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Working on Oblivion TC HRP  "Remastering my old TC as it turned 10 years old upon its full release"

User is offline   Zaxtor 


So it will run in Polymost mode, (better results)
Also 8bit mode is supported

1, It will have fixes, improvements etc
2, several current level expansions.. It wont make levelplay longer, these will be optional exploring deeper in the levels.. Ammos, Health etc can be found
3, 6 extra levels, 1 level for E4L12 (Darkwoods) and 5 levels for the Purgatory or Episode 6 (cannot be accessed by the menu but accessible by Episode 4.

Also comet Hale-Bopp will be Seen in E1, E2 and some of E3

So purpose of that will be to retrieve the "black chaos gem"
On Oblivion when we finish the mod, we see all the gems except the black gem.

Extra level names will be;

DEATH SEA - Darksea will be Aboard a strange large Ferry and must fight off monsters etc
DEATH ZONE - Is the island and will have somekind of a temple-pyramid like structure
DECEIT - A strange level that could cause deception to the player etc
TWISTED REALM - a more bizarre level
DARK VORTEX - a strange vortex with all kind of things etc
THE END OF TIME - A strange place with somekind of a fancy building or something

Now few shots of remastered levels of Episode 1 and some expansion
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Old thread of the mod on AMC forums

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 02 February 2019 - 04:35 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


"Also 8bit mode is supported"

not all heroes wear capes

User is offline   Forge 

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View PostNinety-Six, on 02 February 2019 - 05:16 PM, said:

"Also 8bit mode is supported"

not all heroes wear capes


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Expansion for E1L2.

Some mines we can explore
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The mine part looks like there could be a rideable wagon with the slopes, and the stone pillar bit looks like the kinda thing near which you don't want to use explosives.
Also very glad to hear it won't be Polymer ^^

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Will be polymost or classical (polymost better for better results)

For rideable Wagon dunno if I can do that. would be very cool.
Probably would be too complicated for something to follow rails etc

We see a wagon in other parts of mines but in E4
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This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 10 February 2019 - 09:43 AM


User is offline   Perro Seco 


View PostZaxtor, on 10 February 2019 - 09:37 AM, said:

For rideable Wagon dunno if I can do that. would be very cool.
Probably would be too complicated for something to follow rails etc
I think you can use the subway effect (SE 6), but with some CON modifications.

If the wagon is a model, you can place it on a moving sector. Then change in Mapster the SE's lotag to an unused one (like 80), so it doesn't move in game. With CON you can write something like: if player is in the same sector as the wagon and/or if hit space, find the SE and change its lotag to 6, so it starts following the locators. Maybe you can even change the speed modifying the sector's extra value...

I don't know if all this will work, but I think it's worth trying.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Also other issues is / are the rails are sprites
when it does small turns (is small sectors)
and there are multi sectors in the tunnels such as slope, turning rails / sections so when we explore the mines (doesn't show whole thing in 1 shot in map)

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Expansion of E1L9 (Level 8) or the Sea Temple in EP 1.
Added several rooms, doors that were unopenable (deco doors) now can be opened etc.
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Also a short video of that Pseudo-TROR and shadow trick


User is offline   ck3D 


One of my favorite things on this forum is catching the screenshots you post, they blow my mind every time. Your design style is very original, you have quite the unique vision.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Pushed the PseudoROR to its limit.
The sea temple has no TROR (to preserves the player's and other sprites reflection in mirrors).
Nor ROR.

But has a crazy exploit to make it look like it has some.
Also improved the temple exterior and fixed some goofs / physics errors (example exterior structure less high than the opening door).

Marked some white lines to show sprites still showing "above" white lines etc.
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This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 24 February 2019 - 10:51 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Improved the Scrap brain base or E1L6 (Level 9)
Like the pic says, added lots of lights, few extra optional rooms, lots of details, structure etc.
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User is offline   Zaxtor 


More shots of the Scrapbrain expansion / improvement.

There will be an alternate route which will eventually lead to the main base.
Alternate route can be accessible by a certain way (explaining in one of the pic).
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User is offline   NightFright 

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Can you see to it that in this new release you can incorporate the few minor adjustments I had added in the release for the addon compilation to avoid having to apply the same fixes again when adding your new version?

