AMC TC Episode Three released "Grab it here!"
#391 Posted 23 April 2019 - 06:31 AM
#392 Posted 23 April 2019 - 06:49 AM
Flanker15, on 23 April 2019 - 06:31 AM, said:
I checked the map folder (that's how I found Charon) and there aren't any other hidden mission. There are other characters (Jane, Mercenary and Marteen Von Oostrum) but you can only play them by playing usermaps from the Usermap menu and even though you can assign stuff to them, it's not always going to work.
#393 Posted 23 April 2019 - 10:49 PM
_Go ... I mean, Guerillas in the Mist : Ah a Geoffrey level, how impatient I was ! Right away the only complain that I have is the mist effect which is kinda square looking in the starting area. Anyway it looks cool though. I like forest/jungle levels since we don't see them often. And it's a change from the luxurious, hard to navigate forest I am used to with Zaxtor's Oblivion and Trequonia. I like the skybox with the rock in the distance though it's the only thing we can see, would be nice to have a bit more detail in the surroundings. Right away I like the music too, it's another one of my 5 utmost favorites. It's fitting, well paced, has a good bit. The loop's a tiny bit too short though IMO.
Anyway walking along the delta on the edge of the map and I'm liking what I see. The misty, swampy atmosphere is well rendered. I also like the floating logs, nice touch. First go ... I mean Guerilla camp. I'm left to wonder how this computer can work just lying out in the open like that. In the tunnels we get to fight our first Gorilla Soldiers. They're a bit like the Mercenaries except that they're easier to hit and a bit easier to tackle but a bit more dangerous in close range like that. I like the sound of their guns though, it matches their size. The Incendiary Shells we're given at the beginning come in handy there, especially since I tend to overuse Geoffrey's default MDF Shotgun in this level. I like the joke on James's name, nice to see Geoffrey replying and all. I know it's just stuff salvaged from Multi-Player intended records but the fact Geoffrey gets to talk like that just contents me.
Second Gorilla camp, which deserves the name. Incendiary Shells working even better. I like the look of this area, and the surroundings as well. The tunnels look cool as well as the storage and "barracks" inside it. FN FAL ? Not really, my Chaingun's already enough. Tesla Charges however I aprove, completes my 75s nicely since the MDF Shotgun works well in this level. And now we get THE mechanic of the level. The Firewall Removal Chip. It's a nice concept. However on my first playthrough I kept forgetting to retrieve the chip after use it was irritating but I don't mind it because I like this level too much. First computer on the way back gives us some clues on what is actually' happening here. I was willing to bet that the red ground would kill me but no. I still instinctively jump above it for some reason. "What is the deal with these guys ?" Indeed man, indeed !. Second computer allows us to open the large door (I hadn't seen actually) which allows us to properly get to use the Hover Craft (I still instinctively guessed it was the point of it all thanks to the camera sight). Going down the tunnel. Fighting Drones with the boat isn't quite easy but somehow their glitching out in the water renders them harmless, and they even sometimes destroy themselves. And the Homing Missiles' splash dammage work fine. Fancy looking area BTW. Now into that, also fancy looking, long red corridor. Occasion to make this baby pull out all the geary stuff BTW ! I love traversing the whole tunnel at full speed WOOSH !
Arriving at the factory and we get to shoot a lot. This is actually the biggest fight ever with the Hover Craft. Laser works well on the Gorillas and Homing Missiles work well against Drones even when not glitching in the water. Docking and I like the looks of this area too. I kinda wonder why there's such a big door though, probably to move the Hover Craft that's inside. The Incendiary Shells work mighty fine here too to clear out the place. Shock Rifle as well with the metalic ground. So this big factory looking place looks cool. Very spacious, with their own "divisions" of sort. Nice touch of the elevated Hover Craft for repairs. Nice touch with the workshop near it. Blowing up the wall doesn't bring much. I'll get this out of the way, most of the walls we can blow up just open up on various sections of the tunnel and act as "short cuts" so to speak. May not bring much but having destructible terrain is still more credible and realistic, good for immersion. Cool looking desk area, all the more cool looking with the windows opening on the outside. Occasion to take the first half of the Stone Tablet which is at the center of the mystery. And some superfluous Tesla Charge and a Zilla Railgun which is superfluous to Geoffrey since there's his personall one just after the elevator. Cool looking place with the computer, I like the attention to detail that there is a wire going up to where we find the Railgun since now there is a logical reason why there's power in this abandonned place.
And it is only right now that I notice that this is where the "scortched my body" scene took place, attention to details again ! Wonder how I didn't notice it earlier. So now we get all the explanation about what's going on. Though I'm wondering where and how the hell she managed to get the Gorillas to work for her O_o Banannas perhaps ? Anyway going out. I really like the look of the place. The River Boat is kinda intrusive but the factory looks mighty fine. Really gives that feeling of an abandonned factory left to rust in the swamp. I'm wondering what the River Boat is doing here though. Looks cool however. I believe there was something of the same vein in a Redneck Rampage add-on if I'm not mistaken ? Inside the boat looks cool, it's a change from what we've seen. Elements of variety. 3 Gas Masks ? Kinda many if you ask me. It's puzzling as you find nothing here. Coming out and OH GOD MY EYES ! It's so bright ! Very mysterious though. It's a very neat trick you pulled off there guys ! Totally unexpected and I was being puzzled all the way, as it is intended. Especially since you're bombarded with this eerie boat ride poping out of nowhere and a mysterious lady who doesn't want to talk. Nice touch the wheel spinning at the rear though it would benefit from looking a bit more round (a bit hard with this engine and wall limits I guess).
