ck3D, on 05 April 2020 - 04:09 AM, said:
Thank you for playing and sharing your impressions, I'm happy you liked the map so much, especially appreciate it if you rarely play user levels (these days I'm the same).
Also sorry that you got stuck after the blue key for so long, but witnessing this type of behavior also allows me to understand possible design mistakes, since that map I've learned that for fluid navigation the mapper's responsibility was to simplify the objective of every task to the extreme (which doesn't mean they can't get creative with it), I was already trying to get there in general with that level (e.g.. the slow presentation then strategic distribution of the grinch newbeasts) but now I really make sure I introduce the fancy little concepts better.
Replying to your spoilers:
It's cool that you liked the Cell Block thing, like I was saying earlier in the thread for the longest time I wanted it to be somehow playable but at the time I couldn't come up with a good concept for something as meta as a game inside the game, but thanks to your post now I actually just had a pretty clear idea of which features of the game I could use for something like that, which I'll probably implement in a later map.
I'm pretty happy with the wall fight thing too (although it's glitchy in some renderers/ports for some reason, just like some car textures in my maps suddenly look misaligned in certain conditions which I can tell from other people's playthrough videos and I don't really know why), I kind of want to reuse that concept too and maybe make it an actually interactive boss fight à la Icon of Sin except maybe I could put Randy Pitchford's head behind the masked wall instead of Romero's. Only things I'm not too happy with in that map is the supermarket fight (but you seemed to like it), how much of a slaughterfest it becomes near the end (I wanted a feeling of urgency but it was too much for some people), and how some elements of the progression aren't too obvious, also all those eggs shouldn't have been small, but it was honestly good practice and kind of set the style for what I'm trying to do now.
Also apparently Battlelords have more health points in World Tour and therefore the scripted sequence in the hotel doesn't seem to kill that sheltered one in the hallway in WT, from what I've gathered from a video playthrough. Weird they'd change things up like this, or the guy had some kind of mod on, but he didn't confirm that when I asked.
You are wellcome. Yes it had been long time since I played any user map, I used to play a lot of user maps in the past, but right now I am quite busy and I've off Duke scene for years. But yeah, it's nice to play good user maps like this every now and then!
WARNING SOPILERS AHEAD, you've been warned....
Well as map navigation it was fluid in general with the only exception of were I got stuck, didn't think by myself trying to open that door inside the vent, didn't feel like a door for me. But for the rest, I think that it's well done.
And yes, this kind of "icon of sin" yo've created is a really good thing (in fact it reminded me the icon of seen when I've seen it for the first time). You could reuse this concept in other maps and still surprise players that already played this map! Good luck on your next creations!
As for the supermarket battle, as I was playing the map in Come Get Some I was already expecting to be hard, and even if I died a few times in that area I was already prepared to experience hard combats.
As for battlelords having more HP in world tour, I didn't know that! In my case I played it with the normal Duke3D GRP + eduke32 and had no issues with your map. Also mention that I played the map with the cassic software renderer.