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Duke Nukem the movie  "Duke Nukem make his way to the big screen"

User is offline   king karl 


i hope they don't give duke a tranny sidekick and put him in therapy for toxic masculinity so he finally comes to understand the aliens weren't invaders but just seeking a better life for the eggs they lay in our women and then duke is torn between not colonizing their faces with his white built bullets and shouting "i support a woman's right to choose" as he rips an alien egg from her stomach

I should be the writer now that i read this back to my self

User is offline   gemeaux333 


Duke would never do that, let alone let anyone put words in his mouth that he would never say in a million years

User is online   Outtagum 


View Postgemeaux333, on 12 July 2022 - 06:30 AM, said:

Duke would never do that, let alone let anyone put words in his mouth that he would never say in a million years

Never underestimate Randy.

User is offline   Mark 


All the movie has to be for me to like it is... Be better than the Halle Berry Catwoman movie.

User is offline   gemeaux333 


View PostOuttagum, on 12 July 2022 - 11:17 AM, said:

Never underestimate Randy.

He isn't writter, and have no influence over that, there have been tens of writters who have made the dialogues of Duke either good or bad over the years
The only person who should have the last word when it comes to Dukes dialogues is Jon St John, after all he know how Duke is Duke

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 13 July 2022 - 06:46 AM


User is offline   Avenger 


Sadly, I have to agree with the general sentiment here. For starters, movies based on video games are 95% of the time awful as is. Secondly with the trend of ruining franchises like Star Wars and James Bond for example for the sake of injecting woke garbage, I have zero faith left in the film industry that they won`t find a way to castrate Duke Nukem as well.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostAvenger, on 17 July 2022 - 09:48 AM, said:

Sadly, I have to agree with the general sentiment here. For starters, movies based on video games are 95% of the time awful as is. Secondly with the trend of ruining franchises like Star Wars and James Bond for example for the sake of injecting woke garbage, I have zero faith left in the film industry that they won`t find a way to castrate Duke Nukem as well.

"Find a way" is an understatement. That's going to be their mission statement.

User is offline   ck3D 


lol @ Duke Eunuchem: The Movie. 'Nobody messes with my meat!', but it's the Babe Land mouse's voice.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 18 July 2022 - 12:16 AM


User is offline   gemeaux333 


If they ever want to bind Duke Nukem to a side-kick, lets be Nancy Wheeler (Natalia Dyer) (if you see my drift)

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 18 July 2022 - 08:05 AM


User is offline   Soap DX 


The film could manage to avoid woke popular topics and not being yet another political charged movie simply by not touching anything in that realm. It really depends who's attached to the project... But lets face it, I'm skeptical as well, this isn't the best time for a Duke Movie, as Ninety-Six has mentioned, and corporations like to go along with the popular views.

I think our best bet these days would be if they can manage to get James Gunn attached to the project, not sure how you all feel about his style, but I feel he'd probably be the better person to do Duke justice.
And yeah, pre-pre production, might not go anywhere again.

Ash vs Evil Dead somehow was able to retain the Ash character to his core. I mean if they want they can pull it off. But you'd probably have other characters commenting on his behaviour, just like in Ash Vs Evil Dead or Demolition Man, a Sandra Bullock character.

If they do have characters commenting on his personality, I'd really love to hear Duke express himself as how everything is different, maybe mentioning how people are snowflakes, etc.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostSoap DX, on 28 July 2022 - 08:07 PM, said:

If they do have characters commenting on his personality, I'd really love to hear Duke express himself as how everything is different, maybe mentioning how people are snowflakes, etc.

Terrible idea.

The last fucking thing Duke Nukem should do is remind us of how terrible our real world actually is. Making a few references to popular media, etc, sure, but... No. None of this.

Of course the whole thing is moot. TPTB currently are very much apologists. We'll get a film that is apologetic in nature, almost certain of it.

A Duke Nukem movie needs to be earnest in its portrayal or it won't work.


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Duke Nukem says trans rights are human rights.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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Transexual Gothic Pig Cop Strippers was once just a Duke4.net meme. Now it will be canonized in the film.

User is offline   MusicallyInspired 

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View PostOpenMaw, on 29 July 2022 - 06:49 AM, said:

Terrible idea.