Inside, the nice little violin music kinda gives the place a sorta Bioshock dimension I'd say. In any case, it's a nice and calm ambiance despite being so sudden. Much needed explanations. I'm left wondering how it's possible though ... And what are "Espers" ? And what's the relation with "Opium Dens" ? Anyways, good to see we have a chance to get out. The inside looks even more intimidating than before, and those apparitions blend in nicely. The fight has quite the ambiance here. Could almost be fitting for a survival horror game ! Anyways, going back with the 2 tablet parts and we get to visit the office. Looks cool despite being trashed. And so it's a matter of payment ? As usual I want to say but then Pascual kinda hid some info to us. Anyway back to the tunnel to blow up. Sense of orientation FTW ! Actually I notice that the place is marked on TabMap which is helpfull for more forgetfull people.
I like the look of these caverns, just like the tunnels. Ammo isn't hard to spot since they come out of the mist with blackness for some sprite reason. I also like that neat looking clearing with the small water source, looks neat. That first temple-like structure gives us a small teasing view of the temple but it's hard to see. So now we're gonna reach some mines ? Another element that I like, just like the other levels > Variety ! Those wooden barriers that end tacks look very neat for voxels ! However that room on the side is kinda baren despite the posters ... Secret area, giving the Gas Mask a use. A cool looking altar for gorillas with a potentially helpfull H item and 8th weapon combo. However I have no idea what the heck is the deal with that gorilla altar ... Well Gorilla soldiers after all.
Reaching the temple with a good bunch of Gorilla Soldiers. Fortunately we're well kitted out at this point, even got a back-up armor. Also I never noticed it, until James told me about it, but there's a special Gorilla Soldier with a Minigun and a strong force field. A bit like the Battlelord equivalent of Gorilla Soldiers, especially since he's very resistant even without the force field. At first I thought I was having a glitch with colision detection due to long range from the hole in the wall but now I understand. Now we get a really good view on the temple. The area looks cool with that lava ambiance. However plugging in the Tablet kinda makes the temple look creepy with the techological walls O_o Feels like somebody has been influenced by all those crazy Maïa stories shit out there !. And more jokes about James, it kinda compensates for the loss of John's swearing about James ^^.
Epic music. A boss fight ? A giant lava monster ? A big Maïa Alien ? Oh a hacking session with a SUPER FANCY looking vehicle. It's basically Micky's Hover Tank but in virtual, cybernetic, Tron-like style. Super cool music as well. Not part of my favorites but close, very close. The arena looks really good. I will dare to say this is the best "Cyberspace" section of the WHOLE game ! And it's weird seeing regular tanks with a metalic cannon in all of this. The fight is cool though. It kinda reminds me of the hacking phases in the Sly Racoon games, especially 2 and 3. Good thing we got that super fancy tank because we have no means of defense. When you press a button and the Blue Cyber Tanks step in, you can get some intense fighting, made very enjoyable by the great lateral agility of our vehicle. For this feedback I had my little blast battling the tanks. It's not easy to aim since there's no crosshair and it's kinda hard to navigate when the arena is all littered up with tanks like that but it was still cool, I really liked it. It's a cool way to end a level. The only complain I will have is that there are a bit too many holes in the floor that are almost invisible and there are 2 areas, out of the 4 that serve no purpose. Getting some references in the dialogue and END.
Conclusion : So, I can tell you right away that this level is my #1 favorite of the episode ! It's a Geoffrey level, it boasts a good share of variety in its landscapes and atmosphere, it's got good pacing, good gameplay and originalities on many standpoints. It is also the level in which we can use the Hover Craft to its absolute full potential ! Just like X64-2 (almost) did with the Cycloid Ship. The new Gorilla enemies work well and provide a ballanced challenge. There is a slight shortage on health items but a good ammount of armors and I prefer armors. It's also a very good testing ground for the 20 Incendiary shells we can find. The level also makes a good exploitation of Geoffrey's arsenal. The whole level and its areas feel coherent and traveling with the Hover Craft at full speed never gets old, especially since it's the only time where it's genuinely possible to be at full speed for more than 2 seconds. And that conclusion in cyberspace was really neat, and like I said I've had a little blast for this feedback. And as I said, the music of the level is amongst my favorites with the finishing one close to integrating the list.
You can say I'm biased, but after what I had said about Geoffrey in Ep2, and having nurished hopes when James had said he would get a mission for himself well this level ENTIRELY satisfied my hype and expectations. Besides Geoffrey got some new guns, which I'll deal with in the future, so with this episode and level I'm just severly enthrilled about the attention the character got after what I had said in the past. It's probably the most determining factor in my favoriting this level but I don't care. In short > Very good music, swampy atmosphere handled with mastery, really good pacing, variety in places without loosing coherence, puzzling surprise with the boat, very good use of the Hover Craft, level neither too long nor too short (would have liked a tiny bit more length ^^) super cyber-epic conclusion. THANK YOU for all the attention brought to Geoffrey's character in this episode !
