is very strong here - we read the messages and see all the weird stuff happening, all the while knowing it's the aliens doing their shenanigans because they're all around the damn place, only to find the hive underneath the sewers. The design of the hive here is also very creative, it looks a bit like a prototype of what we get to see in SG4 in a lot of aspects. The gameplay is fair, but can get challenging due to the large numbers of hitscanners or clever placing of troopers and octabrains. This is interesting, as there are no battlelords or newbeasts in this map, yet the tension build-up and ominous atmosphere are all over the place. Great, great map!

Glad you liked the remake so much! This one holds a special place for me. Also nice to see that the whole 'color out of space' section clicked for you. If you liked the movie I'd definitely recommend the original story, the movie was good but didn't quite capture the sheer cosmic dread of the original. And yes in retrospect there are a lot of proto SG elements in this map, even the idea of having constant quakes (although they're only little in this story) and an underground alien hive right underneath a human building. As for no battlelords and newbeasts, this was a very deliberate choise. While it hasn't been officially released as an episode, it does follow the general rules of an episode. So no battlelord in map 1, the one in the town hall in red 2 is supposed to be the first encounter.

As for the newbeasts, in the canon of the red episode they're a sort of demonic manifestation that just happen to collaborate with the aliens. The idea is that they only start confronting you once you entered their home turf (the abandoned village in red 3). They are however constantly observing you throughout the first 2 maps, which hopefully gets a bit under the skin of the player. Just seeing this short 'blink and you miss it' flashes of what could be a newbeast but without being attacked by them. There are several of these moments throughout red 1. The bathroom is the most obvious one, but there are a few more that some players may even completely miss.

I can't respond to everything right now so just making a few points.

1. Sanek remembers correctly, I initially wanted to have some sort of 'cut scene' to open red1 to explain how the player got in a building surrounded by a swarm of enemies. All the beta testers adviced against it so I scrapped the idea. The entire back story is explained in the txt-file though, so those who wonder why the map starts like that can read it. Apart from Ninety six and a few others people don't seem to care that much, but I still had fun creating my own canon and story within the Dukeverse.

2. The red series has indeed never been officially released as an episode by me, but there are several ways to play it in episodic format. There's the mentioned Addon Compilation, they're also playable as an optional mission within the AMC TC. Also Fistmarine remembers correctly, there's a modified version of red2 in Alien Armageddon called 'Red 2 zombie edtion'. No need to explain that one. ;)

3.The red3 / doom3 comparison has been made several times, IIRC it's even mentioned in one of Mikko's reviews. And funnily enough some of my later work was inspired by Doom 3 again, making the circle complete. Not only the administration center in JFCBP but also a whole section in the Imperium episode :D

4. I don't think red 3, 4 and 5 need to be remade. If I do an official release they will need a couple of fixes but nothing too major.

User is offline   FistMarine 



Really funny story about Last Reaction - my stupid ass actually played through that entire map set in March of 2022. I didn't have enough confidence to introduce myself then (and also I didn't want to come off as being too rude by completely dumpstering Last Reaction), so I introduced myself in April. I hate Last Reaction with my entire corpus, and I personally believe that George-William Bernard designed it with 100% malicious intent. I never finished Water Bases and didn't even start Chimera by the way. It took me the entire month to do Last Reaction. I think it would be a good idea to make a new topic just to express my thoughts on it, along with me actually finishing Water Bases and Chimera. One big mega post for each episode. When I've got a good, long day to myself and I don't have to worry about anything.

That's pretty understandable and I recall many of the Last Reaction maps were painful and had a miserable time with them. I think Water Bases was a huge improvement over Last Reaction but still had a bunch of issues and some annoying maps, especially the penultimate one was quite painful. Chimera was initially released as unfinished and there exist modified "finished" versions of it, such as the addon compilation version with a fixed Level 7 exit and a somewhat recent (released last December, wasn't available during March 2022 club event) finished version on ModDB that merged LR&WB and Chimera into one mod. Anyway, I will look forward to your topic one day if you decide to review LR&WB and Chimera and other maps/mods you've played, as I noticed you posted in other topics as well. Would be cool to have a topic dedicated to reviews.


...and the previous paragraph I wrote brings us here - IIRC these commanders were placed with the sole purpose to keep "taunting" the player throughout the entire level, which was a bold and original trick which worked great, their roaming sounds are distinct and immediately recognizable, so for the whole level you have the thought of a commander being "somewhere out there, maybe behind the next corner" at the back of your head.

I agree, I really like the "scary" sounds used at various times in the Red series (and various maps inspired by them), most of them being unused sounds from the main game, such as when the Overlord, Cycloid, Protector and Queen see you. Also I was actually thinking that those two Commanders are being used to make the player think they can be anywhere but isn't the effect lost when they go dormant after a while?

I think this could have been achieved better if those two commanders showed up at some point in the level or have their recognize/active sound played at certain points in the map with sound effects achieved like the map has been doing with the other creepy sounds. I definitely know there were maps where you could hear an enemy but the enemy doesn't show up. The only examples that I can think of are E1L3: Death Row (there is a tape that plays Pig Cop sound) and the last level of Caribbean has the Sentry Drone sounds when entering in the last corridor before the final boss. These are the examples I could think right now, maybe didn't have the best examples but you get my point. And considering that even Watchtower mentioned those two unreachable commanders, I think if Merlijn were to revisit the remaining Red maps and maybe make an episode out of it, then these two commanders shouldn't prevent getting 100% kills.

About the comments earlier mentioning Red 3 being like Doom 3 before Doom 3 existed, that's funny, it never occurred to me until recently. I haven't played much Doom 3 in the past but now you guys gave me an excuse to revisit it and fully complete it. Maybe the next month or so, when I revisit some id software games I haven't played much. :D

Anyway, today is the day to cover up the remaining maps that are fully playable in Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox. Those being RED4, X64-2, RED5 and ABBA. Note that the post is a bit long and I apologize if I sound like I'm complaining a bit at times but let's say that in half of the maps I didn't have the best time doing them, not helped by having some noisy neighbors in background while playing two of these maps.

Red 4

The sequel to Red 3 is not another horror inspired map, instead it takes place on a boat. Duke has to make his way before the boat gets flooded. Fittingly, the map uses the Waterworld midi (that plays in E1L4: Toxic Dump), which adds to the atmosphere.

Gameplay wise, it's alright, I didn't have much trouble surviving in general, although you should note that this map has NO armor pickups, besides whatever pig cops may drop to you, so it can get challenging at times, though I was lucky there were two pig cops early on that dropped two armors in a row (at the cost of taking two strong shotgun blasts), so one got saved for later. There is one Portable Medkit and one Atomic Health that will come handy at times, though at least medkits seem provided in adequate amounts. I recommend finding the only secret in this level, which is a bathroom that contains a few goodies (Freezer, Chaingun ammo, Large medkit) and a toilet you can drink water from. Also I highly recommend saving the one Atomic Health for the end of the level, which will greatly help when spending time underwater and escaping from the flooded place. Not to mention there's a couple points of no return, though until that one point when Duke "faints", you can backtrack to the whole map.

I died once to that bullshit explosion trap after inserting the yellow card and going upstairs. It deleted me instantly from 100 hp and 75 armor. Now I recall same happened in past decade when playing through this map, so I guess I haven't learned my lesson and should have anticipated it. But other than that, I didn't really have much of a problem with the health and I am happy that I got used armor from two pig cops. Otherwise, I don't think it would have been pleasant to spend this map without any armor.

Unfortunately, I missed three enemies. Technically, I missed four but the game thinks I missed three. They are all troopers outside of ship and they are unkillable/unreachable without using the DNCLIP cheat. They are the ones that spawn/ambush you in the control room when you get the Blue Card. Too bad about that, as there seemed a couple others that managed to squish themselves, which I could tell from when the "SQUISH!" message appeared a few times on top of the screen.

There is only one secret to find and it is a bit unusual, as it requires you to press use on an electrical socket. I remembered this from years ago but had no idea it was optional to unlock the secret, I thought it was required for level progression. Also, this time I stood a bit further away and received no damage upon pressing on it. It contains a Freezer, Chaingun ammo, a Large Medkit and a toilet, as I have mentioned above.

I also like the scripted sequences and how you have to escape the sunken ship while avoiding drowning. Once you succeeded, you will be sent to...you guessed it, Hollywood Holocaust! Okay fine, it's the last time I mention this, I promise. Considering this is the only level that ends by crossing a sector.

