I know I'm a month late but in the last couple of weeks, I had some free time to get around playing the original 2008 release of WGSpace Episode and now it's time to review it and finally wrap up the February 2023 topic for real this time! Grab the popcorn and enjoy reading!
First, the mod works in DOS Duke3D v1.5 but you need to modify the batch file or create a copy of it with some fixes. Clicking on duke-wgs.bat will just load the original Duke3D Atomic with no changes. At first I didn't see what was wrong with the batch file but then I realized why. The batch file has the following parameters:
duke3d.exe -xWGGAME.CON -gWGS.GRP
The line appears fine at first but upon further investigation, the original DOS Duke3D doesn't accept "-" for loading con files and grp files, for some reason. Using "/" works properly. Therefore, use the following to load the mod:
Then the mod will load and you will get Episode 2 replaced in main menu. It doesn't have any new intro demos or anything but at least the mod works fine.
My guess why it didn't initially work is that the mod was tested only in JFDuke3D and EDuke32. And indeed, trying the batch file in JFDuke3D will load the mod just fine.
Second, the levels were further refined compared to original standalone/user map releases. The Atomic monsters now populate the earlier maps, the balance is better, the secret levels are now reachable from the new paths introduced in third and fourth level respectively, etc.
Third, there is of course, the exclusive boss map Mother Ship, which wasn't released as standalone before the episodic release. Although I recall when I played the Attrition mod back in 2010, the map was included in the package and chosen as the boss map in Random Missions Part Two.
Anyway, I'm going to quickly note some of the changes for each level, as well as a full review of Mother Ship! Screenshots are only posted for the last level!
Astro Core
The first level received a couple changes, such as introducing the Atomic Edition resources (Expander Ammo, Protector Drone and Pig Cop Tank) in some parts of the maps. It also features a couple trip mine traps (at least I don't remember them appearing that often in original version of the map) and balance of the map seems better this time around. I'm guessing there are more health pickups. The four secrets remain the same, so I won't describe them again. This version of the map was much more fun and I didn't have to deal with the weird DOS Duke3D 1.3D glitches either.
Alien Hive
The second level received a few changes. As far as I can tell, it's mostly the same as before, except for the occasional Atomic enemies showing up and the Expander Ammo appearing in some places. There are still no secrets to be found.
Ice Moon
The third level received a couple important changes compared to the original release, before it was further refined in the recent REDUX re-release. Other than the Atomic stuff introduced and better balance, there is now a switch that leads to a hidden room containing two Atomic Healths and the first SECRET EXIT of the episode! There are still no official secrets to be found but here is a hint on how to access the first secret level of the episode:
When you get near the forcefield with the four buttons, you will get to a corridor with various aliens. Inside one of the rooms, if you look up, you will notice a switch. Problem is you need to be very quick or else it closes. The same applies to the nearby switch-operated window, you need to open them quickly and run to get in time before they close. Don't worry if you fail to get in time, you can retry as many times as you want but I recommend saving anyway if you happen to get squished by the door (didn't happen to me thankfully but it's better to be safe than sorry).
Alien X
OK, first of all, I want to take some of my complaints back from the review earlier. The updated version of the map gives you the Chaingun right at the start! But then again, this time I was playing the map continuously and even if the Chaingun wasn't there, I would use the one I got so far.
Unfortunately, the rest of the level still suffers from having annoying enemy placement and lack of armor. I still have no idea how to access the hidden goodies (including the ONLY Armor in this map) underwater near the beginning. The switch corresponding to the tag doesn't seem to be present or maybe I'm just missing something and I haven't figured out. Oh and this time around, there is no optional Overlord boss battle, for obvious reasons.
I'm just guessing the map was further balanced/refined in WG Mega Pack but as it stands, the map was still a miserable experience to me, with many annoying deaths and running low on health at times that necessitated save-scumming to be able to beat the level.
Just like with Alien X, this is another notorious level where you will be struggling with your health at times (e.g. 30 health and no medkit remaining in inventory). Even starting this map with almost a full arsenal and 200 health, you will still die plenty of times later on from the amount of Mini Battlelords encountered and getting hit almost all the damn time from the aliens' attacks. The lack of armor for several consecutive levels, bites you really hard in the ass! And the pig cops didn't drop any used armor either.
