Posted 02 October 2022 - 05:56 PM
Unfortunately, "taking a crap on things", and just general negativity and vitriol (usually under the guise of "cynicism"), seems to be an incredibly popular form of entertainment online these days. I don't think it's very new - I've always referred to it as "the AVGN syndrome" - but it definitely seems to have hit a new tenor the last several years. I don't know if I can get particularly upset at the guy, this is what his audience wants and if he isn't the one making it for them, then someone else would and we all gotta eat somehow, right? It's just a shame that no one at any point in the transaction stopped to ask themselves, "Is this really what I want to spend my precious few years on earth doing?"
Not that AWOL is without criticism, much less faults or bugs, even the handful of ones that he saw during the first 12 hours or so the game was live before we pushed the first patch. Which I do appreciate he says right up front. That said, there's a certain amount of Build weirdness often just called "jank" that people familiar with the engine and its quirks just accept that average audiences don't, and I'm not sure I blame them for it either. For example, right at the start of the 2nd map he clips through the sprite ceiling where the M4 is. This is definitely Build being weird in a way we all have seen a thousand times, but 99.9% of people playing the game won't understand that.
I guess my point is that, all of these factors combined, I can say on behalf of the rest of the team, we don't take it personally or let it bother us. I mean the guy clearly had fun if he played it for 4 hours straight. It's a shame he fought it every step of the way, and it's disappointing he played it immediately after release before most of the glaring bugs he ran into were fixed, but it is what it is.
(Also for the record, I have never seen his content before and only knew of his name in passing but didn't watch his stuff.)