Overall, this was a fun level but kinda suffered a bit from cramped combat, the unreachable monsters, some annoying explosion traps and the lack of armor, though the latter can be solved by getting lucky with pig cops, which thankfully helped me a lot. Other than these annoyances, this was a strong level and had fun with it. Looking forward to the finale of Red series! But before that, let's take a visit to an alien planet!
Attached Image: RED4_3.pngAttached Image: RED4_6.png
Attached Image: RED4_7.pngAttached Image: RED4_10.png

Alien Planet X64-2

And now it's time for the infamous map! Honestly, I can relate to what Quacken said earlier. This map suffers from some balance issues, namely the complete lack of armor and the only health pickups come in form of atomic healths. But even if it might seem generous at a glance, you will have a few sections where you will bite the bullet (literally) and spend time with low health, most notably when fighting Enforcers. Ammo isn't really an issue except early on but even then you have plenty of pistol ammo to kill a few stronger monsters, like commanders and protectors. Afterwards, when you get your hands on the shotgun and chaingun, ammo is plentiful for the rest of the map. Just don't try to kill the Overlord that appears at one point early on (you don't even have anything besides kicks and pistol). Don't worry about the kills, as there are plenty of alien floating sharks that you can kill with your pistol and get extra kills, to make up for that Overlord. But that also means it's impossible to tell if you missed any other monsters, if that ever happens. On the bright side, you are guaranteed to get all the kills.

Anyway, you start the map without any weapons. At one point, a Commander breaks out your cage. You will then have to kill him or ignore him. You should just keep firing pistol rounds into him while dodging his rockets and if you can afford to kick him once or twice to kill him faster, while avoiding his melee attack, you should be good. Afterwards, you will have like 50 hp left. There will be some fights with some troopers early on and some protectors. There are a few cheap ambushes that may spawn an enemy behind you while busy fighting the other in front of you and maybe explosion traps but the biggest issue will be the parts where you are fighting enforcers (Mini Battlelords not so much, because in those cases you are given health in advance), you will be guaranteed to have like 30 or less hp and you will probably get killed over and over again until you savescum to win the battle. This persisted for some parts where I was literally with less than 10 hp left and it was painful and not fun at all, as it felt like I wasn't making progress and more like banging my head at a wall until the game lets me get through.

But first, let's go back to the beginning (mini walkthrough). After killing a few troopers and protectors, you will have the Overlord appearing and it's pretty clear you have to avoid him. I'm not sure if you can kick him to death or trick him to kill himself with his rockets to end the map early, I haven't tried that yet and it sounds like a waste of time just to finish the map early, so ignore him and move on. Oh yeah and there's a few points of no return throughout the map but many parts are still possible to backtrack, which may not be obvious and this can be confusing to the player, as you end up grabbing Atomic Health even if you didn't need it (e.g. grabbing an atomic health at 175 health).

After you get past the Overlord, you should get the Chaingun. Then kill a few more aliens, floating sharks and face a huge group of troopers that were very satisfying to mow them down with the Chaingun! Unfortunately, that costed me quite a bit of health. So then the pain begins with savescumming when fighting enforcers. Shortly after, you will find the Shotgun and these will be the main weapons for a while. You will have to savescum because you have no choice but to use the chaingun while enduring damage from the Enforcer's chaingun, as this is the weapon you want to use against them, which kills them quickly and often they reward you with 50 extra ammo (or another chaingun but at this point you have the chaingun that is essentially 50 extra ammo either way). I found the Shotgun too slow to kill them reliably and since they have no pain chance, your only hope is they miss.

This is why I absolutely HATE the lack of armor in certain maps, such as this one. And no, there are no pig cops to be found, considering it's an ALIEN themed map, so forget about the chance to "win" an armor. But why not have at least one armor pickup placed somewhere? The lack of armor turns an already difficult map into unfairly difficult, as a single armor pickup would have made a huge difference. And that's without getting into the fact there are no inventory items to be found, nor there are any water fountains to restore your health if caught in a bad spot. Health is very limited and I was really sick of hearing Duke scream in pain and dying or "I needed that!" every time I got atomic health when nearly dead. Ugh. That's why I highly recommend saving often and use multiple save slots, as this map is painful.

Afterwards, you will get to a blue room. Of course, you are ambushed by troopers and enforcers and you only have 30 health remaining. You try to quickly kill them with chaingun and either you are left with 10 or less hp or keep dying. Then kill the enforcer in main control room and you have the choice between two different portals. Here's a hint: They lead to a different place, they both contain one atomic health and another one later on, so you should have around 50-60 or so hp to deal with a couple threats. Apparently, first time I chose the rooms with the enforcers and troopers, so no wonder I had a miserable time, having 4 hp left and trying to kill the last enforcer with the Chaingun took a couple attempts. Afterwards, solve a switch puzzle, the answer is 1-2-4. Use the teleporter to go back. If you are wondering, yes you can get back if you want to grab leftover ammo.

Then check the other path with the Octabrains in lava. This is much easier and if you can avoid taking damage, you will get two atomic healths, on top of what you have, so you should have like 150+ health at this point. Very nice! Also the switch solution is 1-2.

Then you teleport back, go to main control room, shoot the switch, pick up the different looking green card and insert it in the slot (very cool effect, I always liked seeing this in user maps), then the bars should open.

Afterwards, I don't think I need to explain further, as the progression is straightforward. You should jump on a balcony to press a switch that opens some doors near the bridge, to allow further backtracking just in case.

I finally had around 150-200 health for a good while, only to end up with only 1 health remaining and no health in sight, before the platforming part. Had to savescum to kill an enforcer, then kill the commander, grab the Devastator, kill a couple more floating sharks with the pistol and then prepare for the platforming section! I recommend grabbing everything in advance, as this is another point of no return. And be sure to save in advance. I am happy to say that there is no mandatory fall damage while platforming, you can forget about jumping on a platform and instead just strafe into the nearest platform and it's all good, no damage taken, works even at 1 HP!

Once you reach the spaceship, grab the Atomic Health and kill the THREE Mini Battlelords that will show up! You have the Devastator and lots of ammo for it, you know what to do. I recommend saving again since their chaingun will demolish you if you stand too much in their line of sight, especially if you got to this point with low health. Oh and kill the two flying troopers that show up afterwards. Flip the switch to activate the teleporter and enter the spaceship. The map ends afterwards like in Toxicity (and original E1L2 obviously), with the aliens "capturing" Duke.

If you were wondering this whole time, no, there aren't any secrets to be found. I still recommend exploring every corner to find an extra atomic health, as they are pretty much essential to your survival.

Also, I watched DNSKILL's video AFTER I finished the map, to not spoil the experience myself. My congratulations to DNSKILL for finishing the map on DIG without dying and saving. Although, the map doesn't seem that bad if you "speedrun" it but I don't think I would like to deal with respawning enforcers at certain points, not to mention I played with the original DOS executable, so this added to the extra difficulty but if I played in EDuke32, maybe there is a tiny chance I would have had a better time with it?

Overall, I didn't enjoy this map and had a miserable time with it, I would even go as far as to say I disliked it. It didn't help that I wasn't in the mood of playing and the map's music (as I guessed correctly, it uses the E2L4 music) was drowned in the shitty ass music that some neighbors were playing at loud volume (yes, some neighbors were partying during that time in the evening) but the game's sounds could still be heard, for the most part, so there's that. I think I died over 30 times in total, not sure, as I haven't counted them but it sure felt like some sections took me forever to get past.

Therefore, I agree with Quacken when comes to complaining about the map but not when comes to the final rating. If I were to rate the map, I'd give it a 5/10 or 6/10 at most, if only for the impressive visuals and scripted sequences (I guess the map is inspired by Xen levels from Half Life?). But gameplay wise, it wasn't that great. Let's hope the next map is better.
Attached Image: X64-2_3.pngAttached Image: X64-2_4.png
Attached Image: X64-2_11.pngAttached Image: X64-2_12.png

Red 5

A great follow-up to Red 4 and the conclusion to the Red series! I wasn't disappointed when playing it. I only found it annoying at times where I keep getting shot a lot of times and even got killed a bunch of times. Not as bad as X64-2 or the following map reviewed but still, plenty of deaths. I won't offer a full walkthrough but I will still give a few advices, trivia, etc.

The map uses the famous Plasma song from E2L8: Dark Side, which adds to the atmosphere, since this map is more in the vein of Red 3 rather than Red 4.

At the beginning, don't forget to grab all the supplies around the area, such as a couple ammo pickups for shotgun/chaingun, Armor and an extra Pistol. They will all come handy later on.

There is a code with a bunch of switches that can be easily seen on a monitor. Here is the code just in case: BCDF 2357 !*-

There is only ONE secret to find. In the Security room that you unlock later on, you should find a switch. Shoot it and it will unlock a door. But be VERY CAREFUL at the various Trip Mines that will appear, as well as a few Sentry Drones showing up. These will easily kill you, so it's important to retreat in the right moment. Once you clear this corridor and access the room, you will find a Red Pig Cop, several slimers/eggs, a Portable Medkit, Armor and Shrinker!

Please note that there are a few points of no return. You want to have a backup save handy just in case. The points of no return are the platforming in the water corridors and then towards the end when doors shut behind you.