The last fucking thing Duke Nukem should do is remind us of how terrible our real world actually is. Making a few references to popular media, etc, sure, but... No. None of this.

Agreed. The worst movie adaptations all put the franchise characters in modern day Earth. Every time. Whether it was originally a fantasy, sci-fi, or whatever genre it was. I can't stand it when Hollywood does this.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostMusicallyInspired, on 29 July 2022 - 04:49 PM, said:

Agreed. The worst movie adaptations all put the franchise characters in modern day Earth. Every time. Whether it was originally a fantasy, sci-fi, or whatever genre it was. I can't stand it when Hollywood does this.

This creates a particular conundrum with Duke. There are two styles to the world. You have the futuristic aspects of the first two games, up to calling Los Angeles "Neo L.A.," Time to Kill (which also calls it New L.A.), Zero Hour, and what both Lameduke and early DNF were going to continue following.

Then you have the closer-to-home stylings of the final version of Duke 3D, Advance, Manhattan Project, and the DNF we got. Sure, once in a while some future stuff shows up (mostly Lunar Apocalypse or Morphix's space station), but it's held back a lot more (E2's lunar base isn't anywhere near as extravagant as, say, Proton's lunar fortress), and doesn't at all resemble the kind of thing we saw in the older games or the spinoffs.

Duke's world exists in a state of Schrodinger's future. It is both contemporary and not at the same time.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 29 July 2022 - 11:47 PM


User is offline   gemeaux333 


I rather would use the term of "alternative reality" or "uchronia" where the context, pop cuture and mentalities were the 90s ones but the technology was way more advanced than in the real world, a bit like Wolfesntein The New Order / Old Blood / New Colossus / Youngblood
Its hard to imagine making it a satire of present days world without diving deep into clichees... its not like if in present days world you could display pop culture references being equivalent to these in DN3D at every corners... (does memes count ? because it seems they have completely replaced the pop culture references)

Still there is a thing that elude me : in the 2001 version of DNF there was all these cool flying cars like in the "5th Element", and in the 2011 version it was scrapped for regular cars, mostly wrecks or rusty looking, or exposed sports cars when you were lucky
why such a regression ?

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 30 July 2022 - 10:28 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View Postgemeaux333, on 30 July 2022 - 10:23 AM, said:

Still there is a thing that elude me : in the 2001 version of DNF there was all these cool flying cars like in the "5th Element", and in the 2011 version it was scrapped for regular cars, mostly wrecks or rusty looking, or exposed sports cars when you were lucky
why such a regression ?

Because that's literally what I just talked about. There was nothing game-tech wise to stop Duke 3D from looking more like its predecessors. Just look at Doom, or indeed, Lameduke (which was the early version of Duke 3D, if you'd recall), or even Apogee's own Blake Stone, running on much more primitive techbut still extremely futuristic. The technical aspects of a game don't really hinder a game's ability to look futuristic or not. 3DR actively chose to make DN3D look more contemporary rather than futuristic, which is what led to two fairly different looking results for Duke's world across the franchise.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


The reason for the change in Duke3D is readily apparently when you consider it in context. Doom, Quake, games prior such as ROTT, Wolf3D, Blake Stone, TekWar... They all circled around this notion of a real place. Duke3D filled that niche, and it was novel as a result. "Holy crap i'm in real locations with real stuff."

I think a lot of the futuristic stuff being talked about in DNF 01 is actually fairly downplayed as well. Yeah, we have hover cars... Post the Duke3D Alien invasion... but we also have a lot of contemporary cars, trucks, bikes, etc hanging around. DNF 01 feels very much like a progression of what Duke3D was aesthetically. Things evolved since the last time we were here, but it is still recognizably a real place. All of the vegas stuff, the brothel, it all felt very true to life.

DNF 2011, may have more technical capability, and may have chosen a more "grounded" overall feel (I don't agree with that, but lets go with it) but it feels far more artificial. Big part of that is tone and presentation. DNF 01 feels like a living place. Duke3D feels like a living place. DNF 2011 feels like The Naked Gun.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostOpenMaw, on 30 July 2022 - 12:05 PM, said:

The reason for the change in Duke3D is readily apparently when you consider it in context. Doom, Quake, games prior such as ROTT, Wolf3D, Blake Stone, TekWar... They all circled around this notion of a real place. Duke3D filled that niche, and it was novel as a result. "Holy crap i'm in real locations with real stuff."

