The music of WGR2
#1 Posted 07 May 2018 - 06:46 AM
I've looked through all the files but I never saw a music credits listing. Now, I could be a blind idiot and have just missed it, and if I am please direct me, but if not I've been wondering for a long time. I know only a handful of the MIDIs have metadata.
#2 Posted 07 May 2018 - 07:33 AM
Ninety-Six, on 07 May 2018 - 06:46 AM, said:
I've looked through all the files but I never saw a music credits listing. Now, I could be a blind idiot and have just missed it, and if I am please direct me, but if not I've been wondering for a long time. I know only a handful of the MIDIs have metadata.
Personally I only know that the music of the 3rd level of the first episode (you start falling and midway you re-explore the level in a hellish version) comes from Unreal Tournament I believe it's called Foregone Destruction or something

I also believe that the midi called "lost" for the begining of the 2nd level of the first episode comes from either Civilisation or Age Of Empires
#3 Posted 07 May 2018 - 12:33 PM
I don't know about the tracks that WG found himself, but I can provide some info on the ones I found. Looking on my hard drive, I see that I have several that I grabbed from midi sites that still have their original titles. One of them is definitely "In the Arms of Death" from Guilty Gear X Isuka: http://en.midimelody.ru/guilty-gear-x/
Looks like there's a track from Castlevania II: "Within These Castle Walls", and Castlevania III: "Anxiety". They are both remixes. As in most cases, there were several fan versions to choose from, and I went with what I thought was the best version.
One of the tracks is Caverns from Goldeneye 007. One of them is Pelagic II X from Perfect Dark -- I believe that one plays during the fly through at the end of each level. Another is Boss 7 from Sonic Advance 3 on Gameboy Advance. Another is Secret of Evermore boss battle 2. Another seems to be the title screen music from Rudora no Hidou on snes. Then we have In the Factory from River City Ransom.
#6 Posted 10 May 2018 - 06:48 PM
Nexus: ???
Evil Awakens 1: ???
Evil Awakens 2: ???
Evil Awakens 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: ???
Into the Earth 2: ???
(Foregone Destruction is one of these?)
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Caverns (Goldeneye 007) (i got that from the metadata)
Level Complete Theme: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Game Over Theme: ???
Boss Theme: ???
Castle Demonhorn: ???
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Temple Cress: ???
Getting Back to Nature: ???
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: ???
Cyberdemon City: ???
Temple Cress: ???
Utter Chaos: ???
???: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
???: Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Anxiety (Castlevania III)
???: Chaos Angel Boss (Sonic Advance 3) (I swear I would have recognized this if I heard it but it has been a while...)
???: Boss 2 (Secret of Evermore)
???: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou)
???: In the Factory (River City Ransom)
I'll go through these last few and see if I can place them somewhere in this game. Unless anyone can place these immediately.
#7 Posted 10 May 2018 - 07:13 PM
Sorry I'm not more help.

#8 Posted 10 May 2018 - 09:05 PM
Evil Awakens 1: ???
Evil Awakens 2: ???
Evil Awakens 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Into the Earth 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Old Title: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou) -- This is what was originally used for the title screen. It seems to have changed with some update however.
New Title: ???
Level Complete Theme: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Game Over Theme: ???
Boss Theme: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
Castle Demonhorn: ???
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Medieval Cress: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Getting Back to Nature: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: Descent Title Music
Cyberdemon City: In the Factory (River City Ransom)
Temple Cress: ???
Utter Chaos: Bloody Tears Remix (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Anxiety (Castlevania III)
???: Chaos Angel Boss (Sonic Advance 3)
???: Boss 2 (Secret of Evermore)
Note that there's also some music in the GRP that has no associated maps. WGX5 for example does not exist.
This post has been edited by Doom64hunter: 10 May 2018 - 09:46 PM
#9 Posted 10 May 2018 - 11:45 PM
I also listened to the midis in the pack and could only place one of them.
Siegebreaker victory map: victory1.mid (The filename does not indicate its source or original usage).
And outside that and Pelagic, I could not pinpoint any of them to WGR2. But to be fair, I have not played it in a while. I only fully remember Siege Breaker's music and Castle Demonhorn. The rest is a bit shakier. WGR1 I know mostly from the original, but even then some of the music was switched around. The crystal mines became Siege Breaker's second/third level theme, and then got a new one which doom64hunter identified. I did not at all remember the music to the exclusive levels which is probably how I missed Suspense. I may have to play again to check all the music.
Still that does leave us the mystery of the new title screen theme, Nexus, the first two parts to Evil Awakens, the game over theme, Castle Demonhorn, and Temple Cress. None of the midis linked in the pack were these (And I'm almost certain Castle Demonhorn used an ogg). Also did the Korrax battle have a theme that wasn't the regular boss theme? I don't remember. Same question is posed in regards to the giant cyberdemon at the end of Utter Chaos.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 10 May 2018 - 11:48 PM
#10 Posted 11 May 2018 - 12:53 AM
Ninety-Six, on 10 May 2018 - 11:45 PM, said:
Wait, I assumed you had already downloaded WGR2 and extracted the midis from it. Once you do that, it should be pretty trivial to identify what is what.