Initially, I was missing two monsters but after looking up with cheats (don't worry, I quit the game afterwards to reset the cheats), I found one trooper "stuck" in some dark corridor. That leaves one more enemy that disappeared somewhere that I wasn't able to find, most likely he got warped inside the walls. I loaded an earlier save before a point of no return, backtracked and found that inactive trooper. Then later I did a bit of savescumming to kill one or two troopers below a door, so their corpse can be squished, to trick the game into adding an additional kill. In the end, I ended up with all the kills.

Overall, while I got frustrated at a few points, I must say that I enjoyed this map for the most part. I think some parts towards the end could have used a bit more health placed around, I didn't have much fun being stuck with 20 or so health and getting one shot by a pig cop around the corner or from fucking miles away because they can be bastards sometimes and snipe you with perfect accuracy. No, I didn't feel like using the Medkit because I found it in the map's only secret place and I wanted to see what if I never found the secret, can I still survive the last ambushes? The answer is yes, as long as I save often. But then again, the text file recommends saving often, so I don't feel guilty if I did that recently when playing these maps.

On a more serious note, how will the next map compare?
Attached Image: RED5_6.pngAttached Image: RED5_7.png
Attached Image: RED5_8.pngAttached Image: RED5_9.png

Another Big Base Attacked

An impressive snowy base themed map that comes packed with a cool midi song. Since you start without weapons while taking damage (basically you start with 67 Health), it is recommended to grab the pistol and the armor right ahead of you! Don't forget the Shotgun around the corner as well! Oh yeah and behind you, there are some unreachable troopers, two of whom you can kill with your kicks through the narrow door opening (no you can't fully open the door). But the rest flying troopers are unreachable, as you can see their shadows on the ground. Don't worry, as there are a bunch of slimer eggs in this map that will make up for the missing enemies, you can still get "all" kills at the end. :P

With that said, as impressive as the map is, I found it pretty damn hard at times, despite the generous amounts of armor and somewhat generous health. At the beginning, it wasn't so bad and I felt confident I can get through this map without much trouble. And I was enjoying my time with this map and the cool scripted sequences, also funny how there was a giant sized Protector Drone (as in twice the usual size, not boss sized). But then when getting to the outside snowy area and getting my ass kicked over and over, the map stopped being fun and had to rush and start save-scumming to get past these annoying parts. On top of the noisy midi, Duke continuously screaming in pain and some loud ass idiot neighbors, it was really getting on my nerves and makes me wonder how I managed to get through this map in a decade or so ago, as I really don't remember struggling so much before compared to this very recent playthrough.

Really, the map could have used a bit more health placed around the white snowy area, so the blue key ambush didn't feel so damn hard to survive with both health and armor at 52. No, I didn't fucking see a large medkit and an atomic health hidden away in some corner and I had no medkit remaining in the inventory, though I felt more like I needed RPG rockets to do this battle rather than health, because even with the hidden weapons I found on the ledges, I was out of RPG ammo, the Devastator ammo wasn't enough to kill the Mini Battlelords quickly before they fucked me up and the Shrinker was unreliable with the autoaim hitting the center of the enemy, sometimes even shrinking a Commander was a hassle when the projectile clipped through his body or hit him but he didn't shrink.

It was so miserable that the map stopped being fun after the 10th death or so in the same part, which meant it was the time to savescum like crazy to get past this madness, with one mini battlelord managed to get stuck in the entrance while I shoot him with the Chaingun in the arm, only then I was able to catch a break for a while. It wasn't until I got through this hellish part that I found a Portable Medkit and an atomic health spawned on the way to the base. After that, I still died a few more times in some parts but at least the balance was a lot better.

Anyway, instead of complaining and disappointing everyone reading this post, I will now be positive and say I really liked the last ambushes, as Maarten gives you more than enough health to deal with the them, with the second medkit I didn't even need to use, as I already had an unused one in the inventory. Having a full portable medkit, 200 health and almost full armor felt like I was properly equipped for the job. Just be careful with the bridge getting destroyed because if you fall down, you die. At the end, you get attacked by various monsters, mostly troopers, octabrains and commanders. Afterwards, some more monsters will appear from behind. Kill them and then you can push the nuke button to end this map.

There are TWO secrets to be found:
1) Just before reaching the room containing the "giant" protector drone, there is a vent you can break. Inside, you can find an ARMOR.
2) In the warehouse, there should be a monitor showing the room blocked by a red forcefield. Near the monitor, press on the panel to disable the forcefield. If successful, check the monitor to confirm the forcefield has been disabled. Afterwards, go to the now accessible room to collect a RPG and an Atomic Health!

Note: I believe both secrets are still reachable, even if you are far into the map. As long as you don't get past the destroyed bridge, near the end, you can still backtrack and collect them.

Overall, the design is immaculate, the new song is fantastic, the map is epic and I appreciate the challenge but at same time, I had a miserable time with the map and I think some of the parts were too hard with the little amount of health you were given to deal with the alien scum. I feel like Maarten went overboard with the Mini Battlelords in contrast with how little RPG ammo you were given to deal with them. Either that or I really had bad luck and getting hit often, not helped by playing the DOS version with keyboard only controls, which meant slightly slower reflexes than usual. But still, I died like 20-25 times in the whole map, so it's justified to get pissed off. :dukerage:

And if anyone suggests to lower the difficulty, not only you would have to restart the map from beginning but there also won't be much of a difference in gameplay, maybe about 10-20 less enemies encountered on easier skills (which isn't worth it, as the map contains 200+ enemies) but otherwise, spawned enemies are unaffected by skill settings and the damage Duke takes is exactly the same across all skill settings. Therefore, the experience would be almost the same and I feel like playing on CGS is the intended way to get the most experience, anyway. :P
Attached Image: ABBA_3.pngAttached Image: ABBA_6.png
Attached Image: ABBA_9.pngAttached Image: ABBA_11.png

In the end, I liked these maps and they were clearly some of the greatest Duke Nukem 3D user maps from the 2000s but I didn't have as much fun as I hoped I would have, especially when compared to all the previous maps I've reviewed in this month, which felt slightly better balanced and had more fun when playing them. I'm hoping the gameplay will improve once I get to the remaining Maarten & Merlijn maps. :)

Have a nice day!

EDIT: Merlijn posted while I was writing. I don't have time right now to respond to everything but I have to say that it's good I remembered Red2 Zombie Edition from Alien Armageddon and about remaking Red3-5, it's fine if they won't get remade (I was more thinking about remastering them in vein of Red2 remastered) but I still think the Red series should be officially released as an episode in the future with some minor fixes. Just to have an official definitive/updated version of the episode.

About Doom 3 comparison, I understand now. Everything is clear.

I also wanted to mention Imperium episode, because if I remember correctly, some of the maps were inspired by X64-2, right? Which means, weren't both Maarten & Merlijn mapping for Imperium? If yes, then sorry I didn't include in this month. Although it can easily be nominated for another month, maybe coupled with another DukePlus episode. Cheers!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 16 May 2023 - 08:47 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


Moving on to the coveted Red 3! I've heard high praise for this map. Let's see what I think of it...

Red 3

There's a cold wind in the air. And it's not just that it's night-time in the desert. Red 3 does away with the loose Redneck Rampage inspirations to switch to a full-on horror scene. I definitely wouldn't say it's comparable to Doom 3, firstly. I'd probably compare it more to Doom 1's Halls of the Damned for its heavy use of darkness and uncomfortable traversal, you needing to rely on night vision in order to get the upper hand and health and ammo being hard to come by, as well as the first two Silent Hill games for featuring comparable aesthetics and heavy fog. I don't know if this map is actually scary or if it just makes me unnerved. I happen to like the sound design in this map a lot. It's true that this map does use a lot of unconventional sound effects. The heavy growls from the various boss monsters come in quite handy in this map, but I also found the moaning woman used in the intro to The Birth if you press on a door. I ended up swapping out Gloomy to play a different MIDI, and that also definitely added to the experience. The visuals are also, unsurprisingly, the best out of the entire Red series so far. The thick fog blanketing the area is something for sure, but the glowing orange Protector Drone actually got me to fire like 10 Chaingun bullets at it before I knew what was up, and I also like the props and sector art strewn about on the floor.

The combat is also very treacherous. There's only 66 kills in this map, but most of them are Spectres. (For the record, whenever I use the term "Spectre" it refers to a monster that's pitch black and transparent.) Spectres in a cloudy darkness means that the Night Vision Goggles unexpectedly come to the rescue. Having the second pair of them for the final stretch of the map is definitely appreciated, but I would have liked it more if there were only the one and you had to ration them like it was truly a resource in a survival horror game. None of the Enforcers in this map are Spectres, but their hitscan attacks from far away are still quite bothersome. The real bothers who will get in your way are the Prospectre Drones and the Spectre Battlelord at the end, who you definitely do not want your Night Vision to die out on. As a concept map and an experience, Red 3 is among some of the finest Duke 3D work I've seen coming out of the early 2000s. It manages to be challenging, atmospheric and offer a new way to play Duke 3D while also maintaining a respectable runtime of around 15 minutes.


