I played thru most of the game, bumbled thru the Pipedream level and found the cultist chibi the first time. I'm playing thru again but this time the Chibi is just plain gone: Other Chibis are black and whited out and don't do anything but this is just -poof- disappeared.
I checked in the Map maker and the Chibi is there just not when I play the game.
There are 2 things different from last time that I think might be causing this: 1) I finagled with the character loadout to try and get the cultist special gear for this mission such as personal shields and night vision, all I smuggled out was the shovel.I did this the first time as well so I don't think that's the real issue.
2) After playing Forgotten Temple as Meriljn, every single character is doing the side-swish and back-swish thing instead of rolling around. I think that might be what's causing this, so I'm wondering if there is a command to restore defaults to a character to get them rolling around again like normal to see if that resolves the issue.