#394 Posted 24 April 2019 - 12:19 AM
(Btw, "esper" is a semi-common word for people with any sort of strong psychic ability. Comes from ESP, meaning "extrasensory perception".)
This post has been edited by Solais: 24 April 2019 - 12:20 AM
#395 Posted 24 April 2019 - 01:12 AM
#396 Posted 24 April 2019 - 05:05 AM
This post has been edited by Solais: 24 April 2019 - 05:06 AM
#397 Posted 24 April 2019 - 05:22 AM
This post has been edited by Jblade: 24 April 2019 - 05:22 AM
#398 Posted 24 April 2019 - 05:47 AM
Jblade, on 24 April 2019 - 05:22 AM, said:
We can take the secret level of Episode 2 as a demonstration. At one point there's one HUGE arena with tons of melee only enemies and they're only a threat if you get close or trigger their berserk state in which case they mad dash after you. (Yet standing on the teleporting platform keeps you safe all the way) However they make a good distraction for the Demons and Shades who will shoot fireballs at you while you don't watch.
For Egypt, they may not be hitscans but they can generate some bullet hell à la Tyrian 2000 or Stargunner which is no less challenging, especially in corridors (those freaking Cobras) ...
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 24 April 2019 - 05:48 AM
#399 Posted 24 April 2019 - 07:37 AM
Jblade, on 24 April 2019 - 05:22 AM, said:
Yeah having hit scanners there would be even worse!
Build engine never really excelled in huge area encounters and doom engine ones only did it with hordes.
Just thinking about it the only huge area fps designs that worked other than serious sam hordes were things like large tanky enemies (such as tanks! that work well in the C&C level) there's some Powerslave large enemy sprites that fit the egyption theme already available.
Also combinations of flying enemies with ground enemies and enemies that have a slow, long range arcing attack that you have to dodge as you move through the area until you get close enough to stop them.
A melee enemy that can go underground to avoid attack sort of fits the desert theme too?
#400 Posted 24 April 2019 - 07:39 AM
#401 Posted 24 April 2019 - 08:54 AM
I remember playing this as my very first approach to the TC on EP1. I always liked the zombie theme and the screenshots James posted on the first release caught my attention.
It was a lucky choose, as I got several temporary weapons to equip my very first loadout.
#402 Posted 24 April 2019 - 09:42 AM
Rhaisher, on 24 April 2019 - 08:54 AM, said:
I remember playing this as my very first approach to the TC on EP1. I always liked the zombie theme and the screenshots James posted on the first release caught my attention.
It was a lucky choose, as I got several temporary weapons to equip my very first loadout.
Personally I saw no invasion map in the menu >_>
If you want to be able to do that you shall have to download an old version (Ep2 or Ep1) and copy ALL the inv***.map from there (that's what I did with Ep1 Classic Collections BTW) ^_-
Personally my favorite was PHLEGETHON, for the music
(and the base under attack thing which damages your base when enemies are within the perimetter .... so the AMC Base attack isn't new !? T_T T_T T_T)
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 24 April 2019 - 09:43 AM
#403 Posted 24 April 2019 - 12:15 PM
Edit: So on Neutrino during my Normal playthrough, and quad drones attack now, huh. And they have been attacking for a while, and yet they were still bugged during the Hong Kong levels... but worked during the Ep2 finale. I wonder if there's some "trigger" during ep2 that makes them bug out.
This post has been edited by Solais: 24 April 2019 - 12:18 PM
#404 Posted 24 April 2019 - 12:37 PM
Solais, on 24 April 2019 - 12:15 PM, said:
Edit: So on Neutrino during my Normal playthrough, and quad drones attack now, huh. And they have been attacking for a while, and yet they were still bugged during the Hong Kong levels... but worked during the Ep2 finale. I wonder if there's some "trigger" during ep2 that makes them bug out.
Yeah, EP1 didn't have a Mission Comand per se. You went to briefing room and the set of missions were launched. In fact, you only returned to the base after the Abyss, after that it was non-stop until the end of episode. You had to choose wisely your loadout in advance. Its cooler and better now.
The Classic Collection placed the action inside the Mission Command and Loadout chambers of AMC base and you could choose between 4 maps each time until you completed 4 maps in a row, IIRC. (I think there is still an old link to EP1 in MSDN if you'd like to check how things have changed)
Some of those were removed for EP2 and others have been recovered for EP3. IMO, EP2 added the best set of classical maps for the TC: The Oostrum brothers maps are amazing.
#405 Posted 24 April 2019 - 07:32 PM
Solais, on 24 April 2019 - 07:39 AM, said:
I can think of maybe one time in the history of gaming when this worked!
Either they get swatted before they can do anything or they're really annoying things you can't aim at because they're too close.
Ones that have a charging/swooping attack so they don't stay close but also can close the distance to the player quick enough to be a threat are the ones I can remember being fun to fight.