#11 Posted 11 May 2018 - 05:47 AM
Trooper Dan, on 11 May 2018 - 12:53 AM, said:
I wouldn't really call it trivial since there are still plenty unused songs. But I know, for instance, none of the songs in the pack are Temple Cress. Or Nexus. etc
#12 Posted 11 May 2018 - 11:21 AM
Ninety-Six, on 11 May 2018 - 05:47 AM, said:
I believe the Temple Cress midi is a music from Blood
#14 Posted 12 May 2018 - 10:13 PM
William Gee, on 12 May 2018 - 05:47 PM, said:
Do you remember which game?
#16 Posted 12 May 2018 - 10:38 PM
#17 Posted 12 May 2018 - 10:51 PM
I don't know what game this is from.
#18 Posted 12 May 2018 - 11:19 PM
So right now that's:
Nexus: ???
Evil Awakens 1: ??? (Age Empires) (Does this one have a name beyond its filename in WGR2?)
Evil Awakens 2: Boss 2 (Secret of Evermore)
Evil Awakens 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Into the Earth 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Old Title: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou) -- This is what was originally used for the title screen. It seems to have changed with some update however.
New Title: ???
Level Complete Theme: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Game Over Theme: ???
Boss Theme: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
Castle Demonhorn: ???
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Medieval Cress: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Getting Back to Nature: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: Descent Title Music
Cyberdemon City: In the Factory (River City Ransom)
Temple Cress: ???
Utter Chaos: Bloody Tears Remix (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Anxiety (Castlevania III)
???: Chaos Angel Boss (Sonic Advance 3)
#19 Posted 12 May 2018 - 11:28 PM
Ninety-Six, on 12 May 2018 - 11:19 PM, said:
Castle Demonhorn: ???
Voice of the fallen, by PowerGoat.
Also, the whole album is amazing: http://castlegoat.bl...en-tribute.html
Also, the New title screen (from 2.00 versions +) is The title screen to Castlevania: Judgment on wii
LInk: https://www.vgmusic....42a0dd107e.html
This post has been edited by Trooper Dan: 12 May 2018 - 11:43 PM
#20 Posted 13 May 2018 - 12:08 AM
Nexus: ???
Evil Awakens 1: ??? (Age Empires) (Does this one have a name beyond its filename in WGR2?)
Evil Awakens 2: Boss 2 (Secret of Evermore)
Evil Awakens 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Into the Earth 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Old Title: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou)
New Title: Title Screen (Castlevania Judgement)
Level Complete Theme: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Game Over Theme: ???
Boss Theme: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
Castle Demonhorn: Voice of the Fallen (Powergoat)
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Medieval Cress: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Getting Back to Nature: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: Descent Title Music
Cyberdemon City: In the Factory (River City Ransom)
Temple Cress: ???
Utter Chaos: Bloody Tears Remix (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Anxiety (Castlevania III)
???: Chaos Angel Boss (Sonic Advance 3)
Getting close.
#21 Posted 13 May 2018 - 07:08 PM
#22 Posted 24 January 2019 - 07:56 PM
#23 Posted 28 January 2019 - 06:49 PM
Nexus: ???
Evil Awakens 1: Medieval Melody (Age Empires)
Evil Awakens 2: Boss 2 (Secret of Evermore)
Evil Awakens 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Into the Earth 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Chaos Angel Boss (Sonic Advance 3)
Hell Freezes Over 3: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Siegebreaker victory map: ???
Old Title: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou)
New Title: Castle (Castlevania Judgement)
Level Complete Theme: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Game Over Theme: ???
Boss Theme: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
Castle Demonhorn: Voice of the Fallen (Powergoat)
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Medieval Cress: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Getting Back to Nature: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: Descent Title Music
Cyberdemon City: In the Factory (River City Ransom)
Temple Cress 1: ???
Temple Cress 2: Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
Korax Intro: Encounter (Castlevania III)
Utter Chaos: Unknown Bloody Tears Remix (Castlevania II)
???: Remix of Anxiety (Castlevania III)
Some corrections, some additions, and some extra slots I missed the first time courtesy of a recent replay of the game.
Only four songs left to identify.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 28 January 2019 - 07:11 PM
#24 Posted 03 October 2020 - 01:12 PM
Doom64hunter, on 10 May 2018 - 09:05 PM, said:
William found the source for WGX5.mid:
#25 Posted 04 October 2020 - 03:23 AM
Ninety-Six, on 12 May 2018 - 10:38 PM, said:
I can confirm that the CD soundtrack for AoE is not entirely the same as the MIDI songs. Only a few of the MIDI tunes have CD Audio counterparts, while the CD has some extra tracks not appearing in the MIDI form. Also Rise of Rome adds some new MIDI tunes while keeping some vanilla ones (but the total number is still around ten in-game tracks IIRC).
All AoE MIDIs should have their titles in the info section, you can view them in WinAmp for example. UDP: Apparently it's only true for RoR and AoE2.
