Also shaded the outer walls of the arena (was about time), so here's a better close-up on the tower with some sharp shadow play:

Thanks for the kind words above, too! The Watchtower yeah, even if the maps are on the large side I think having big recognizable structures and focal points like that helps convey a sense of location, in addition to other positives. Merlijn, the arena takes up so many sprites I have yet to put them all in, screenshots don't really show it but I keep fine-tuning details about the place as I go and that comprises filling in a few balconies at a time, honestly it's quite the chore but should be worth it. And Aleks yes, that's the tile. I'm glad the flag sprites look like what I intended them to because I wasn't too certain about them, but I guess that's as good as a parasol as Duke 3D gets. Full visibility will look funny indeed, can't wait to give it a try once I'm all done.
Right now I'm at 1574 sectors, 12167 walls (sigh) and a meager 2016 sprites. Whole city is pretty much enclosed now and just in need of some minor detailing here and there. Once that's done I will tackle a different layer of the map. One thing to be noted is this one is definitely going to be purely city-themed after all. Originally I had more ambitious plans and you were only supposed to start in the city but the damn thing grew, not just too big but also on me, and in the end it kind of spontaneously turned into something else. I guess the essential is there though and I have ways to repurpose to leftover ideas.