#406 Posted 24 April 2019 - 08:16 PM
Rhaisher, on 24 April 2019 - 12:37 PM, said:
pretty big difference between then and now
This post has been edited by Forge: 24 April 2019 - 09:00 PM
#407 Posted 24 April 2019 - 10:01 PM
BTW, my feedback for Pipedream will be very minimalistic because the level lags way too hard for me, it was an ordeal and it ruined everything
For Neutrino and Spookycut, we also already told about them in the past, so I will only talk about what's new (yet there is an amount of stuff to say). I was willing to remake a full feedback but, like I said, Pipedream lagging too hard ruined everything T_T
_Chaos Sphere : So the introduction looks cool. I especially like the looks of the first place. Kinda lacks in explanation as to why is it happening though. And our character is oddly cool while standing next to a fierce fire-fight ? Fancy teleportation effect, like I said in the past it looks like you fell in love for it since it's the 4th time now. Inside the sphere. It looks impressive actually. A bit too "crushed" to be a real Sphere but still (it's more oval). And the thing that is quite cool with that skybox is that big beam at the center. Instinctively you know this is the objective, even though you never really reach it per say. Also we get another occasion to fight Paradigm cultists with any character which is cool. It allows to make more use of their specific speeches for every character.
It's nice seeing various bits of land floating in the distance. I'm not too sure what the one we start on represents ... An Arsia Mons station maybe ? Anyway, progression is fairly simple, and we got covers for fighting. Except when enemies start shooting while platformong but distance at least. I believe this is the first time that picking up a rocket launcher opens up an access ... Second bit of land. Good thing we can use the stairs as cover because there's those Elder Paradigm again. I like the place, between the vegetation and the big gate. So right now you easily understand what you have to do > Explore the other 2 bits of land in order to unlock the gate. Personally I took the Castle bit first for later reasons but IMO it's better to go to the Egypt bit first.
Egypt bit so. It's basically like that area in The Sactuary with the pool and the pillars so it plays the same, except we use stairs now rendering it a bit easier. Still looks cool though a bit less than the mentioned level. And finding the 7th gun can be very helpfull depending on your character. Ambushed by 2 Sirens is okay. 2 Skorpion Ladies for the Sphere ? Good thing that there is distance again because you know how I find them formidable. Good thing we have the 5th weapon at that time though Sang's Hellfire Staff and James's Feat Ranger will be problematic ... But there's the 7th gun in these cases. Still felt nice having one last breath of Egypt.
Castle area now. Since Far Mountain Reach was one of my favorite levels in Ep2 then this place will obviously be my favorite part of the level. The interior looks a bit bigger than in Ep2, and a bit more empty too but it's ruins after all. Also fighting those Armored Ogres can be tough depending on your character, the Flechette Shells found at the beginning are handy here but 1_ Not necessarily enough and 2_ Not necessarily usable depending on your character. Climbing up in one of the rooms and surprise. I though we would be outside like in Ep2 but we got a brand new section instead. Too bad all of those little alcoves on the sides are empty. But it's all for a new gun so no worries. Now back at the center and climbing. Fighting Shades and Cacodemons, that's kinda harsh but with 200 armor + 100 inside + a Super Armor here it should be okay. Besides the Shotguns and grenades work well in general here (namely against the Shades since they suffer from explosions even when "invisible"). However this fight can easily become an ordeal if you got freaking lags >_< Anyway back to the center and this time it will be a real boss fight.
Before it starts, I would say it would have been nice to have been given the 0th and 8th weapon BEFORE the fight because it's really challenging without those. Especially since there's a freaking Skorpion Lady in the mix ! At least we got good supplies arround the place but only if you have the chance to be able to take it since you're assaulted by Missiles, Rockets, Plasma, Electric bolts and Thrown Axes. However if you're swift enough you can actually get the boss NOT to notice you and it renders the fight MUCH more manageable since the Skorpion Lady doesn't follow you arround and you got some pillars and dunes as good cover. And the dunes also help in hiding and attacking with no/less retaliation. So the boss, it's like a big Spier Master Mind from Doom but with much better looks. It seems to fight just like the big Cyber Demon though. Well still points for diversity. Also when mid-lifed it starts launching freaking Nukes ! Since I always got him to shoot them against the pillars I don't know how devastating it is but it sure looks fearsome. And The boss also feels more resistant than a Cyberdemon, good thing the Health Bar works well in this version because you would sometimes wonder if you're actually dealing any damage. Anyway, it dies just like the Cyberdemon does and we suddenly break out of the sphere. It doesn't explain how it happened and what the heck has been going on but anyway we're free.
Conclusion : Needless to say that the level deserves its name. The odd mixture of totally different enemies and bits of lands/parts of levels give it a chaotic look indeed. Along with the simple yet very good looking skybox. I forgot to talk about the musics. The general music is like the level. Kinda odd and just as oddly fitting somehow. I can't explain why it's just fitting. And the style of it is okay, not my style but the peacefull tone works well. As for the boss's music it's totally different ! A bit generic hard rock but it's also fitting because it contributes to the chaotic aspect. Because, indeed, I find the boss fight to be chaotic because of being assaulted from all sides by everything possible. In overall it's a relatively short level, and a good one. The pacing is good, platforming is easy, fights are decent, the chaotic theme is well used because it's not zealously chaotic (didn't push it too far). In terms of difficulty I personally would have given it Yellow instead of Green, because of the boss fight and the 3 Skorpion Ladies. Good thing we got no shortage of Armor, though a tiny shortage on Health despite the Spere in the Egypt area. If it weren't for the lags it would be very close to entering my big favorite list. My only complain is just the boss fight being a bit too chaotic that's all.