User is offline   Aleks 


(Re-)played Red 3 after a long time and can confirm Quacken's impressions on it - the map definitely holds up extremely well after 20 years! I dunno about the Doom 3 comparisons (which I tried to mimic quite more directly myself back in the day in - released like 17 years later - Freezing Fear, even down to the graphics on PDAs. That being said, I only completed a bunch of first levels in Doom 3 back when it came out and never came back to it :D ). Nevertheless, Red 3 is a scary map, but in this pleasant and cool way of being scary, not just scary for the sake of it. I would compare it more to a David Lynch movie, where there is a super dense atmosphere, you get bits of the story that do not necessarily show you the whole picture and are rather just thrown around, emphasising the impressions and basic instincts. It took me a bit more than 15 minutes (around 25-30 probably), as I was more into "sipping" and enjoying it like a good drink. Didn't find the gameplay that challenging, I like how it's only newbeasts and troopers (and the last battlelord) that are actually "invisible" and not the hitscanners which could make the experience annoying. The design is great, with detailed, strong-contrast shadows and intense lights piercing the overall darkness. I have to confess I didn't really remember much about this map besides the few more iconic locations and the general compromise that "Red 3 is a great map", but yeah it is. I do remember Red 4 quite well though, which is next in the line for replaying and was my favourite from the series back in the day!

User is offline   Quacken 


Next map!

Red 4

I must say, I definitely appreciate being whisked away from a desert for once. Red 4 feels like a blend of Red 2 and 3. It's quite dark, but it's also not explicitly horror-focused like Red 3. It's instead a lot more committed to a location like Red 2 is. I'll say this: If you're going to compile the Red maps into an episode, I'd suggest giving Reds 3 through 5 new OGGs. Creepy atmospheric tracks like Shaky Grounds MAP01 or even "Search for the Soul" from the Ultimate Doom MIDI pack would do wonders in making the maps feel more immersive, which is definitely a key selling point of the Red series. Water World is a nice song and all, but when it's put together with this map, it almost feels a little goofy. This map also feels pretty claustrophobic, and unlike Cryptic Passage's Steamboat, there's never two ways into approaching an area. I do like the visuals though. The sound design is definitely the highlight. Being able to hear muffled ambience in the background reminds me a lot of Phantom Express' sound design, and hearing the exchange between "Mary" as she gets killed by Protector Drones is quite terrifying. The corpses of other Duke Nukems on each floor are also good touches.

The combat is fine but a step down from Red 3. Without any Spectres or open battlegrounds, a lot of the combat in this map kind of just devolves into peek-a-boo shooting. At least the palettes given to some of the monsters are interesting. The transparent Octabrains in the kitchen managed to get a bite out of me, and I also think the upside down Enforcer is pretty funny. The final stretch of the map is no trouble at all, and feels like a more realistic version of what Gamblin' Boat (from Redneck Rampage Rides Again) was trying to do with its escape sequence. All you have to do before the escape is squeeze past a Battlelord, which is free as you get handed 10 Rockets before fighting it. Red 4 is a fine map, but I think it's a good step down from Red 3 in terms of quality, and I honestly probably prefer Steamboat over it.


User is offline   Merlijn 


About the Doom 3 comparisons: I think it's more about the style of gameplay, the mixture of FPS with a horror setting and a slower pace that's just as much about building tension as it is about shooting. I would say Unreal also occasionally taps into that although it's less overt. I almost forgot: Red 5 has at least one clear nod to Doom 3, more specifically the introduction of the pinky demon in that game.

About the unkillable commanders in Red 3, Aleks already perfectly described the idea behind them:


IIRC these commanders were placed with the sole purpose to keep "taunting" the player throughout the entire level, which was a bold and original trick which worked great, their roaming sounds are distinct and immediately recognizable, so for the whole level you have the thought of a commander being "somewhere out there, maybe behind the next corner" at the back of your head.

Using 1 time sound effects wouldn't have quite the same result. The red series in general isn't very completionist friendly, since it's not always possible to get 100%. The maps are more about the experience and less about the end of level stats. I get that this will annoy some players, but it was a conscious choise I made back then and I don't want to tamper too much with that original vision. On that note: it's also impossible to get 100% kills in the red1 remake, albeit for different reasons.
The Shaky Ground series is a lot friendlier to completionists, with a lot more secret places to hunt for and no unkillable monsters. I'd recommend playing the official episode versions though, because SG2 also has an unkillable commander in its original release. This one was removed for the episode version (it's not a horror map so its inclusion felt redundant in hindsight).

Anyway, I've played through some of Maartens old work during the past few weeks. So here are a few short reviews:

The big city

A map that is somewhat underestimated by Maarten himself and was perhaps reviewed a bit too harshly by Mikko. Yes, it's his first release and some areas look pretty sloppy / unrefined. But at the same time it manages to avoid a lot of 'first release' problems. For one, everything is sized properly. :P The layout also works reasonably well, with plenty of areas to explore and a keycard hunt that doesn't get too convoluted. Gameplay is solid enough, with some good use of respawns. Maarten also shows good control of DN3D features, such as the teleporting elevator and good usage of sector-over-sector. The curved road/buildings also looks visually interesting. Indoor areas are a mixed bag, some look amateurish while others are pretty well developped. My favorties are the living room inside the house and the office with the piano. Also starts the running gag of Duke saying 'ahhh much better' once he gets into the outdoor area. :P

I'd say it's worth playing even though it's not his best work. Fun fact: this was supposed to be the first map of an episode, similar to Redduke. The sequel was taking place in a swimming pool, but it was never finished. So that killed the idea of the episode. Instead we got:

Maarten Desert

An early standout IMO. It's a solid combination of desert/nature and a couple of human areas. The map is very explosive and doesn't pull any punches when it comes to fights. There's the EDF base that gets partly destroyed by huge explosions (followed by a vicious battlelord attack) and then there's the final area with the hotel and its surroundings. This is one heck of a finale with waves of monsters attacking you from all sides, overall it's a lot of fun to blaze through. It has some issues: the custom art only gets used very sparingly, some buttons are hidden at weird places and some areas are cramped (but that goes for a lot of maps from this era). They don't detract that much from the overall experience though, this map aged pretty well.


This map got a much higher rating on MSDN, but in hindsight it didn't age as well as Maarten desert. There are a lot of ideas thrown at the player, but they don't always stick to landing. The whole EDF base feels a bit out of place and the map gets extremely cramped at some places (even for that time). The huge explosion is cool but you're required to hide in a hole so you don't really get to see it. There's a few cool details, like the fate of Suzan and the door bells all being functional. And of course the sprite bike, which would make a glorious return in OGBB. :P But overall it's not his best.

Alien Planet X64-2
I was wondering how this one would hold up after the mixed responses in this thread. But I didn't need to worry, it pretty much had the same impact it had back in the day. You're stuck in this crazy, surreal and extremely hostile environment and the only way to escape is to push forward in hope to find a way out. It's almost like a crazy fever dream at times. I thought it was still very effective, the first half is pretty difficult but the map does get easier towards the end (once you get your hands on explosive weapons). Also the recreation of the Unreal scene, with the lights going out 1 by 1, is still extremely effective. Only thing I didn't really like was the square of liztroops in the first outdoor area, you still only have a pistol at this point so taking them all out took a while.

This post has been edited by Merlijn: 18 May 2023 - 09:36 AM



I played red3 cause of all the red3 talk.

Really enjoyed myself, these days I tend to get suck or die alot in maps but not in red3, took me 15 mins to pass, love the atmosphere, build up of locations, slow gameplay, use of sounds, and those slow to open swing doors are nice.
Overall design is really good, and map is just the right length for me these days. :D Nice way of turning things on inside that building towards the end.

Thanks! :D

User is offline   Quacken 


Time for the conclusion of the Red series!

Red 5

Red 5 is a great conclusion to the series. I could take or leave the start, though. I don't really like having to knock a Battlelord off of his post while having to go all the way around to find the RPG, and the window dressing Troopers are also very annoying since there isn't enough Pistol ammo to shoot all of them down. It's only after jumping past the elevator that the map begins to pick up. This map probably has the best visuals of the entire Red series. There's the right blend of both horror elements and aesthetic theming to make everything really click together. I like the eyes staring at you if you send the train car back the other way past the blue key, the dismal lighting throughout, the entire sequence once you finally get to see the outside world again, and most definitely the nightmare sequence, where your small room flashes hues of red, purple and magenta before suddenly breaking open a vent for you to proceed. The final sections are also a great way to close out the map. This map in general goes hard on scripted sequences, but I really like the voice acting in combination with the helicopters slowly exploding and leaving trails of fire in their wake, and then after going up the lift, hearing the sounds of gunshots, gibs, aliens and screaming. It might be a little too obnoxious, but it's definitely a good way of conveying urgency.

