I really like BuildGDX and I've started playing some co-op games with friends. I really like the engine and it works well.
I wanted to please request a couple of features that would really make our lives easier in co-operative play:
1. The ability to choose the spawn timer for items and let it be really short
2. When you pick up a key, all players get that key
Not sure if you want a toggle on that second option, but I'm pretty sure it will be universally appreciated by anyone who plays this game co-op!
My friend actually bemoaned how Duke works in co-op, where if one person picks up an item you have to wait for it to respawn. He said items should be per-player; so if your friend picks up a jetpack you can pick it up too. But I'm fairly sure this is a radical change in how items work in the Build engine and wouldn't really be feasible. It would be the perfect solution to ammo and item starvation in co-op though!
I thought I should probably share though: I played some Dukematch with some old friends who played it back in the day, on a whole lot of custom maps from like 1997, and they were great. We set a lot of trip mines, somebody called my tripmine game "weak", we had a nude patch installed and we marveled at the tits in some levels, people got shrunk and stomped on, I closed up a room and piled up pipe bombs at the entrance and waited for my friend to come in there and blew his ass up.
We also played a bunch of co-op on Duke3D episode 3, the first two levels. It was a hell of a lot of fun; though we got out of sync errors for LA Rumble and Flood Zone which was a shame. We had friendly fire on which was hilarious.
I thought you guys might appreciate an account of people playing this again and enjoying it. It was really great but honestly with the two options above it would be just perfect. You might also want to look at why things go out of sync on Flood Zone and LA Rumble co-op.
Cheers, and thanks for BuildGDX!