I even managed to get shrunk twice by the Protector Drones near the end of the level and of course this ended up badly. But at least, this also led to a funny result of one of the Mini Battlelords getting shrunk in the process, which is what caused me the two deaths when I saved and rushed to step on the Toy Battlelord. I sometimes try to shrink Mini Battlelords myself but due to the game's autoaim (BTW there is no way to disable it in the original DOS version!), the shot is aimed in the chest and doesn't do anything. It is very difficult to aim at their feet around corners but if done successfully, it saves me precious health. The Protector shrinking the mini boss was just a happy accident, I guess.
But leaving aside the nitpicks, most importantly, there is a new optional quest where you must find THREE new access cards (not counting the ones intended for progression) in order to access the secret exit!
First, you must find and blow up a crack. You will see the three access cards slots. Afterwards, you will need to look for the three hidden cards and come back here. I recommend first clearing the level and when getting to the regular exit, backtrack and start finding the cards.
Second, here is the location of the three extra cards:
Red Card - Shortly after picking up the Shrinker (including ammo for it and expander), you will come across rotating doors. Check the nearby walls to your right and you should find it.
Blue Card - This card is located relatively close to the Red Card. Kill those aliens in the next room and check those green panels. The Blue Card should be hidden over there.
Yellow Card - This card is located behind a wall sitting in lava. It is hard to describe the exact location but it is found just next to some dead bodies and some supplies, shortly before encountering the two Mini Battlelords and the crack with the access switches that is the key (heh) to the secret exit.
Third, use the cards to unlock the doors leading to the secret exit. Just like with the third level, you will be rewarded with TWO Atomic Healths, ensuring you start the next level with 200 health! At least as long as you have 100 health beforehand and didn't consume every medkit in the level.
Forgot to mention, the last room (which contained a few enforcers and commanders if I remember correctly) was removed and replaced with the shuttle that leads to the beginning of fifth level if you choose the normal exit, so continuity-wise it now makes sense.
There are still no secrets to find. Overall, this level was quite painful and just like with Alien X, I think an armor pickup wouldn't have hurt to have been placed somewhere.
As far as I can tell, the second secret level is pretty much the same as before, except with a few differences, such as the removal of about 5 monsters (Commanders and Octabrains) and there is now continuity added to the next level.
The map remains mostly easy, as the most enemies you encounter are Troopers and Enforcers. Sadly, the lack of armor is still present but at least, this doesn't hurt your survival chances, so you shouldn't struggle with your health this time around, as long as you don't get too careless when fighting the aliens.
Oh and the level is now called just "Matrix" instead of "Future Matrix". Whether a mistake or not, I will wait for William to comment here.
Pay Load
Formerly known as WGAlien. From what I can tell, the level plays out almost the same. I died a few times but it's nothing too bad. Difficulty wise, is much easier and shorter than both the fourth and sixth level (you will see soon what this level awaits).
The level still has no secret places and most of the enemy placement remains the same with only a few problematic parts that may give you trouble. This is also the only level in the episode with a shrinking puzzle involved (it was present in the original map as well). That if we don't include the possibility to be shrunk by the protectors in other levels.
Interestingly, I ended up picking up an atomic health by accident (there's 3 or 4 present in the level), so at the end of level when backtracking for supplies, I only came across one atomic health remaining, making it the only level I didn't finish with 200 health but still, 150 should be enough for the next level. On the bright side, in this level I got two armor pickups from pig cops and these will also come handy for the next level.
A somewhat relaxing break from the harder fourth level (Infected) and what will be coming soon!
Mother Ship
I'm happy to inform that the exclusive WGSpace boss level works perfectly fine in Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox. I never had any crashes or glitches happening. I won't offer a full walkthrough since the level is pretty straightforward but I will still focus on some important details. Such as the blue card you get right at beginning, unlocks a nearby window with many goodies inside! This is absolutely essential for pistol starters, while continuous players will want to come back later and restock.
With that said, the level was really damn hard at times. It is quite fitting as it's the finale but still, there were far more Mini Battlelords and Assault Commanders than I expected. You are given plenty of ammo and even health supplies to deal with most of the threats but there will be moments where you will be left with even as little as 1 HP and without any medkit in inventory (as it happened once to me), leading to having to backtrack for any health pickup you can hopefully come across or save scum to win the battle. I had to backtrack at that point for the Medkit from beginning because I only had 1 HP left and I was unable to kill a Mini Battlelord. I couldn't find any other health packs remaining in the areas opened until that point.