The combat is definitely quite enjoyable as well. Probably my favourite fight is in the Supplies room with all of the Protector Drones. There's a few Spectres mixed in as well, and you always have just enough room to keep circle strafing and firing Rockets into the crowd. I also like the Battlelord at the elevator in the final section, along with the Enforcers that drop down and the fodder on either side. Red 5 is an excellent map on its own with professionalism, atmosphere and great combat, and it has high enough stakes to justify its position as the finale of the Red series. The only thing it's missing now is a new OGG.


User is offline   NNC 


I think to make the commanders work in the same way as Merlijn described, yet give the player a completionist feel, I guess a silent, opaque window with very fast auto close and constant opening at a few scattered touchplates would do the job. This means they can be silently alerted every time you go near their location. In fact the two commanders being placed in different parts of the map in two similar sectors would be even better for bigger presence. In the end, I wouldn't have placed any other commanders, but these two get an extra opening in a touchplate, where they can teleport inside the main playground, like the guys in Area 51 and Going Postal. OFC the map is done and the dust has settled, so this is just a theory, but I might try this with my own version.

User is offline   ck3D 


It's so cool after all these years people still play and talk about Red 4, the first time I ever played it it blew my mind how much was possible in Build when really feeling crafty and that includes not just micro cosmetics but also a general sense of location (regardless of how 'old' the conveyor belt trick is for 'moving' sectors, and already was at the time, in Red 4 was dressed up to work particularly well), and the 'interactive' sequencing, I remember being so absorbed on my playthrough I was convinced it was the best thing I had ever played and didn't want the map to end (and then it hit me with the waterfall sequence which was another mindfuck). I'm always thinking it's really interesting how most authors have their own recurring core 'themes' in their approach to design that remain the same throughout the years/decades and it's just the development of their technique (or of the tools) that keeps elaborating on form, scope and detail with each regularly recurring expression, in this case said waterfall sequence with the collapsed boat is very reminiscent of the terrain bending and 90 degree flips Merlijn would later take whole other levels with SG2 and 3.

Playing Red 4 these days didn't especially age well as more people (including Merlijn himself) have reexplored and reworked that path and so without context it feels a lot less special and the unpracticalities (for instance the cramped design, which I don't think is anything Mapster rescaling couldn't fix in 5 mins) have more leeway to stand out, but it's the original map most ideas people rely on as Build level design staples to this day stem from, originally. A lot of people singlehandedly credit Red 3 for that but personally I'm not sure, as great as Red 3 was, I could never unsee it as any more than a 'proof of concept' after playing 4 which felt like it didn't just rely on similar tricks but gave them more concrete and seamless applications (maybe because of the surrounding 'realism' within a more grounded or credible theme; boat ride is much more relatable, because more anchored in mundanity, than a more dreamlike/abstract haunted mine and village romp and so in a sense more involving). Breakdancing Enforcer is a timeless mascot too, I agree.

I remember Red 5 as a succession of pretty fantastic set pieces (especially for the time; least we forget all those levels were crafted around DOS Build limitations), I still vividly remember the claustrophobic infilitration inside the building through those shafts, the Newbeast invasion (legendary) and also the last Battlelord Sentry fight, with what can be argued may be the most miraculously conveniently placed crate to ever grace Build grounds. Since that was before modern mods that heavily involve NPC's, real world scale and what-have-you, I remember feeling actual stakes too upon checking that one last security camera screen which shows you the base with all the aliens and bosses; a lot harder to buy as anything but cute decoy perhaps now, but at the time seemed like an actual possible threat, no one was using enemy sprites like that or making slaughtermaps and so you'd really go 'oh, shit' and hope for the best. It could never quite dethrone, and be as special as Red 4 in my eyes though; maybe because that is at least in part the objective it had set for itself and so with the creative guidelines that stem from such expectations. Fantastic level, but Red 4 is just it.

The Red series must be the only one I regularly go back to, too. It's been like what, 20 years? And still every handful of years or so I find myself going through the entire series again or at least 3/4/5 without even trying or intending to, to try and relive the magic again. The first time impact will never come back and yet the maps have a lot to be felt in them nonetheless, that is quality. Roch doesn't do that for me for instance, there is some initial magic but then you run out of detail to see eventually and it stops renewing itself. Whereas a Red map lives its own unique life every time you fire one up.

Re: unkillable Commanders I never even realized those existed; always assumed those were legit stray/lost Commanders somewhere. But if that's under control (I have no idea how precise the set-up is) then that means it should be possible to kill them just as artificially, for instance with a discreet crusher that would be triggered from as close as possible to the level exit (could literally just have the ceiling come down to floor level and then instantly back up), or (less ideally) by flooding their parent sector(s) with quasi-simultaneous C9's that would go off out of view during whichever last explosion sequence the map has (as to cover it up).

This post has been edited by ck3D: 19 May 2023 - 02:54 AM



Passed red4 took me 19 minutes, I think this was the first time I played this map.
Fantastic level, I wasn't expecting a boat ride... and I wasn't expecting the ending that I got! brilliant.
Detail is really very beautiful, gameplay is also perfect. Tone is abit different from red3 but still good and the level was enjoyable fun and interesting!
Thanks! :o

User is offline   Quacken 


Hello again! Getting pretty close to finishing all of the "required" maps - there's this map, the Red 2 remake and the three Shaky Grounds maps. Though I don't know why we aren't just doing the whole episode of five maps for this month, honestly. I don't think the individual maps would be that much more different. Ready to eat my words on that. Anyway:

Red 1: Poisoned Lands

Poisoned Lands is a great improvement over the original RedDuke. What was once a pretty barren desert without much to explore has turned into a desolate highway with rocks blocking your way, swamplands and grey water, gruesome suicides and of course, it wouldn't be Red 1 without The Rock restaurant, which has been greatly expanded upon and features a cool all green alien cave. These new additions make Red 1 feel a lot more intense and exciting to play. I particularly like the alien cave. The coloured lighting and sharp constrasts between bright green and pitch black make for a unique challenge, but Merlijn always makes it so that you don't have much to worry about coming from the darkness, both in the quantity of the monsters and the types of monsters that get sent after you. Only really Troopers and Octabrains come out of the darkness and watery depths in this map, and there's no hitscanners at all in the dark sections. There's also no Protectors in this map, although Merlijn tries to scare you with visions of them in bathroom mirrors, and the lines of cash registers in The Rock do kind of look like bright red eyes if you stand far away from them. This is the first map by Merlijn in this list to contain a custom OGG, and I like it. It's a nice track that both makes me feel like I'm cooling down and that I'm on a sneaky mission. This maps is still generally pretty easy, fitting for the first map in an episode. The only tough section is the start. There's a lot of Pig Cops here and you don't have enough Pistol clips to kill everything in the area, plus you're forced to loot a Shotgun from a corpse in order to get armed. Despite this though, Poisoned Lands is a great improvement on the original map. It manages to keep all of the main landmarks of RedDuke while adding plenty more of its own and refining the combat, pacing and visuals.


User is offline   ck3D 


View PostWilliam Gee, on 20 May 2023 - 01:08 AM, said:

Passed red4 took me 19 minutes, I think this was the first time I played this map.

My mind right now:

Posted Image

User is offline   Aleks 


Revisited Red 4 and can confirm it did age extremely well - after playing Shaky Grounds completed 18 years after this one, I am only even more impressed that the design ideas shown here have blossomed into that episode, but didn't really grow so much, except in scale. The design is just brilliant and it's hard to believe this was done in original Build - it's impressive when it comes to the lighting/shading/spriteworks (and its amounts in particular) and also uses practical effects in Build which in themselves aren't super advanced, but here looks particularly effective and help to establish a story and narrative on a lever not short of a movie. It's also impressive from the technical perspective, of course - the multi-layered SOS with the seamless transitions must have been real fun/complete nightmare to build (depends on how you look at it) and the details in the tipped-over and sunk boat are brilliant. The map is indeed kept at a reasonable length of about 20 minutes (and perhaps few more just to enjoy the views, after all you're on a cruiseship). The progression works very well - it starts quite casually, then you traverse some nicely detailed cabins, but the real show starts when you see it all moving and the story actually having the "2nd plotline" with the guy in the elevator trying to save the ship - and at the end it culminates in the sinking of the ship, which is still impressive 20 years later. The map can feel a bit cramped indeed here and there, also combat mostly "is just there" but except a few ambushes, feels very easy - but I don't mind this aspect, it would almost feel distracting if the combat would be something more demanding in such circumstances. Definitely the peak of the Red episode so far, but there's still Red 5 ahead of me!


Was there ever a full episode version of the red series in GRP format?