#408 Posted 25 April 2019 - 09:58 AM
TheDragonLiner, on 24 April 2019 - 10:01 PM, said:
Good thing you didn't play the version which had snow effects. Skybox + snow effects ain't pleasant to the framerate.
By the way, there's actually no space in the name "Chaosphere". It's just one word. It's a reference to Meshuggah's album "Chaosphere" (which is in turn based on the Symbol of Chaos) which I got the general idea from before building the map. I also took some inspiration from the final few maps of Heavy Metal F.A.K.K 2 which also feature these weird floating pieces of land.
James also did all of the cutscenes. My initial version did not have those and just started right off the bat.
Just throwing out some fun facts for whoever cares.
![Posted Image](https://www.nuclearblast.de/static/articles/153/153170.jpg/1000x1000.jpg)
#409 Posted 25 April 2019 - 11:27 AM
Noticed a bug with the boss, Phase 1 only: If you crouch here, the boss will start to spin up the minigun, but then instantly stop, and in general, he won't attack until you shoot him enough to trigger phase 2 - https://i.imgur.com/MHylRwv.png
This post has been edited by Solais: 25 April 2019 - 11:27 AM
#410 Posted 25 April 2019 - 02:17 PM
Welp, now what. I kinda wish I could help with Ep4 somehow. While I do have some expertise in level design (though never had to do any work resembling Duke3D's "complex design"), I don't know the editor at all, and from the very small bit I played around with the original build.exe as a kid (which helped me with AutoCAD later, weirdly enough), the whole thing seems really complex compared to current 3D editors. (Not to mention, Mapster refuses to run for me.) Hmm. If nothing else, I can keep spreading the gospel.
(Sorry for double post, it seems I can't edit my previous post after some time elapsed?)
#411 Posted 25 April 2019 - 09:58 PM
_PipeDream : Well I can't say much because 1_ It laggs like hell and don't want to go through the ordeal again. 2_ It gave me Armageddon medals despite playing on Expert and I'm TOTALLY fine with that ! and 3_ I didn't spot anything different that would be worth the mention, and I already treated the level back then. I'll just say that there are some areas that feel more polished, I especially remember that sloped corridor with a few Octabrains that used to be floating in the void of the skybox and which is now walled correctly. It was also nice having Trip Mines that don't look like bricks now. And the final boss of the level being an Ultra Enforcer was a good choice. It's hard indeed ! But I clearly prefer this over the measly Overlord, I will admit I didn't like it when the Battlelord had been replaced by an Overlord in the second version of the map. This new Ultra Enforcer sets up the matter nicely IMO !. BTW, I may sound like I hated this level, NOPE I do like this level, it's just that now it lags so freaking hard (even on 640px) that it TOTALLY ruined my exploring it to the point I don't want to touch it again. Trust me some areas, namely in the late level, were an ordeal to go through. If it weren't for that, maybe I would have considered remaking a full feedback but clearly I can't, sorry
If I may, I want to formulate a personal request >> Could it be possible to provide us with versions of maps that don't have translucid water ? Because translucid water is what causes "Clear the Coast" to progressively slow the hell down (I replaced the file with the non-patched Ep2 one and it works fine now) and I'm suspecting this could be the cause in "PipeDream" as well. In the old version it ran mighty fine despite the skybox and rain (which may cause trouble as well with the new EDuke).
#412 Posted 25 April 2019 - 10:07 PM
Pipedream uses the same dense rain as Oilrig, which is where the framerate problem might lay (it's also a fairly complex and detailed map)
#413 Posted 25 April 2019 - 10:17 PM
Jblade, on 25 April 2019 - 10:07 PM, said:
Pipedream uses the same dense rain as Oilrig, which is where the framerate problem might lay (it's also a fairly complex and detailed map)
Now you're talking, it's true translucid water may not be the main reason since there ain't no translucid water in Oil Rig and yet it lags like hell too >_> I'm guessing the new EDuke has a hard time handling that sort of effects. It felt kinda weird that the new skybox ALONE in Far Mountain Reach would cause the newfound performance issue (not violent fortuantely) ...
Oh BTW, I have been thinking about 2 things if I may. _Firstly I thought of a bunch of suggestions regarding R Items in order to diversify a bit, Can I ? (in the suggestion thread of course)
_Secondly, I've drawn a gun or two in the past for my pictures on DA and I've been wondering if you would be interested. I am considering drawing an A2000 and a Famas F1 and maybe you would be able to use the pics as a base for sprites and all ^^ ?
I can't do sprites and all but maybe it could be of use to you if I did that ?
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 25 April 2019 - 10:19 PM
#414 Posted 25 April 2019 - 10:27 PM
#415 Posted 26 April 2019 - 04:14 AM
Also, I noticed that there is a new (?) music playing when you get out of the basement where you find the first C4. The previous music is played again when you return from inside the staff house next to the kindergarten, however. - I'm afraid the same is true in any house that takes you to Millhaven Interiors.