I think a lot of the futuristic stuff being talked about in DNF 01 is actually fairly downplayed as well. Yeah, we have hover cars... Post the Duke3D Alien invasion... but we also have a lot of contemporary cars, trucks, bikes, etc hanging around. DNF 01 feels very much like a progression of what Duke3D was aesthetically. Things evolved since the last time we were here, but it is still recognizably a real place. All of the vegas stuff, the brothel, it all felt very true to life.

I have to disagree.

Of course that's why DN3D was made more contemporary; I made that point myself not too long ago. But DNF01 was more a continuation of the aesthetics of DN1 and DN2 than it was 3D. DNF11 was honestly more of a tech-level upgrade in comparison to 3D given the EDF had those weird flying transports that seemed based on alien tech, but that was at least reserved for the military. Meanwhile in DNF01 the flying cars were already consumer-grade when 3D still had wheels.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostNinety-Six, on 30 July 2022 - 03:10 PM, said:

I have to disagree.

Of course that's why DN3D was made more contemporary; I made that point myself not too long ago. But DNF01 was more a continuation of the aesthetics of DN1 and DN2 than it was 3D. DNF11 was honestly more of a tech-level upgrade in comparison to 3D given the EDF had those weird flying transports that seemed based on alien tech, but that was at least reserved for the military. Meanwhile in DNF01 the flying cars were already consumer-grade when 3D still had wheels.

I'm really not seeing the comparison to DN1 and DN2. Both of those games favored energy weapons, for one, where as DNF favors projectile weapons with exotics coming later, just like Duke 3D. Please feel free to cite some examples, though. I'd love to explore this line of thinking with greater detail.

Honestly I think the big question which would help clear that up is how much time was supposed to have passed between Duke Nukem 3D and Duke Nukem Forever 2001. Was it just a couple years, a decade? It's not quite apparent in the game how long ago Duke3D was.


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostOpenMaw, on 31 July 2022 - 12:37 AM, said:

I'm really not seeing the comparison to DN1 and DN2. Both of those games favored energy weapons, for one, where as DNF favors projectile weapons with exotics coming later, just like Duke 3D. Please feel free to cite some examples, though. I'd love to explore this line of thinking with greater detail.

I'm speaking less about the gameplay and more the general aesthetics. Some of the weapon redesigns look higher-tech than previous, Terminators, the aforementioned commercial-grade flying cars...

Sure it still has some modern trappings, but not anywhere near as many as Duke 3D had.

View PostOpenMaw, on 31 July 2022 - 12:37 AM, said:

Honestly I think the big question which would help clear that up is how much time was supposed to have passed between Duke Nukem 3D and Duke Nukem Forever 2001. Was it just a couple years, a decade? It's not quite apparent in the game how long ago Duke3D was.

Let's not go down that road. The Duke Nukem timeline is an absolute clusterfuck and makes both the Wolfenstein and Zelda timelines tip their hat. The first game is set in 1997, DN2 is set a year later, DN3D takes place right after except now we're in the "early 21st century" (and the calendars seem to say 2007 so somehow we skipped 9 years except we couldn't have because Duke was in the process of filming a movie and my brain is already starting to hurt this is why we don't talk about the Duke Nukem timeline)

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


Don't forget there is some passage of time between Shrapnel City and the Birth as well. I think DNF 01 was only supposed to be a couple of years later. You get the feeling Duke isn't taken as seriously anymore, the world has built back, EDF has increased their presence and defenses. He's just about to become passe. DNF 11 feels weird because they play up Duke not having done anything in like ten years but everyone gobbles his cock completely.

As for the futurism, I think Duke3D lacked some of it because they just ran out of time. It appears a lot of Shrapnel City was supposed to be multiplayer levels and at some point they shifted gears into them being singleplayer maps. Because Broussard seems to be heavily inspired by 70s and 80s sci-fi, it feels like he wants Duke's world to be slightly dystopian. The rich have access to new exciting technologies, and the poor live in dilapidated ghettos. There is still a lot of futurism in the game, what with teleporters, freezethrowers, shrink/expander rays, holographic projectors, antigravity tech, giant space stations, atmospherized portions of the moon.