Played Abba.map
This was a brilliant level, perhaps my fave level by Maartn, though I remember the name I have no memory of ever playing it, so anyways...
Progression and level design is great, I never got stuck or confused, I did die a few times though, at least I passed the level haha.
Detail was cool, nice idea with the new sounds and VA by maartn. I guess because it has custom sounds it may not be as mainstream as other levels but to me this is one of maartns best maps.
Gameplay was also interesting and also challenging at points. Very cool spriteworks and outdoors areas, very good Oostrum use of sounds. (y)


I did also played Maartns alien planet maps but didnt pass them yet as I either got stuck or dead or both. Hope to pass some time soon. :D
Also need to finish spacetronic as I started that months ago but also got stuck. :s

User is offline   Aleks 


View PostQuacken, on 20 May 2023 - 02:32 AM, said:

Hello again! Getting pretty close to finishing all of the "required" maps - there's this map, the Red 2 remake and the three Shaky Grounds maps. Though I don't know why we aren't just doing the whole episode of five maps for this month, honestly. I don't think the individual maps would be that much more different. Ready to eat my words on that.

I have no idea why only 3 first SG maps are mentioned in FistMarine's post, but I don't think there's any reason to play the individual releases instead of the final versions released with the episode - the changes are mostly superficial and cosmetic (e.g. added a missing door sound and changed some missed texture). Also the whole episode tells a story from level 1 to level 5, so stopping after 3rd level would be kinda like watching a movie only halfway through. I'd say just go on and complete all 5 maps if you haven't played them before for a full experience (they're all pistol-starting friendly, too).

View PostWilliam Gee, on 20 May 2023 - 03:47 PM, said:

Was there ever a full episode version of the red series in GRP format?

Maybe Addon Compilation has one?


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostWilliam Gee, on 20 May 2023 - 03:47 PM, said:

Was there ever a full episode version of the red series in GRP format?

somebody probably made one. The only one i have is basically loose maps with loose cons and a bat file. From the template it implies that you are basically just playing it as if you're playing each map individually back to back - so all it's doing is saving you from having to load each map individually via the menu.

User is offline   ck3D 


I too have very fond memories of ABBA, vividly remember my first playthrough of that one and the awesome feeling of exploration around the base, some really cool tech for the time, some really fancy doors and the pickable objects which later fell out of trend but were never done as well as in that level I think. Unless my memory is mixing things up with Spacetronic on that one, which also was a great level but the settings of ABBA somehow were more memorable to me. ABBA also is one of those user maps I go back to every couple of years or so. The spritework outside with the snow is great to this day, all the more when you realize it was assembled in OG Build and so without tools for visualization (I remember Maarten being proud of that one or at least telling me it took forever, no shit), it's inspired a trick I use to this day e.g.. the curved window spritework around the arena in level 6 of Blast Radius (and on a more microscopic level in some other maps). In fact now that I think about it I should add that reference to the corresponding article on my ModDB sometime, with an ABBA playthrough video.

Re: Red series final form IIRC Merlijn always felt the series was incomplete because he never got to finalize his vision with the boss map he had envisioned and then as EDuke32/Mapster32 new limits came into play he started channeling his energy into Shaky Grounds which could work on a bigger scope, so in a way it's a bit of a curse (for Merlijn as an author first and foremost I reckon) that as long as a Red 6 doesn't miraculously happen then the series as a whole isn't really finished. And I remember he had some great plans for that one, but IIRC he could articulate his vision better within the scope of Shaky Grounds and so I can see why there would be no point in 'going back'. But the Red maps are just best enjoyed as what they are, separate releases and I'm thankful they just exist in the first place regardless of if 'just' as such, the canceled Roch 9 and thus comparable lack of closure for that other series never stopped anyone from keeping enjoying the Roch maps after all.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 22 May 2023 - 08:49 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


Hello again! This is the final map before I get to Shaky Grounds, which I have a lot to talk about. For now though, here's Alien Occupation.

Red 2: Alien Occupation

Alien Occupation is only a slight upgrade from its original map, which is a bit of a shame. Rather than completely overhaul the map, Merlijn takes a more conservative approach here, mostly adding visual improvements. There certainly are gameplay improvements - the Sentry Drone jamboree after you step into the teleporter in the supermarket has been reduced to two Sentry Drones instead of six, the new house up on the hill has a Chaingun you don't have to gamble for, there's less invisible walls everywhere in the town, the switch sequence in the mine has had two switches removed, and the entire ending sequence got overhauled to look much nicer and to add in some platforming. That's kind of it though. I don't know if I just forgot where all the health was in this map or something but I didn't find much of it in this map. I wasn't really in danger until the very end but I was definitely scraping by from Medkit to Medkit and Atomic Health to Atomic Health. Most of what I said back in my Red 2 review still applies here, although it just looks nicer now. I definitely like the ending sequence where you're platforming in the mineshaft, but the only section that was kept the same was the final fight, which is always miserable. Being pincered on both sides by Enforcers would be enough of a mean trick, but the two Commanders which solely exist to body block your explosives caused me to die quite a few times. I had to camp in the room where the exit hole is and Pipe Bomb everything around the corners. Alien Occupation is definitely a better map than its original edition, and I welcome its existence, but it often felt like I was playing the same map again with minimal changes.


User is offline   Quacken 


Finally on to Shaky Grounds! I'm going to do the entire episode instead of the three single releases on FistMarine's post, so there'll be two more maps than what I actually have to play.


Phew! After a hectic opener where you're escaping a building that is collapsing in on you, then a submerged subway tunnel and a vent, Merlijn sends upon you a fantastic yet symbolically hollow city. This is the best-looking city I've ever seen in Duke 3D, full stop. And it also has the best progression. Who knew that telling people where you need to go after using important switches or putting distinct landmarks near key doors that you can see from far away makes traversing this huge city with uneven geometry very enjoyable? Apocollapse's simplicity and surprisingly friendly demeanor given its outward appearance takes what could have been a 30 minute map and slims it down into a fast-paced round trip that'll take around 20 minutes. There's a lot to climb on and see in this map without even considering the shopping mall, which helps to make the whole area feel more alive and busy than it actually is. The security camera outside the mall which grants you an aerial map of the city may shred my framerate and isn't actually that practical, but it's a great aesthetic touch. The uneven geometry, cracked cliff-faces, depressing new OGG courtesy of Maarten, a dark gray skybox and the requirement to platform across molten cracks in the floor help to make this map greatly stick out from other grand in scale city maps like the ones in Blast Radius, and unlike those maps, aside from the required platforming you can always get around by walking around the place like a regular citizen. The shopping mall is a treat, and definitely my favourite section in the map. There's so many posters, murals and signs on the walls that it's worth visiting buildings that have literally nothing in them just to read all of the text.

The combat is excellent too. Teleport traps are everywhere in this map, and they stick out like how Doom teleport traps stick out to me. The two Battlelords trying to snipe you after opening the doors to the Sushi HQ are probably the best Battlelords I've seen since Lunar Apocalypse. They're in clear view and you have plenty of rockets to kill them, but their mines have infinite range and can be quite a bother. They're on the other side of a gorge too, so you can't just rush towards them to try and clear some space, as they'll destroy you before you make it to the other side. The Commanders spawn in the air and take control of it quickly. You can admittedly cheese the first spitting of Commanders by using the teleporter to go back down to the road without taking fall damage, but you won't be able to do that in the fight in the parking lot. There's not a lot of ceiling space in this map and there's about 4 Commanders that rock up with a battallion of Protectors to also keep you busy. You can either Rocket everything here or get the monsters to turn on each other pretty convincingly. The final fight is a teeth clencher. The two Battlelords are already pretty tricky to take out from long distance with only 10 Rockets, but if you go too far forward you'll unleash a cloud of Octabrains and Troopers requiring you to back yourself further away to not get completely destroyed. Apocollapse is one of the all-time greats of Duke 3D. Its production value, visuals and music alone already makes it worth your while, but Merlijn's mastery of Duke 3D's limited monster variety to make new and interesting setpieces make it a contender for the best city map I have ever played.


User is offline   ck3D 


View PostQuacken, on 24 May 2023 - 02:58 AM, said:

[...]) and unlike those maps, aside from the required platforming you can always get around by walking around the place like a regular citizen.

I'm aware that this isn't the thread (so feel free to reply somewhere else if you choose to), but you got me stumped there, I'm not too sure of what you mean. You can get around all of Blast Radius on foot, minus the jetpack moment on the plane, the levels are always designed so that you have pedestrian ways to everywhere, I think even to most secrets that at first might look jetpack only. There just happens to be a gazillion of possible skips if adequately equipped, but that choice is on the player. Unless I'm completely missing the point you meant to make!

This post has been edited by ck3D: 24 May 2023 - 03:28 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


View Postck3D, on 24 May 2023 - 03:25 AM, said:

I'm aware that this isn't the thread (so feel free to reply somewhere else if you choose to), but you got me stumped there, I'm not too sure of what you mean. You can get around all of Blast Radius on foot, minus the jetpack moment on the plane, the levels are always designed so that you have pedestrian ways to everywhere, I think even to most secrets that at first might look jetpack only. There just happens to be a gazillion of possible skips if adequately equipped, but that choice is on the player. Unless I'm completely missing the point you meant to make!