#416 Posted 26 April 2019 - 10:55 PM
(technically with an S but pun FTW ^^)
_Charon Facility : Now this is totally unexpected (unless you watched the trailer). Total originality here. That jumping from asteroid to asteroid in deep space is just great. And the physics are well made too though technically speaking you should need to counter every movement of yours because of momentum but this would have been kinda hard I guess. Given the nature of the level it wouldn't have been troublesome IMO. So that planet is supposed to be Pluton ? I didn't imagine it like that. I'm curious as to what is that other planet we see in the distance. So depending on your character (all except Snowfall and Micky) this level is kind of a small race against the clock since you have some 250 something Life Support (and yet I'm supposed to have a research upgrade). Good thing there are recharges here and there, fairly easy to spot thanks to a green thing on the one hand and a red beacon on the other. Entering the "facility". I'm really curious as to what the heck this is supposed to be ... Mysteries of Space I guess. Brand new kind of trooper. They actually look like Scuba Divers to me O_o In any case it's nice to see that their bodies and blood are floating arround like that, Coherence ++ Press a switch and it's already done ? After some epic space fight just as if you were a space ship, it's already done ? So basically it's just a trap to kill off lots of humans ... fair enough I guess. And on your first playthrough you can come out with 2 new research projects. One that increases Life Support (though I didn't see much of a difference) and the Shield Recharging one I still don't understand. It's supposed to recharge stuff faster as you move faster but I have a hard time noticing the difference O_o.
Conclusion : Well it's a bit like Oil Rig for Ep2. A short but interesting and enjoyable experience. It's VASTLY different from ANYTHING you can find clearly ! I think I'll include it in my favorite list because, even though I'm not an enthusiast, I reall like space. It's well rendered, and the physics are well made even though lacking some realistic elements. Like being attracted by Pluton, not being able to drift away in space, not having any momentum apart from up and down, being able to walk on an invisible floor ... It's kinda funny hearing our character with a lower pitched voice though. As for the music it's kinda discrete and quiet but it goes very well with the isolated, deep space environement and our slowly floating arround asteroids.
In the end I really like this level but my major complain is the length, it's ATROCIOUSLY SHORT ! I would have really liked more space exploration in that fashion. You barely got the time to enjoy the thing due to the severe shortness. As for difficulty it's okay. You've got 80 shots of powerfull Green Laser Gun (+ potential 20 from loadout + potential character weapon) and a medkit in the facility (+ potential one from loadout), you got a reaonable supply of Oxygen Recharges considering the length of the level and lastly the enemies tend NOT to shoot upward or downward somehow, making it VERY easy to kick their arseteroids ! (easy pun easy). I would like to say more but I just can't. I'll just repeat my complain being it's atrocious shortness T_T
This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 26 April 2019 - 10:56 PM
#417 Posted 26 April 2019 - 11:11 PM
#418 Posted 27 April 2019 - 01:12 AM
Flanker15, on 26 April 2019 - 11:11 PM, said:
So planet Charon actually exists O_o ?
#419 Posted 27 April 2019 - 05:01 AM
This post has been edited by Solais: 27 April 2019 - 05:13 AM
#420 Posted 27 April 2019 - 10:25 PM
(I'm an expert in bad puns)
_Jungle Base Ruins : So since I have "an acquired taste" for Zaxtor's levels it should be okay. At least if I make abstraction of lags ... So first off, good thing we start directly at the door, and with Night Vision (NV) due to the severe blackness. Though even Heat Vision (HV) is sufficient IMO but I'm guessing those who didn't scortched Jungle Base more than once like I did will feel the need of NV instead of HV. For a base, the reactor of which blew up, some areas, like the starting one, look oddly good. Directly about the music, it's a tiny bit too quiet IMO, I like it though, it's quite fitting. So the first secret being mandatory take dammage (unless you got Energy Shield) I don't like. Also we get to fight some Lost Spirits in those dark corridors. On my end I got HV so it's okay but if you have NV then you'll have a hard time spotting them. And if you don't have either the Golen Autorifle, or a temporary weapon such as Plasma Gun or Green Laser Gun (my case) then you're pretty much half-screwed already which is kinda harsh IMO.
Anyway, since a lot of the old pathways are now blocked, I'd say navigation is easy despite the darkness. Especially when you remember the base's layout. Seeing a door which is now open obviously gives a clue. 3 Cultists right away, good thing we can use the door's frame for cover. Nice to see that going up the tunnel and into the base again allows us to find an Amulet and Boots though you may loose some HP in the process either due to hazardous grounds or to fire. At least it's still fairly manageable to come out with a benefit. Now starts my first complain about the level > The explosions. Some of them are fairly distant and so are just surprising, while some are just cheap. There are even one or two which occur right up your ass or your face ! Good thing I benefitted from the Snowfall Glitch because it greatly helped ! I also took an Energy Shield just for that level as a compensation for the fix.
Now we get to obtain the Ghost Vision (GV). Black and white, I like it already ! Also much more effective than HV for Spirits. In advance I can say that it's a VERY good thing you "force" the player to get them, and also make them replace whatever you may have by the GV because it's basically indispensible ! Also I appreciate the fact you get the Green Gem simply by standing near it because I remember that, in Zaxtor's video, you originally had to press "use" to take it, and due to its size it would have been VERY easily missed, even with the message. In any case, this bit was just an intro and I still liked it, mainly for the ambiance and the music that accompanies it. Now on to the main dish !