There is an Armor pickup right at beginning (thankfully possible to backtrack to collect the goodies) but other than that and whatever pig cops drop for you (wasn't the case this time but at least I appreciate the used armor I got from previous level), there aren't any more armor pickups. I recommend saving the ONLY armor pickup for the last boss area, if you manage to get far enough. You will definitely need it!
When getting to the last area, be sure to grab everything in advance. After killing everyone in the large area and pressing all those switches (there's about 10 of them), when a whole army of monsters is unleashed (including the Overlord boss), there is a wall that will prevent backtracking, on top of a Mini Battlelord spawned to make sure you aren't going to hide from the aliens' attacks.
The army of monsters may pose a problem at first but eventually you will take them down (the Expander ammo is very useful against the army of troopers). The Overlord is easy to take down, as he will not be attacking often, so he won't bother you much. You should concentrate on taking down those alien bastards quickly before you get annihilated! Be sure to have the medkit selected in inventory and use it when you get low on health, as you will inevitably get shot a lot! Then grab whatever ammo/health pickups in the arena.
Afterwards, kill the Overlord and you've finished the episode! Congratulations!
Funnily enough, I happened to kill 250 monsters in total in this level. I was worried I'd exceed the vanilla Duke3d's 255 kill limit but now at least I know I killed exactly 250 monsters. Also this level doesn't contain any secrets, so there is nothing else to add.
There is no new cutscene or ending graphics, it's just the original Lunar Apocalypse cutscene and ending. Makes sense, as unlike WGRealms that was a completely new adventure, WGSpace feels like an alternate take on Lunar Apocalypse, so I won't complain about the lack of a new ending or whatever. Although the episode contains new ambient sounds and a few new songs that play in some of the levels, so it's always nice to have new stuff included to make the episode feel even more professional.
Overall, this map may have been really frustrating at times and getting shot nearly all the damn time, not giving poor Duke a break (at least not until taking down the Overlord). But despite that, this was an exceptionally epic, long and challenging map that will truly test your Duking skills! It may have been easier in a source port with modern controls but still, I appreciated the extra challenge when playing in DOS Duke, even if I did get annoyed at certain parts when I keep dying and seemed like it was taking forever to get past a certain fight.


Final Thoughts
WGSpace Episode is definitely one of the best Duke3D episodes I've ever played. It's a great E2 replacement that will really test your skills at times. I think the monster and item/health ratio is great for the most part. I still stand by my point that the lack of armor hurts the episode's balance, as the armor is an essential item that will greatly help at times, compared to spending most of the episode with no armor and getting shot often, your health gets drained quickly that you will have to consume almost every health pickup in the level, EVEN if you collect the health items carefully to get the most benefit of them (e.g. grabbing the large medkit at 70 or less hp, the atomic health at 150 or less, the portable medkit when not having one in inventory, etc), sometimes you will still feel like there could have been slightly more health placed.
Don't blame my Duking skills, I consider myself very good at Duke3D. For the record, I beat half of the episode without dying (first three levels and the second secret level). I played keyboard only as this is how I like playing the DOS version of Duke3D and for having an additional challenge, so of course it was harder to aim and dodge enemy attacks but my point still stands that it wouldn't have hurt to have at least ONE armor pickup in each level, to reduce the pain that Duke had to suffer and that way I wouldn't complain about certain parts being impossible. At least saving often saved the day.
Thank you William Gee for making these levels! It has been a fun ride. I hope later this year, I can nominate the WG Mega Pack in its entirely, so we get to experience WG Abyss, WG Pandora and what else wasn't played for February. That way WGRealms and WGSpace will also get replayed for those who missed the chance of participating in February but this time I will be sure to play their latest version if I intend to revisit them, so my complains are fair instead of criticizing older versions that were rebalanced over time.
And thus this month has finally been wrapped! I will attach the zip containing the screenshots for various WGMaps, as well as WGRealms and WGSpace Episode. I only included what I could fit within the 20 MB upload limit. Have a nice day!