Mainly it would be about these:
- tiles009.art: Swapped tiles 2554/2555 and 2556/2557 to fix Muddlelizer and Expander
- tiles012.art: Realigned tiles 3240-3249 (level ending screens)
- oblivion.con (game.con): Corrected wrong "ifspritepal" bracket declarations (causing errors); 18 warnings eliminated; error with incorrectly defined boss MIDI for OBLVN303 fixed
- oblivion_user.con (user.con): Ep.5 hidden from menu (levels wouldn't work if not accessed through other episodes); correction of spelling mistakes in messages/level titles; "Ammo for Shrinker" pickup message changed to "Ammo for Muddlelizer"
- OBLVN102: Ceiling of startup sectors lowered (prevents player from dying when emerging from escape pod); wall #1154 not blockable any more (prevents player from getting stuck)

At least the map fix for E1L2 should be included since that was a potential showstopper right in the beginning.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 22 March 2019 - 12:13 AM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Episode 5, is now shown because would make EP6 act funny in the expansion.

Will be titled as N/A

There will be fixes and improvement

Your post and reply to the parts.

Mainly it would be about these:
- tiles009.art: Swapped tiles 2554/2555 and 2556/2557 to fix Muddlelizer and Expander
What kind of problem it does?

- tiles012.art: Realigned tiles 3240-3249 (level ending screens)
Seems to work fine, I might try to slightly alter it. that was released in 2009 so lots of things changed within a decade

- oblivion.con (game.con): Corrected wrong "ifspritepal" bracket declarations (causing errors); 18 warnings eliminated; error with incorrectly defined boss MIDI for OBLVN303 fixed
Bosses music are getting improved and code changed. will be Trequonia style so example if you quit the game and return, music will remain as boss music etc,

- oblivion_user.con (user.con): Ep.5 hidden from menu (levels wouldn't work if not accessed through other episodes); correction of spelling mistakes in messages/level titles; "Ammo for Shrinker" pickup message changed to "Ammo for Muddlelizer"
The EP5 will now be called N/A so EP 6 title doesn't act funny and ammo message replaced by "AMMO FOR MUDDLELIZER".

- OBLVN102: Ceiling of startup sectors lowered (prevents player from dying when emerging from escape pod); wall #1154 not blockable any more (prevents player from getting stuck)
The part where the player screams ssshhhiiiiiitttttt that will be improved to a more "modern" thing

At least the map fix for E1L2 should be included since that was a potential showstopper right in the beginning.
is same problem where you exit the pod or before you exit it?

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 22 March 2019 - 12:13 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Screenies of the Temple Pyramid located on a small island across the death sea.
A sea soo deadly that both player and enemies would die if they fall into this blood like substance.
Temple Pyramid is an enormous structure that is a temple with a pyramid in the middle.
Level will have some "Hubs",

After crossing the death sea by the ferry we head to the Temple Pyramid.
But the level will be "invisible" until we make it "appear".

Posted Image

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 30 April 2019 - 09:11 AM


User is offline   king karl 


this is my favorite mod of all time and i'm so happy your remastering it

I'm a little surprised you're expanding to the levels though, they are already the biggest most complex levels in fps history. The biggest criticism I heard about oblivion was that its levels in some cases took a serious triumph of mind body and spirit to navigate. If you are going to go through those levels It would be best to add more signposting or streamline them in some way to help prevent getting lost. A guide to some of the more esoteric things might also be nice as I'm convinced there are still things in the game I haven't found even after 10 years.

Maybe you could add an achievement system? this is exactly the kind of thing achievement systems are good at as it would let the player know that they missed some interesting options.

on an unrelated note can I finally blow up those tiny land mines without walking over them? that always bugged me

User is offline   Zaxtor 


I could make those landmines destructible but only by "bombs" "rpg" "devastator" or any other form of "hit radius" from explosions etc

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Also which level you got lost the most?

Maybe I could do some guiding etc

User is offline   MC84 


View Postking karl, on 02 May 2019 - 10:28 PM, said:

The biggest criticism I heard about oblivion was that its levels in some cases took a serious triumph of mind body and spirit to navigate. If you are going to go through those levels It would be best to add more signposting or streamline them in some way to help prevent getting lost.

I agree - I have tried playing Zaxtor's mod and from what I've seen the sense of scope and grandness is unmatched; however I find myself getting stuck/lost/confused very easily.

User is offline   king karl 


View PostZaxtor, on 02 May 2019 - 11:03 PM, said:

Also which level you got lost the most?