I'll explain anyway because A it feels like a bit of an attack on you and B because it's not very clear: I feel like designing the map around there not being any Steroids at all (or a Jetpack, at least not either of these in non-secret areas) encourages the player to go at a slower pace, which I think is more enjoyable and helps with being able to stabilise myself if I get lost. I say "regular citizen" because actually getting to slow down and walking on the footpath or the road like how I would if I myself was actually in the map and it wasn't split in half helps me to appreciate the setting much more, even if it's not as themed as something like Koj Still Borac or Lights, Camera, Revolution is. In Blast Radius I've found you're basically always encouraged to spam Steroids whenever you can in order to get to places except for MAP03 and MAP05 (from what I've played anyway). I've still yet to finish Blast Radius, but relying on Steroids or the Jetpack to get everywhere on a decent pace is part of two larger issues I've had with the first eight maps, which is that the level design has generally been pretty repetitive, and Steroids are often used as sort of a crutch to justify each map's gargantuan size. But this is something I'd much rather get into if and when I actually finish Blast Radius. I'm sorry if I ticked you off with that, because I didn't mean to - it was just an observation I had while playing this map that I could have definitely worded differently.

User is offline   ck3D 


Oh no I didn't feel attacked at all (really why would I), I legitimately was just curious about what exactly you meant there since it sounded (technically) wrong, but you just did a great job clarifying and now I see. I still stand by the point that factually, whether the player ever uses the steroids/jetpack etc. in Blast Radius is 100% up to choice, minus the jetpack moment I was mentioning earlier and two steroids jumps (one of which can actually be avoided entirely despite being part of the 'normal' path), but otherwise you wouldn't exactly be wrong for feeling a certain way towards the item distribution, in fact that only means the episode is working on you and so I'm glad. But that's a discussion for another thread and time and so sorry for invading the space a little.

On topic, Geomancien has been streaming Woudrichem War and Weissensee in 4-player coop earlier this week and I watched that, also encouraged him to share the footage in this thread. Both maps looked like they actually played amazingly like that, but especially Woudrichem War (Weissensee being more linearly segmented; which is something I actually enjoy about it in SP).

User is offline   FistMarine 


About the unkillable commanders in RED3, I like the ideas proposed by CK3D and The Watchtower. If Red3 were to get remastered one day, I really hope to have those commanders teleport at end or get them exploded/squashed off-screen, so you can get 100% kills. The only problem remaining is with the missing troopers in Red4. If Red4 was to also get remastered, maybe we can get to explore the outside of boat as well? That would not only solve the problem with finding those "lost" troopers but also make the map feel less claustrophobic. I mean Red4 is fine as it is but I kinda wish I could explore the outside parts as well.

About the Red episode, it wasn't officially released in GRP format before, only unofficially released as part of the EDuke32 Addon Compilation. Forge mentioned a version with a batch file and this made me curious to search for it. Google didn't help much and after a bit of extensive searching, I found it hidden at Dukeworld, so maybe that's the one Forge was talking about?

I found another download link at ModDB but that one seems to be a reupload by the infamous TheUnbeholden, who had the nasty habit of uploading random Duke3d maps/mods to ModDB without asking for people's permission. :P


I have no idea why only 3 first SG maps are mentioned in FistMarine's post, but I don't think there's any reason to play the individual releases instead of the final versions released with the episode - the changes are mostly superficial and cosmetic (e.g. added a missing door sound and changed some missed texture). Also the whole episode tells a story from level 1 to level 5, so stopping after 3rd level would be kinda like watching a movie only halfway through. I'd say just go on and complete all 5 maps if you haven't played them before for a full experience (they're all pistol-starting friendly, too).

Well, the truth is I wasn't sure if there is enough time to cover up all the maps for this month. There have been some Map/Mod club events where there was too much content to play in the same month, including last February and I don't want to repeat the same mistake from now on. Not to mention I'm trying to catch up with playing and reviewing the remaining maps for this month and I probably won't even get to the Shaky Grounds series at all, so it would be a shame to not have enough time to get to the best maps of the month. My idea was that I can save the Shaky Grounds episode for another month when the Another Attack episode would be finished and both can be paired together, to have the full experience, as Merlijn mentioned earlier that Maarten is still working on Another Attack series.

So even if we play the first two maps of Another Attack, there will be maps released later that won't get played this month. I really didn't want to leave the maps either, that would be a terrible mistake to miss on some great maps, therefore my plan in the end was to only choose the standalone maps that were released years ago, before the episodic release and then cover up the rest/full version at a later time, as I have mentioned earlier in the topic that this month we are pretending the episode (containing the exclusive 4th and 5th map) wasn't yet released, so that it can be covered later on, after the full Another Attack episode/series gets released.

I don't know why I haven't included the download link to Shaky Grounds, I should have done that for people who wanted to play the whole episode now and fellow people who are reading in this topic. I apologize for that. Shaky Grounds (episode) can be downloaded right here at ModDB: https://www.moddb.co...s/shaky-grounds

And sorry if this all sounds too confusing. I try my best to organize the maps/mods when they are nominated/chosen for the month and to me it made sense to leave the full episode Shaky Grounds for later, just like I did with WG Mega Pack last February, as there was too much content and I kinda wanted to concentrate on the 2000s releases in first place when I hosted these topics. There will be enough time later on to focus on the newer releases and even the Imperium episode I had forgotten about until after the topic was up. :P

Anyway, earlier this week just got new speakers and played a couple maps in EDuke32 r5498 (the last 2015 build). Those being Clear the Coast, Red 1: Poisoned Lands and Red 2: Alien Occupation. I will cover a couple more maps before the end of the month and leave the last three maps for the early June because I unfortunately have no time to cover everything, much less the whole Shaky Grounds episode. Even if I played everything in time, reviewing the maps would take me forever. :P

I also want to point out a mistake I made earlier. The map Clear the Coast is NOT included with DukePlus! It was just played separately with DukePlus by DeeperThought (aka Trooper Dan aka Danukem) and the video I watched years ago mistakenly made me think it's a map included in DukePlus. I am sorry for the misunderstanding caused. The video can be watched here if you want to see the map played with DP in action:

On that note, I also want to point out that Clear the Coast is UNPLAYABLE in JFDuke3D! The map starts out fine but as soon as you are falling out of the helicopter and try to grab the supplies, then it immediately crashes without giving you a chance to advance. I didn't even try to see what happens if you try to use with DOS Duke3D v1.5, more than likely it would have crashed the game immediately upon loading. Using EDuke32 instead, the map worked perfectly and I had no crashes at all. The only side effect was suffering from input lag at certain times and I believe this is an issue with my old-ass PC as of lately. And don't mind the dark looking EDuke32 screenshots, I still can't figure out why screenshots are output at the default gamma value despite playing on the Gamma 2.0 setting. Now for the actual reviews:

Clear the Coast

Wow! This map was very impressive. I enjoyed my time playing this map. It was very action packed at times and it was wonderfully balanced, with the health/armor/ammo vs enemy ratio being spot on. I rarely got below 50 health and was usually well stocked on ammo pickups as well. Ambushes are also interesting and you are given more than enough supplies to deal with the alien bastards. There is even a water fountain you can use at one point in the map, located just before a building you can destroy with explosives. Though I didn't use it much because health was plentiful but I wanted to point out anyway, in case you find yourself starving for health.

There are also plenty of interesting details and even a few references between a couple Duke mappers. I won't spoil them, you will have to find them yourself. Oh yeah and that virused computer in the house also got a laugh of me. Not to mention the story included with the map is also funny and interesting, with the twist that the aliens were the ones owning The Rock restaurant, which is a nod to the RED series.

Important note: Late in the map, when you see the panel with the words "I AM THE MONSTER!!", you have to fall into a deep hole and there is normally NO WAY back! It is recommended to grab everything in advance, including all four secrets.

The final battle is quite challenging but it doesn't go into the unfair territory because of how many supplies you are given. You are also given a Jetpack which will be used to reach the exit. You can actually use the Jetpack to backtrack to the earlier parts of the level but going up that hole uses almost half of your Jetpack fuel, so you are better off just getting everything in advance but at least the option is there if you realized you missed something earlier, so bonus points for that, I guess.

Some notes regarding extra kills:
-Halfway through, there is a pit that you must avoid, where some slimers will fall into. Throwing a pipebomb in the pit and detonating later killed a couple of those slimers. It is recommended to do this quickly, before the enemies become inactive.
-At the end, I found it is possible to kill most (except one) sharks in the last room, you just need for them to notice you and then blow them up with explosives when they come close to the windows. You will add to extra kills if you feel like killing more enemies. It is impossible to tell if you truly killed everyone due to glitchy kill count in Duke3d but at same time I'm happy to have gotten "all" the kills.