This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 04 October 2020 - 03:29 AM
#26 Posted 20 November 2020 - 07:46 PM
Utter Chaos: Bloody Tears Remix (Naoto Shibata Project)
I'd say three left, but that's no longer the case. Once I've completed DT I will work on a new music list.
#27 Posted 20 November 2020 - 08:38 PM
#28 Posted 22 September 2021 - 10:58 AM
Intro: ??? (It's from Unreal but I'm not sure where)
Old Title: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou)
New Title: Castle (Castlevania Judgement)
Nexus 1: Credits (Descent II)
Nexus 2: ???
Nexus 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Evil Awakens 1: Medieval Melody (Age of Empires)
Evil Awakens 2: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Evil Awakens 3: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Into the Earth 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Into the Earth 3: ???
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Chaos Angel Zone Boss (Sonic Advance 3)
Hell Freezes Over 3: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Blacksand 1: ???
Blacksand 2: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Blacksand 3: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Medieval Cress: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Temple Cress 1: ???
Temple Cress 2: Unknown Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
Castle Argent: ???
Upside Down!: Title (Descent)
The Kingdom: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Courts of Darkness: ???
Cyberdemon City 1: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Cyberdemon City 2: Push It (Garbage)
Osiris: ???
Boss Theme: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
Level Complete: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Old Game Over: ???
New Game Over: ???
Guardian: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Arena Challenge: ???
The Archonitron 1: ???
The Archonitron 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Upper Sanctum: Warlord (Unreal)
Vs. Demonova: ???
Revenge: ??? (Same as Intro)
Vs. The Archonitron: Stage 3 Remix (VGMrawk; Trojan)
Victory: ???
Credits & Epilogue: ???
Hall of Memories: Push It (Garbage)
Castle Demonhorn: Voice of the Fallen (Powergoat; Castlevania III)
Utter Chaos: Bloody Tears Remix (Naoto Shibata Project; Castlevania II)
Knee-Deep 1: Unknown "At Doom's Gate" Remix
Knee-Deep 2: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Knee-Deep 3: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Knee-Deep 4: ???
Knee-Deep X: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
I'm aware many of these songs are shared, so I'm not gonna bother with counting how many unknowns songs yet remain.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 22 September 2021 - 11:03 AM
#29 Posted 22 September 2021 - 08:15 PM
Old Title: Title Screen (Rudura no Hidou)
New Title: Castle (Castlevania Judgement)
Nexus 1: Credits (Descent II)
Nexus 2: Title Screen (Age of Empires: Rise of Rome)
Nexus 3: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Evil Awakens 1: Medieval Melody (Age of Empires)
Evil Awakens 2: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Evil Awakens 3: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Into the Earth 1: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Into the Earth 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Into the Earth 3: Briefing (Descent II)
Hell Freezes Over 1: Credits (Descent 2)
Hell Freezes Over 2: Chaos Angel Zone Boss (Sonic Advance 3)
Hell Freezes Over 3: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Blacksand 1: Conquest (Age of Empires)
Blacksand 2: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Blacksand 3: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Awakening: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
Medieval Cress: Shipwrecked (E2M1, Blood)
Open Season: Mission Landing (Unreal Tournament)
Crystal Mines: Foregone Destruction (Unreal Tournament)
Temple Cress 1: ???
Temple Cress 2: Conquest (Age of Empires)
Temple Cress 3: Unknown Remix of Within These Castle Walls (Castlevania II)
Castle Argent: ???
Upside Down!: Lunar Military Base (Descent)
The Kingdom: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Courts of Darkness: Briefing (Descent II)
Cyberdemon City 1: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Cyberdemon City 2: Push It (Garbage)
Osiris: String Attack! (Age of Empires)
Boss Theme: In the Arms of Death (Guilty Gear X Isuka)
Level Complete: Pelagic II X (Perfect Dark)
Old Game Over: ???
New Game Over: ???
Guardian: Caverns (Goldeneye 007)
Arena Challenge: Mars Processing Station
The Archonitron 1: ???
The Archonitron 2: Warlord (Unreal)
Upper Sanctum: Warlord (Unreal)
Vs. Demonova: ???
Revenge: Custom remix of Unreal main theme (Oostrum Brothers)
Vs. The Archonitron: Stage 3 Remix (VGMrawk; Trojan)
Victory: Conquest (Age of Empires)
Credits & Epilogue: ???
Hall of Memories: Push It (Garbage)
Castle Demonhorn: Voice of the Fallen (Powergoat; Castlevania III)
Utter Chaos: Bloody Tears Remix (Naoto Shibata Project; Castlevania II)
Knee-Deep 1: Unknown "At Doom's Gate" Remix
Knee-Deep 2: Dark Halls (E1M3, Doom)
Knee-Deep 3: Suspense (E1M5, Doom)
Knee-Deep 4: ???
Knee-Deep X: Modified version of Sign of Evil (E1M8, Doom)
And just like that, a measly 6 left to go.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 22 September 2021 - 09:46 PM