Maybe I could do some guiding etc

the dry forest, 2 rainforest levels, and mystic valley secret level are all very confusing which is a shame because they are right at the beginning and people put the mod down without seeing the jaw dropping stuff to come

scrap brain 1 is also confusing at some points

military base isn't so bad but it has 2 exits right? its easy to finish without even a hint about the other option

and the second level of episode 5 (i think its called like area 52 ) is very complicated

also the entire space episode

maybe consider chopping a few of the new optional areas off into secret levels so we can have a more contained experience


I don't agree with everything but I agree that Military Base's other way of doing I absolutely got ZERO idea how you're supposed to do O_o Would indeed be nice being given a clue or making it a bit more intuitive to find >_>

Personally THE level I NEVER EVER managed to beat is E5L1, the Cube thing. The farthest I ever went was finding 1 real keycard. After that I had gotten permanantly stuck between trapped rooms in a bright green room that takes you to another room surrounded by trapped ones. Perma-stuck >_>

User is offline   Zaxtor 


EP5 is like an optional episode
Reward is to get addons to make weapons stronger.

Addons can be get in EP1 by taking secret route to E5L2 alternate route.

Military base has 2 routes

1, (normal route) by playing it from normal E1 route.

2nd Route which the exit door locks and we must open it.

I could add some clues for the Military base since is a pretty big level

User is offline   ozelot47 


This would be nice. I would try the optional way/pipe maze. I reached the area behind the core where you can get the petrify gun. I thought this was the entrance but all pipes leading you back to the normal route.

There is one thing I want to ask.
In the map Rainforest Fires II from Episode 4 you can grab an orb called the anti doomsday project orb. What happens if you collect it?

User is offline   Zaxtor 


All pipe maze is when you endup to route 2.
when you wreck the core and blows a hole in the wall
the door opens but exit door is closed until you self-destruct the base or something

that orb delivers a nasty damage "automatically" when you open the doomsday project's core

This post has been edited by Zaxtor: 04 May 2019 - 03:24 AM


User is offline   king karl 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 03 May 2019 - 11:59 PM, said:

I don't agree with everything but I agree that Military Base's other way of doing I absolutely got ZERO idea how you're supposed to do O_o Would indeed be nice being given a clue or making it a bit more intuitive to find >_>

Personally THE level I NEVER EVER managed to beat is E5L1, the Cube thing. The farthest I ever went was finding 1 real keycard. After that I had gotten permanantly stuck between trapped rooms in a bright green room that takes you to another room surrounded by trapped ones. Perma-stuck >_>

oh yea that level is crazy, i need a walktrhough for it bad lol, I know its supposed to be the hardest but wow it drives me up a wall

i wouldn't change it, just release a walkthrough on YT so i can finally see what i've been doing wrong for 10 years

User is offline   king karl 


View Postozelot47, on 04 May 2019 - 02:42 AM, said:

There is one thing I want to ask.
In the map Rainforest Fires II from Episode 4 you can grab an orb called the anti doomsday project orb. What happens if you collect it?

wait you mean the cube that you pick up and it teleports you into the cube level? or there is another cube? oh god see this is what i mean about this mod being confusing!

I've never understood why picking up that cube randomly drops you from episode 4 and sends you into episode 5, which is kinda its own episode but kinda not

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Thing that brings you to the hypercube is a cubed shape object

User is offline   Zaxtor 


Oblivion TC HRP trailer is out

A >35 Mins Trailer of Oblivion TC HRP.
Showing improvements, visuals effects,
Improvement of the Sea Temple (E1L9) or Level 8.
Floating island will have a beautiful visual effect instead of a plain blue sky.
Also a Very small amount of the Purgatory is shown in the trailer.
Temple Pyramid (underneath part), jumping to head to the Water Temple entrance part (Hub).


User is offline   Zaxtor 


More screenies of the Temple Pyramid

Also the mod will have a few batch files.
One for (lower amount of voxels and "reduction in wall resolution" for slower machines)
one with all (for decent to high ends machine)
and is playable in classical mode but in HRP we get better results

Also there will be an EP7 (not really an episode) but rather a "test" level to test the tolerance of computer on "voxel volume" like the ribcage etc.. Like rooms with "Sector work" "voxel work" "sprite work etc".
so the player when he's soo far doesn't get lag with slower machine... ribs are small sized tho, ~36kb
In voxel reducing batch for slower machines it will be a flat sprite for the ribcage example.

Now the screenies.

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