[UPDATE: Oct 14 2022] Web page link for reading a bit about the project: https://reflectionhle.com/
[UPDATE: Dec 31 2021] The project is titled ReflectionHLE as of writing this. Ignoring the URL, the rest of this post currently remains unedited by me.
Hi all,
Let me introduce you to the following source ports inspired by Chocolate Doom, now also covering Wolfenstein 3D: https://github.com/R...ionHLE/releases
This is a 6 years anniversary release. On September 26 2014, I released a new port of Keen Dreams, initially titled "Chocolate Keen Dreams".
Although Keen Dreams was released earlier in the same month, I actually started some work on it even earlier, after the Catacombs were open-sourced (in June 2014). Reason is that I already knew that a lot of the code was common.
Following Keen Dreams, I added Catacomb Abyss, then Catacomb 3-D, and finally the rest of the Catacomb Adventure Series.
Recently, I've been working on the source ports again. With the assistance of the gamesrc-ver-recreation/wolf3d tree, the last release introduces support for Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny (excluding the mission packs) and Super 3-D Noah's Ark (DOS version).
For Wolfenstein 3D, this currently covers Apogee shareware versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 (the one with cheats), as well as 6-episodes Activision v1.4.
For Spear of Destiny, this covers FormGen demo v1.0 and Activision v1.4.
For Super 3-D Noah's Ark, this covers the one Wisdom Tree DOS version that I'm aware of.
There are still some problems. In particular:
- You can't save games or load saved games in Wolf3D and the games based on it.
- These games have no support for the "modern" game controller scheme. I think that the other games should still have it, though.
- For technical reasons, you can't load the Spear of Destiny mission packs.
- More generally, you can't load TCs made to work with original EXEs from the 90s (as released by id and/or related publishers). I still haven't decided how to approach this.
- In order to detect game data, you also need the original DOS exe (albeit the 2015 edition of Keen Dreams is an exception).
- For Super 3-D Noah's Ark, this exe currently has to be named noah3dos.exe, as this is the way it arrives from Steam right now. Currently, there's no good way to support auto-detection of data with alternative file names.
- The rate of palette updates in Wolfenstein 3D is at least somewhat imprecise.
- VSync is disabled by default for now. There are other potential problems with timing in Wolfenstein 3D, which might partially be related to instances in which the game tries to render more often than the host display's refresh rate.
- Stereo panning remains unimplemented.
- For the Wolfenstein 3D based games, if you try to use a wall right after pushing it, the behaviors are essentially undefined.