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GDX vs NBLOOD who wins

User is offline   gordon81 


I have a question about this ports.

Sice two years ago, bloodgdx is my favourite way to play Blood, PC powerslave version and Redneck.

In my opinion GDX supports most used mods but the accuracy stills lastred by java engine but still great and perfect way to play Blood.

My question is... ¿what is the difference between this two ports?, who have most accuracy.

User is online   Phredreeke 


Both are gameplay accurate

BloodGDX is easier to use with addons, has custom difficulty setting and supports joystick.
NBlood has palette emulation In Polymost, and is faster in classic.

It's more a question of preference.

User is offline   NightFright 

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Since Blood has some really amazing mods that rival or even surpass the original episodes, my personal preference remains BloodGDX. Loading mods can hardly get any easier there.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 24 June 2020 - 05:11 AM


User is offline   Tekedon 


GDX due to userfriendliness :)

User is offline   Kerr Avon 


I use BloodGDX, and it's fantastic! I've not used NBlood, so I can't compare it to BloodGX, but that's not a put down of NBlood at all (and from what I've read, NBlood is really good), it's just that when something works, I tend to stick with it, and BloodGDX does everything I've asked of it so far.

 NightFright, on 24 June 2020 - 05:08 AM, said:

Since Blood has some really amazing mods that rival or even surpass the original episodes, my personal preference remains BloodGDX. Loading mods can hardly get any easier there.

I've not yet gotten around to playing any Blood mods. Which are the best ones, please?

User is online   Phredreeke 


(copied from another thread where the same question was asked)

Death Wish
Bloody Pulp Fiction
Bloodlines (unfinished but the maps in the beta are great)
French Meat
The Way of Ira

User is offline   Kerr Avon 


 Phredreeke, on 26 June 2020 - 12:28 PM, said:

(copied from another thread where the same question was asked)

Death Wish
Bloody Pulp Fiction
Bloodlines (unfinished but the maps in the beta are great)
French Meat
The Way of Ira

Thanks mate. Do I have to use special BloodGDX versions or these mods (I'm sure I read that that was the case, at least in BloodGDX's early days), or just a normal version of each mod?

User is online   Phredreeke 


BPF and Bloodlines precede BloodGDX but there are versions repacked for GDX on moddb.

For Death Wish, French Meat and the Way of Ira the latest versions should work with it.

User is offline   Kerr Avon 


Great, thanks!

User is offline   gordon81 


Nblood supports reshade crt, fake hdr, bloom and halation. Original palette. Don´t need hd textures or hd sprites, better performace.

GDX: Java and mods.

technical ko

nblood wins.

User is offline   Tekedon 


My personal opinion is stuff like "HDR, bloom, halation" are redundant in an old game like Blood. I think he should focus on getting it more userfriendly now, it's the main fault for me right now.

User is online   Phredreeke 


Yeah, I don't think injectable shaders are a point in NBlood's favour...

User is offline   gordon81 


 Tekedon, on 30 June 2020 - 07:46 AM, said:

My personal opinion is stuff like "HDR, bloom, halation" are redundant in an old game like Blood. I think he should focus on getting it more userfriendly now, it's the main fault for me right now.

CRT shader needs halation for get more old style graphics.

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User is online   Phredreeke 


Blood isn't a SNES game though

User is offline   gordon81 


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User is online   Phredreeke 


Reminds me of people on Discord posting photos of their screen because they didn't figure out how to take screenshots

User is offline   gibfrag 

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I prefer NBlood. It's very similar to EDuke32, and I am just not too interested in GDX, which uses the leaked Blood prototype code without permission. Just seemed like the easy way out to me, and for this I feel NBlood is more polished and a lot more like what a source port would've been had the actual source been released. Both are still fairly new though, and regardless of which you prefer, they're far from being 100% just as most Duke ports weren't where they are now when they were first released.

This post has been edited by gerolf: 01 July 2020 - 07:16 AM


User is online   Phredreeke 


 gerolf, on 01 July 2020 - 07:15 AM, said:

they're far from being 100% just as most Duke ports weren't where they are now when they were first released.

If you're gonna make such statements I'd expect something to back it up.

User is offline   gibfrag 

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 Phredreeke, on 01 July 2020 - 07:21 AM, said:

If you're gonna make such statements I'd expect something to back it up.

So I assume you don't realize that EDuke32 isn't the same version it was when it was first released? Source ports evolve over time to add more features, compatibility, etc.

If NBlood or BloodGDX are like any other source port, they will be updated and improved over time as well, therefore my opinion could change over time on which port I prefer, but currently I prefer NBlood.

This post has been edited by gerolf: 01 July 2020 - 08:12 AM


User is online   Phredreeke 


I think I may have misunderstood your post - I took it as you saying the ports are inaccurate to the DOS version.

User is offline   gordon81 


GDX is a great port, but java and the inaccurate palette compared with nblood is the problem.

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This post has been edited by gordon81: 01 July 2020 - 10:22 AM


User is offline   Dzierzan 


It really depends on what you need. When it comes to Blood, GDX certainly offers actually more than NBlood. For me, the only reason I switch to NBlood from time to time is because of the palette emulation.


It's very similar to EDuke32, and I am just not too interested in GDX, which uses the leaked Blood prototype code without permission

Because it is built on EDuke32 and GDX did indeed use Blood Alpha code, but I feel like people are misinterpretating that way too much since most of the code is reverse engineered just like NBlood is. Heck, both can play demos without desync so for me, both on a par.

User is offline   gordon81 


The main reason to use Nblood right now is the emulation of the color palette.

In addition to accepting CRT filter and not running under java. Nblood offers better performance for this very reason.

Now, it is always a pleasure to have variety and to be able to change according to needs:

Nblood to play the original game with its expansions, palette emulation and CRT filter.

For mods, it is much better to use GDX.

But I insist that the main problem with GDX is that it is not capable of emulating the color palette at full capacity and Blood is a game that precisely needs to use the original color palette to maintain the original feel and setting. With the original color palette, no high definition texture is required as the game itself is of sufficient quality to feel a definitive Blood experience.

When GDX is able to integrate a miserable CRT filter and a color palette emulation that works well and goes full throttle, I'll just switch to GDX.

At the moment, I repeat, for mods to use GDX, for everything else that requires the original Blood experience, use Nblood.

User is offline   Strogglet 


Is there any way to disable the Palette Emulation in NBlood?

I prefer NBlood over BloodGDX only because it has much better mouse movement and VSync functionality. (Which I am a bit surprised, but since BloodGDX is based on Java, I shouldn't be)

User is offline   Lunick 


 Strogglet, on 19 August 2020 - 01:12 AM, said:

Is there any way to disable the Palette Emulation in NBlood?

Why do you want to make the game look worse?

User is online   Phredreeke 


My guess is he's using my upscale pack and want consistency.

Anyway, the CVAR is r_usetileshades

User is offline   Strogglet 


 Phredreeke, on 19 August 2020 - 02:47 AM, said:

the CVAR is r_usetileshades

That's the stuff, thanks a lot.
The author of NBlood should add this as an option in the menu for those that want it.

User is offline   markanini 


 Kerr Avon, on 26 June 2020 - 12:00 PM, said:

I've not yet gotten around to playing any Blood mods. Which are the best ones, please?

Death Wish
Fleshed Out episode 2
Everything by Tekedon and SpillSoneBlood

User is offline   VGA 


For anyone stumbling on this thread, GDX got palette emulation with a 26th July 2020 update.

User is online   Phredreeke 


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