Blast Radius WIP/discussion thread "while it's brewing"
#271 Posted 12 January 2022 - 09:10 AM
I'm a bit iffy about the autoscroller aspect. I've said it before but I always wanted to make this whole episode as interesting for speedrunning as for casual play, when the direction this level in particular is taking is fixed time (at least for a bit) but the challenge to get 100% kills (some enemies your ship will just zoom by if you're not reactive and quick enough). Maybe that's actually peak troll for 100% speedruns though, since it comes right at the end.
So yeah, I'm experimenting with this one - always knew I wanted those settings and aesthetics but the ship ride idea is pretty new, so ideas of scenarii are bubbling in real time right now. If someone ever contributes with one that I like and end up using, I'll obviously credit them. Parallaxed sky logic allows for a lot of quirky stuff, I'm still kind of learning my way around it as we speak, but there's a plethora of what otherwise would be odd-looking stuff that's implementable here, for instance I want to experiment with enemy ships that come up and down. Big restriction is to never break the track sector but with stretchable walls to be moved out of the way (which is another thing I want to try pulling off, perhaps to force the player to shoot at switches).
This post has been edited by ck3D: 12 January 2022 - 09:14 AM
#272 Posted 13 January 2022 - 01:19 AM
I do have a surface-level ask, though. Do you think you could use Sector X for this level? That was always a personal favorite of mine, as it was quite dark and somber as you flew through the wreckage. Kind of fits the idea of flying through earth wreckage that had been blasted into space. That is, of course, assuming Nintendo doesn't throw a bitchfit.
#273 Posted 13 January 2022 - 03:53 AM
I'm not sure about using soundtrack from a different (and especially Nintendo, yeah) game, I prefer it when references are a tiny bit more subtle or at least indirect (saying that, but 'map 1' actually has one big ass niche Nintendo reference somewhere). But going for a Sector X vibe in general, for sure, and again it's funny how that already kind of was the plan. I'll look into finding similar music that comes close to the vibes and see how well that works alright!
Listening to that level theme for the first time independently from the game and its sound effects right now and holy shit you're right, it's pretty cool and unique. Challenge accepted to try and achieve something like that, it's not going to be easy but I'm keen on that groove.
Oh and for visualization, that's simple, for now at least the entire level is one big two-way (well, practically one-way) train ride from point A to point B where you're locked inside your cockpit and stuff happens on the way. Doesn't sound exciting at all which is part of why I want to see if I can make it that.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 13 January 2022 - 05:07 AM
#274 Posted 13 January 2022 - 09:57 PM
#275 Posted 15 January 2022 - 09:36 PM
Placeholder sprite though, I want some new Pigcop variations in general and even this one here is more of a joke than anything. Still fine-tuning whatever there is of gameplay as I go and getting satisfying results there, but that's most likely going to need some of the new enemies to work at its best.
But I'm almost done with this 'level', 1400 sectors/14000 walls, about to start designing the last sequence which I think will be the most welcome variation and change of pace from the ship ride, I think I've found the song too. After that it's boss map and secret map time, all the while getting the new enemy art done would align perfectly for finalization and testing sometime over this or the next semester. Anyway, level design should be a pretty casual ride from this point on.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 15 January 2022 - 09:55 PM
#277 Posted 15 January 2022 - 10:14 PM
I also have yet to try converting this huge scrapped A.W.O.L. map into a Duke map and see if that plays well enough to fit as one more secret map in there.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 15 January 2022 - 10:15 PM
#278 Posted 16 January 2022 - 09:31 AM
ck3D, on 15 January 2022 - 10:14 PM, said:
Holy crap. I didn't realize it had been that long already. Feels like only a few months ago you started showing this off in the What Are You Working on thread.
#279 Posted 17 January 2022 - 06:29 PM
Map basically needs some ambient sounds and an extra door or two but I'm ready to tackle one of, if not both the last two maps I'm certain I still want - so boss and secret.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 17 January 2022 - 07:00 PM
#280 Posted 19 January 2022 - 03:25 PM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 19 January 2022 - 03:26 PM
#281 Posted 20 January 2022 - 09:34 PM
#282 Posted 24 January 2022 - 02:23 PM