_Jungle Base Pyramid : So, after a way too loud shriek, we get to press switches, already ? Out of the 3 possible switches I'd say we can easily spot them, they're really darker than the wall, but using the PDU works fine too, especially for the 3rd swtich. Mention of the music right away, I REALLY like it ! Too bad it's so quiet. It's another of my 5 utmost favorite musics of the whole episode. So in overall, I can already say that the general aesthetics of the level are basically the same as in Zaxtor's map "The Pyramid" in the EDF Missions. I don't mind it, it's just a remark. Some first platforming which are reminiscent of Oblivion IMO. Then the bit with invisible insta-crushers (like in the EDF Mission) unless using the GV. I can also already tell it's VERY nice to give a relatively steady supply of GV in the level for those who may not have the recharge research yet. Platforming again, I was fearing that jumping from a descending platform would be failfull due to Build's physics but it works well actually. And first key. So far it's easy, a smooth start.
Now first puzzle. The layout is simple, the basics are simple and easy to understand, using GV is helpfull. However the execution is a different story. It's basically pure luck and guess. I didn't see any recurring pattern between the Good, the Second Chance, and the Fatal switches to differentiate and anticipate any ... Also giving 20 seconds delay is reasonable IMO. Anyway, once you got this, some sneaky attacks occur, hope you didn't waste your supernatural ammo. I don't like the Shades because it's often that one falls in the lava and can snipe you from there though he rarely gets me. Using enemies to lead us to the next part ? That's some good old Zaxtor stuff. Since we get some long-range engagements I'm VERY gratefull of the Autorifle's new accuracy !
Copper Key area. Enemy spawning trap is okay, easy to avoid with GV but even spawning them isn't too troublesome, especially when using the Firestorm. Now the classic Sand Labirynth trap. Up to the first important room it's okay. However this is my second complain. That switch puzzle, I got ZERO idea what to do about it ! No clue. Sure the green effect means it's good but at some point I keep having red effects. And sometimes the door opens on a red effect which adds to the confusion. And Zaxtor's video isn't any enlightening on the matter. After that the labirynth becomes less fair IMO. Next switch puzzle is easier since there's a clue though if you don't do it in the right order you basically have to restart. Then the labirynth is even less fair, besides there's a not too obvious switch to find in a dead-end and it's over. I like the effect of the sand falling on your head (there are other places in Egypt and the EDF Missions where this effect could have been put to use for cosmetic reasons), it's realistic though a bit irritating when you're in a hurry ... Sliding negates it but then you no longer know where you're at ... Goldies ? A fair reward ? bof bof ... I'll no longer mention the backtracking since it's always enemies leading you so it's nice and easy orientation period.
Gold Key area. Nice looking room. GV reveals a creative trap IMO, though when you're not overly carefull on your first attempt you kinda fall into it guarantedly (I love English). And that shriek is just jumpscare inducing when you don't expect it. Relatively easy to go through though I tend to crouch near the end because it feels like you easily get detected on the last 3 or 4 steps somehow. Next up, tight platforming on tiles. Surely they're fairly spottable but would be nice if either the scanner or GV could indicate something. Especially the penultimate tile is VERY hard to spot unless you increase Visibility. Then easy platforming for relief. And the last platforming is also easy IMO. Surely there's the pressure of having spiked ceilings but it's fairly straightforward IMO. I never got crushed. I sometimes fall due to lag however, even on 640 >_<. Next room for the Crimson Key is just like in the EDF Mission. Pure luck figuring out which switch is correct. Surely none is fatal but sudden explosions or a dozen protector is unpleasant. Anyway,
Crimson Key area (thanks for the shortcut). Cool looking room and corridor. Hyerogliphic Text Puzzle. Globally it's well designed. It works mighty fine though I have only 1 complain about it. GV only reveals MOST of the correct buttons, NOT ALL. You are forced to make a wild guess. At least it's only for 1 fortunately. Next area. The infamous Red Corridor. Even I who has "an acquired taste" for Zaxtor's levels I dislike this bit, this is my major complain in the level, this Red Corridor in its entirety ! It's not the platforming that I dislike, not necessarily the enemies, those Faceless Figures as I call them. No it's the CONSTANT enemy spawn that I don't like ! EVERY SINGLE jump that you make spawns enemies, and not just 1 ! Sometimes 3 ! On relatively tight platforms, and with potential lags, it's just long and painfull. The only way I found to cheese it out is to rush back at the entrance after each jump and count on the Energy Shield. Also using the Autorifle with its new accuracy is good. Firestorm works quite well too ! Still the worst section of the whole level IMO just because of the enemy spawns. Next key is the same as the previous one but with even more switches to take a wild guess at. Next key, for the first time in the entire game we get to face a Red Zombie (apart from INVurb.map). Very good thing that we have a tall shelf otherwise it would have been totally unfair !