There are FOUR secrets to find:
1) At the beginning, near the docks, jump on a house to collect a Freezethrower. As a bonus, you can find 2x small medkits and shotgun shells on top of another smaller house.
2) In the area leading to the sign that reads PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESSPASING, jump on the ledges to collect 2x Expander Ammo and RPG Ammo.
3) Inside the house requiring blue card (near the sign mentioned above), look for some stairs that you can't climb on. Jump on the nearly broken wall to reach Devastator and Ammo.
4) After disabling the forcefield with the blue card, go behind a house and follow the water that leads to a dark cave. Inside, you will find 2x Small Medkits and Shrinker.

Overall, Clear the Coast was a masterpiece. I can't find anything to nitpick about the map. It took me nearly an hour to finish the map and I killed 255 enemies towards the end. If this map was played (and worked) in DOS Duke3D, I would have been surprised to end up with the time of 59 minutes and 255 kills, which are the maximum outcomes displayed at stats screen, as anything higher results in the counter rolling off back to 0. But this limitation doesn't exist in source ports. I just wanted to point this trivia again for fun.

Even if the map was dragging a bit towards the end, the time was definitely worth spending of revisiting this masterpiece. Which reminds me, what about revisiting Red1?
Attached Image: clcoast_1.pngAttached Image: clcoast_2.png
Attached Image: clcoast_3.pngAttached Image: clcoast_4.png

Red 1: Poisoned Lands

This is a complete remake of The Long Road (aka RedDuke) and is pretty much superior in every way. Except the really annoying beginning. I know you were supposed to ignore the enemies at beginning but someone had to get all the kills. It is possible to do this if you kick most of the pig cops through the windows and hope they drop a shotgun (that hopefully includes 3-4 shells and not only 1-2) that you have to quickly grab in the moment they die. Of course I recommend save scumming and using 2-3 different slots because this section was surely frustrating to do with limited health and ammo, as you still need to have some extras for the remaining monsters. I had to restart the map once or twice when I figured out the best strategy is to savescum and get the drops and still ended up with very low health, though at least I had about 15 shells and 84 bullets, so I could clear the starting area from pig cops and those two commanders.

Then I realized it is possible to explore that area instead of shooting the commanders from far away, so if you wanted, you could kick Commanders to death or trick them into hurting/killing themselves (unlike Doom, monsters will never infight but they can be hurt by the same species), while focusing on shooting the remaining pig cops (because kicking them without cover is suicide) but I had no idea you could actually reach that area, the impression given by some invisible walls surrounding the house, though apparently you can enter the house from the outside but not leave the house from inside, as it requires a different method involving finding a blue card and getting to the roof to escape.

On the bright side, this gave me an early shotgun and used armor, so I won't complain too much except for the 20 or so annoying deaths that I had to suffer, getting flashbacks to the frustrating times I've had in ABBA and X64-2 in last couple weeks. And after dropping down, there is no way back to the starting area, so keep in mind if you want to get all the kills.

After a miserable beginning, the quality picks up and the map becomes very fun and action packed, with some sections resembling the original REDDUKE map, as well as plenty of brand new sections that impressed me.

I won't go into offering a walkthrough of anything. The map is pretty straightforward to complete. Just take into account the two points of no return: The beginning part and the part halfway after you use the Red Card to disable the forcefield, before the platforming section. The former is only a problem if you haven't killed all the enemies at start but the latter isn't that big of a deal if you got rid of everyone and grabbed everything in advance. The secrets are all found in the last part of the level that mostly resembles the original REDDUKE, so don't worry because you haven't missed any secrets. Also be careful of a couple inescapable pits you can find at certain points! One of them gives you a box of pipebombs to help kill yourself quicker. I remembered ABBA had a section like this too. I recommend saving often to avoid unpleasant situations like these if you end up falling into a pit.

Speaking of which, there are FIVE secrets to find (secrets #3 and #4 are found near each other):
1) Look for a ledge near the restaurant The Rock. It contains an Atomic Health.
2) When you are platforming at the weird green area, on the top, you should find another ledge that leads to an Atomic Health.
3) Inside the restaurant's kitchen, go to the SUPPLIES room and destroy the dead DoomGuy's frozen body. Crouch to find and shoot the small switch, to unlock the nearby door. Outside, you will find a couple goodies, such as Freezethrower, 2x Pistol Clips and 2x Troopers waiting for you.
4) This secret is inside the third secret. Jump on the cabin to collect the Scuba Gear.
5) Underwater, you should find a crack, located near two pistol clips and a small medkit. Blow it up to enter a small cave, resurface and find a room containing the RPG, a Small Medkit and two Pistol Clips. However, two troopers will also be spawned waiting for you outside.

Overall, this was an excellent remake. Don't be let down by the damn annoying beginning! The rest of the map is fantastic and well worth your time! How does the sequel compare?
Attached Image: red1_1.pngAttached Image: red1_2.png
Attached Image: red1_3.pngAttached Image: red1_4.png

Red 2: Alien Occupation

Unlike the Red1 remake, Red2 is more of a remaster/re-release, which again I had no idea until Merlijn brought this up in this topic. Before that, I always assumed both the newer Red1 and Red2 were remakes. Anyway, in this case, the original RED2 just received a couple changes and even a couple new areas added towards the end. The map is more or less exactly the same with new details added and slightly better balance, I guess, as I never died, though I came low on health a few times. It also helped that I got very lucky with the first enforcer dropping an early Chaingun.

Oh yeah and as extra trivia, I can safely say that the Pool Table Glitch does NOT happen in EDuke32 and other source ports, only the DOS version is affected. I learned earlier this month that this glitch is caused by having some pool balls placed outside the table and upon breaking them all, some weird shit is going on that glitches the game.

Unlike the original map, there are now FIVE secrets to find, with one secret changed and a new secret added:
1) Find a switch in the back of the hotel to unlock a nearby secret elevator.
2) Take the elevator inside first secret, leading to a corridor with 2x Troopers, 3x Trip Mines (weapon), RPG ammo and a box of Pipebombs.
3) This secret was changed and now requires you to find a well that will lead to surfacing to this secret place. You will now find a Freezethrower with 2x ammo. Jump on the roof to find more goodies: RPG Ammo, Armor and Large Medkit. Two troopers will also spawn to attack you.
4) Go to the house furthest away from the Town Hall. Jump on it and find a differently looking window. You will find a secret room containing a box of Pipebombs, Armor and Atomic Health.
5) This secret is added in this version. Jump on the roof of the house located near the hotel, to find 3x Pipebombs.

Overall, there are plenty of improvements that make the new Red2 worth playing, especially if you've played the original five RED maps in advance, so you can compare red1 to REDDUKE and the new RED2rem2014 to original RED2. I know I have said earlier that I wish Red3-5 would get remastered one day and I understand they are all excellent maps in their own right and still hold up, so a remaster may not be needed. But at same time, I don't think the new Red1 and Red2 can be compared with the old RED3-5 maps. The comparison just doesn't work very well in my opinion. Until the Red episode is released officially one day that includes remastered versions of Red3-5, I recommend checking the Red series in chronological order. The EDuke32 Addon Compilation has got you covered and I believe includes all 7 releases, with the option between choosing to start the episode with either the old or new Red1 & Red2. I'm not fully sure but this is how was in older versions of the compilation, at least.
Attached Image: red2rem2014_1.pngAttached Image: red2rem2014_2.png
Attached Image: red2rem2014_3.pngAttached Image: red2rem2014_4.png

Since today is the day (also the 28th anniversary of The Ultimate Doom, happy birthday!), it is time for the nominations for the next month:

The Gate +

Keeping the nomination from the past few months and voting for it, seeing as it's been a couple months since The Gate was nominated. I've also included NAM, an infamous Build Engine Game, as it was released in June 1998 and it was nominated once last year (by yours truly), so feel free to vote for it if you prefer something new for a change.

Just keep in mind that when Build engine games get nominated, they only last for a month! However, if NAM doesn't get chosen, it will be replaced by another Build Engine Game nominated in July. And I have plans to nominate one or two more Build games for the upcoming summer, though I won't spoil more than that, to keep the surprises. :D

Have a nice day!

User is offline   Quacken 


Alright then: I've changed my mind. I'll respect the maps you laid out for us and just play the first three maps of Shaky Grounds, saving the other two for when Another Attack gets completed and we can lump them together. A pity, because SG MAP04 is goddamn amazing and I would have loved to talk about it. As for the voting:

The Gate

Quite a toss-up here. The Gate is more Level Infinity, and it getting voted for June means there's at least a chance Blood gets nominated for July. Though I suspect the next Build game might be Redneck Rampage related due to the fact we played RR1 last month, or something more obscure like Powerslave. When we get to more Redneck Rampage, I'd maybe suggest lumping Route 66 and Rides Again together for a nice 24 maps. The maps in Rides Again are generally speaking much shorter and less complicated than they are in RR1 with reduced kill counts. I can confirm, because I voluntarily played through that game. I'm voting for NAM though because I've never played it before, and from what I've heard of it, it seems like just the right amount of DOS trash to be a fun playthrough.

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