Also 8bit mode is supported
1, It will have fixes, improvements etc
2, several current level expansions.. It wont make levelplay longer, these will be optional exploring deeper in the levels.. Ammos, Health etc can be found
3, 6 extra levels, 1 level for E4L12 (Darkwoods) and 5 levels for the Purgatory or Episode 6 (cannot be accessed by the menu but accessible by Episode 4.
Also comet Hale-Bopp will be Seen in E1, E2 and some of E3
So purpose of that will be to retrieve the "black chaos gem"
On Oblivion when we finish the mod, we see all the gems except the black gem.
Extra level names will be;
DEATH SEA - Darksea will be Aboard a strange large Ferry and must fight off monsters etc
DEATH ZONE - Is the island and will have somekind of a temple-pyramid like structure
DECEIT - A strange level that could cause deception to the player etc
TWISTED REALM - a more bizarre level
DARK VORTEX - a strange vortex with all kind of things etc
THE END OF TIME - A strange place with somekind of a fancy building or something
Now few shots of remastered levels of Episode 1 and some expansion

Old thread of the mod on AMC forums