#283 Posted 24 January 2022 - 02:57 PM
Thanks for the regular comments, by the way, I'm really looking forward to you experiencing this. And yeah progress has resumed for good it seems, I'm 500 sectors into the boss map right now and having a blast designing it (no wack pun intended). Only worry is I'm also struggling to keep up with tons of work and responsibilities on the side to the point where mapping or even posting right now almost feels unreasonable but hey, one's gotta relax sometimes. Can't wait to finalize everything and start working with Jay on the art to really wrap things up, that's more and more imminently the next step now besides the secret map(s). Cheers!
This post has been edited by ck3D: 24 January 2022 - 03:05 PM
#285 Posted 27 January 2022 - 03:44 AM
#286 Posted 27 January 2022 - 04:50 AM
tl;dr I see a texture 0 wall and I want it painted black.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 27 January 2022 - 04:52 AM
#287 Posted 29 January 2022 - 06:06 PM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 29 January 2022 - 06:12 PM
#288 Posted 30 January 2022 - 07:57 AM
The 3rd screenshot is my favourite from these, whole architecture looks wonderful on all, but here the platforming "stairs" really look awesome, and that little globe is a cool idea, love it!
#289 Posted 30 January 2022 - 11:19 PM
Some more progress on map 12/boss, it's getting pretty big now, also in terms of things to do (the mini Queens are leftovers from a testing session, please don't take them for granted). I also sunk a first twenty minutes into porting my scrapped A.W.O.L. map to Duke - textures have been converted in bulk so everything is still misaligned and off (screens 4 & 5) but that may be going somewhere too.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 30 January 2022 - 11:21 PM
#290 Posted 31 January 2022 - 08:32 AM
Ninety-Six, on 16 January 2022 - 09:31 AM, said:
Same here, what universe is this, again?
#291 Posted 01 February 2022 - 12:37 AM
I keep considering being a bit quieter with screenshots but then the map just keeps growing extra dimensions each day, it's a particularly exciting theme to work with. Red cliffs to be turned into actual red cliffs instead of flat walls soon, I'm thinking of enclosing this portion of the map already, off the top of my head I'm at about 10000 walls so a bit over halfway done.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 01 February 2022 - 12:39 AM
#292 Posted 01 February 2022 - 10:24 PM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 01 February 2022 - 10:40 PM
#293 Posted 05 February 2022 - 03:14 AM

#294 Posted 05 February 2022 - 09:08 AM
Dynamo128, on 05 February 2022 - 03:14 AM, said:

Yes, a lot of those textures are animated, there's a lot you can do with stretching the base animated textures all the way down or to the side and then playing with repeat values (to show different patterns every time) and/or palettes. That's something people have been doing for a long time, stretched textures looking good are the exception vs. the norm though but here I'm trying to explore the idea a bit and find the best possible happy medium between moody aesthetics and tolerable practice. Again theme is a nice little opportunity to go a bit wilder, my only restraint is not breaking away from the style in the other maps that I have established.
Map has been growing again since that last post, I'm playing around with coming up with a sector/wall boss section à la Zaxtor out of all things, trying to see if I can make a convincing one that doesn't feel too static. If I can get that sequence to work then it'll stay, so far so good though! I have something like 5000 walls left, hope I won't run out (been a little while since I last had that worry, ha). Once I'm done with that then I'm getting ahead on the secret maps, hopefully as Jay's schedule frees up to help work on the new enemy art as well, but all should sync up. Thanks again for the continued interest!
Oh and those turrets don't shoot... yet. I do need to come up with a way to make them more distinguishable from the red turrets I've coded in as an actual enemy in the meantime though.
This post has been edited by ck3D: 05 February 2022 - 09:10 AM
#295 Posted 05 February 2022 - 09:19 PM
ck3D, on 05 February 2022 - 09:08 AM, said:
A handful of hours later, I can confirm the sector boss thing is staying (miniboss, not final). Was half a joke at first, then one idea led to another and now I think it's one of my favorite sequences I've ever built, hopefully people will dig it!
This post has been edited by ck3D: 05 February 2022 - 09:20 PM
#296 Posted 07 February 2022 - 08:33 AM
Only thing I'm not sure about is the city background. I don't know the full context, but I saw chunks of city being blasted into orbit in the previous map. So having an intact city skybox in the last map seems a bit off to me.
Perhaps you should just go with a black void haha. But again, I don't know the complete context and I'm sure you have your reasons for choosing this particular skybox.

#297 Posted 07 February 2022 - 12:00 PM
Merlijn, on 07 February 2022 - 08:33 AM, said:
Only thing I'm not sure about is the city background. I don't know the full context, but I saw chunks of city being blasted into orbit in the previous map. So having an intact city skybox in the last map seems a bit off to me.
Perhaps you should just go with a black void haha. But again, I don't know the complete context and I'm sure you have your reasons for choosing this particular skybox.

I'm actually so very glad you posted exactly this - means part of my plan is working. Very astute catch!
#298 Posted 07 February 2022 - 09:17 PM
#299 Posted 09 February 2022 - 07:47 AM
I'm too lazy to read all the stuff, but this is promising. Are you inspired by Billy Boy? I've played your recent released map as well and it really felt special/on it's own..and I enjoyed it!
#300 Posted 09 February 2022 - 09:34 AM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 09 February 2022 - 09:35 AM