Blue Corridors with Maw Traps. Left side is super easy. We can cheese it all with the Turbo Boots since we can reach the other switch and rush back but I have the feeling that doing so prevents the apparition of a secret. Taking the long way around is much harder obviously. It's not too hard but there is that bit where the traps are very close to one another and sometimes rushing in works and sometimes is doesn't. I personally don't find it that difficult, I would just like it if the tightest section were a tiny bit more permissive. Also they tend to glitch because sometimes when there are 2 traps together, they tend to have conflicting cycles when coming back the other way which renders it Hard for real, though it's only one or two. Good thing we have a shortcut because I personally wouldn't have guessed it's back to the Green Corridor with the Satyr since the door is now open. However would have been nice if it hadn't been a secret.
First bit of the Corridor I don't like. Those flashy super explosive balls of energy from Trequonia. I don't like it only because there are WAY TOO MANY of these for just a mere corridor ! Just like in Trequonia's 3rd secret level (the trauma ... (3 times !! (biggest proof of acquired taste !))). Cutting the number in half would already be a big improvement because this is a big useless and easy impedement. Next bit the classic Crusher Trap. Easy, though the holes in the last 2 bits can be hard to spot or to get into with the rush. This is the only place where the Turbo Boots are genuinely usefull IMO (who said they were useless ?). Cool looking room. A harder set of Maw Traps. I agree this one is indeed hard because of the majority being very tight gaps. Also that non-secret I have no idea how to handle. Super easy to get in but super hardcore to get out (Turbo Boots maybe ?). Opening the end of Red Corridor, thankfull shortcut with an intimidating but very easy Maw Trap. Last Key, and a big bunch of enemies to pave the way for you to the end. I don't know what that secret switch does though ... I'm tempted to guess it actually opens the shortcut drop to the door. I thought it spawned the other secret switch but no.
Last zone, very cool looking place IMO. Introduction to the boss is cool too, builds up some tension. Though the shrieking could have been a tiny bit less loud (ear ripping). BOSS TIME ! Music is ... okay. Kinda weird, can't really tell if it's fitting with the setting but it's a boss music alright. So a typical Zaxtor's boss. Fire rockets at it, open your ears for sound indicating dammage and attacks and repeat the process. The boss works well, and it's more fair than what I have seen in the past as far as Zaxtor is concerned. In terms of difficulty it's okay, there are only 2 things that make it challenging. 1_ The flame throwing. Surely it doesn't cover much area but somehow it always finds a way to strand me on the side platforms and I always have to jump through it before it reaches me. Timing to go unharmed is tight but manageable. 2_ Spawning Lost Spirits, this is the worst attack IMO ! At least you have the time to see it come but once the Spirit manages to blur your vision even ONCE, you're almost screwed, because I personally can't jump correctly because of it, and obviously you can't use your weapons. Besides they push you away, but you don't have spare room so you either fall due to missing a jump or due to being pushed in the precipice. Good thing we are given enough ammo for World War 16 and the boss isn't "Too" resitant (compared to some (not all) past bosses in Oblivion and Trequonia (especially in Oblivion)). Especially ammo for the 0th gun, it helps A LOT once all eyes are destroyed to finish the job. Once this is over it's RUN FOR YOUR .... Well no hurry to get out in the end, it's the music continuing that makes it feel like something's gonna happen. END !
Conclusion : So, it's a Zaxtor level, with the usual pros and cons. In terms of difficulty, if we don't take lags into account, it's not THAT hard, it's still manageable BUT I will say I prefer the normal Jungle Base from Ep2. Not because of aesthetics because, surely it's less varied but it remains coherent, it's my 3 big complains. 1_ The Sand Trap with the first puzzle switch being impossible to understand because after you get 4 greens (corrects) you're forced to have reds (wrongs) and yet it still ends up opening, and the labirynth is less fair than in its EDF Mission counterpart. 2_ The infamous Red COrridor which has too many, too constant enemy spawn. 3_ The Explosive Balls in the Green Corridor being way too numerous and too much of a unneeded impedement. These are what I disliked the most. What did I like the most ? 1_ The music definitely ! One of my 5 favorites, a bit too short IMO but damn good ! 2_ Traps and orientation not as unfair as they used to be in Oblivion, it's even a bit better than the EDF Mission counterpart. 3_ Some puzzles are original/creative. 4_ Some cool visuals in some rooms.
The Boss is also of reasonable difficulty compared to old ones from Oblivion mainly. It was also a good way to introduce and make us use the new GV despite being a bit faulty on the Hieroglyphic Text and not showing the holes in the Grey Tiled Corridor. I still liked the level, but it's not as close to the favorites as the Ep2 level was for the 3 complains. I must admit that, first time I played the level, because of the constant lags, playing this level was a real pain (I even got to use GodMode against the boss) but once I lowered to 640px and my PC decided to be less ass-holish it went WAY better and I could enjoy the level in its own right. In the end, just like Jungle Base, nobody liked it (exaggeration) while I did. I will repeat the same justification as Jungle Base > It's REALLY more fair and manageable and reasonable than its pre-AMC counterparts while keeping the same qualities that make Zaxtor's maps 100% stand out of the rest. Surely Zaxtor fell a bit back in his bad habits, and surely this level is not part of my favorites but it remains more fair and reasonable than his past levels (namely Oblivion).