User is offline   jkas789 


View PostNinety-Six, on 31 July 2022 - 02:49 AM, said:

Let's not go down that road. The Duke Nukem timeline is an absolute clusterfuck and makes both the Wolfenstein and Zelda timelines tip their hat.

I'm sorry my good sir, but unless Duke Nukem has more than one game centered around time travel shenanigans and has 3 split timelines then Zelda wins on accounts of it being more retarded.

God damn is Zelda fucking retarded with it's timeline, but the people asking for it are infinitely more retarded tbh.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View Postjkas789, on 31 July 2022 - 10:49 PM, said:

I'm sorry my good sir, but unless Duke Nukem has more than one game centered around time travel shenanigans

Time to Kill, Zero Hour, Land of the Babes, Duke Nukem 1.

I think it beats Zelda by number, actually. I can only think of three where time travel played a significant role outside of a single dungeon or something.

View Postjkas789, on 31 July 2022 - 10:49 PM, said:

and has 3 split timelines then Zelda wins on accounts of it being more retarded.

It's complicated, but there's a logic to it. It's time travel logic but it works. Duke's timeline doesn't, at all, and it doesn't need time travel to be a confusing mess. At least Zelda has clearly defined eras.

Duke? The first game took place in three different years depending on which game you ask.

EDIT: No, actually, four different years, if we count Plug and Pray.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 31 July 2022 - 11:21 PM


User is offline   Avenger 


The Terminator franchise has everything beat in terms of impossible to follow timelines. After the third movie which by no coincidence was also the last half decent one, it fell into an indecipherable mess.

This post has been edited by Avenger: 01 August 2022 - 02:13 PM


User is offline   Jimmy 

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Critical Mass has time travel too. The canceled D-Day/Man of Valor was supposed to have time travel as well.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostJimmy, on 02 August 2022 - 12:25 PM, said:

Critical Mass has time travel too. The canceled D-Day/Man of Valor was supposed to have time travel as well.

Nice catch. I never played CM so I didn't know.

Not at all surprised, though. Duke and time travel have had a long steamy relationship since the beginning.

User is offline   gemeaux333 


I have played Critical Mass lately, I didn't found it so bad, some gameplay phases (sniper mode where ennemies can hit you long range without having snipers themselves, and 3rd person boss battles where the difficulty is the complete opposite of the clankyness level) and the keybinding are rather clanky, the most memorable part to me was the Jar Jar Binks reference...
its in the egypt part, you have to move duke toward a broken airplane propeller (separated from the airplane it belong to) in the background, and then you get the cutscene :
Jar Jar Binks (voice only ) : "Messa can help youssa Duke"
*fire shot*
Duke Nukem : "This should have been done a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away"

A Catharsis for Duke when it comes to sidekicks ?

This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 03 August 2022 - 07:03 AM



I been thinking for a while and, even if the movie isnt great, i hope that it make someone discover duke nukem 3d and fell in love whit it. Who knows, maybe enough people gets introduced in the franchise to revive interest in it.
If it comes out. Because this isnĀ“t the first time the project gets rebooted

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View Post# 1 duke nukem spanish fan, on 03 August 2022 - 07:33 AM, said:

I been thinking for a while and, even if the movie isnt great, i hope that it make someone discover duke nukem 3d and fell in love whit it.

I would love nothing more than for that to be the case, whether the movie is good or not.

It will be almost impossible if they emasculate him, though. Bare minimum, we need something dumb like the first Doom movie. At least that kind of tried to sort of kind of maybe a little bit resemble Doom 3.

It didn't do a very good job, make no mistake there, but it at least didn't insult the game(s) or its fans. Making a Duke movie right now, in the current climate, there is almost no hope he survives the process and comes out the other side still looking like Duke Nukem.

I hate that I have to keep hoping for every attempt at a Duke movie to fail. It pains me to do so, but no one can really be trusted with the IP.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 03 August 2022 - 03:44 PM


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