Duke4.net Forums: [HRP-Addon] Classic Fire & Old Shotgun (& Palm Tree) - Duke4.net Forums

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[HRP-Addon] Classic Fire & Old Shotgun (& Palm Tree)


Hello there

since playing the HRP 5.3 several things stopped me from being able to enjoy playing EDuke32.

The first thing is the fire & explosions. Sure someone put a lot of work into it, but without the original fire & explosion graphics, it's just not Duke Nukem 3d. They still look amazing.
So you can use the X-classicFire_package.zip and you will have original fire/explosion & fountain
Attached File  X-classicFire_package.zip (1.89K)
Number of downloads: 319

The second thing is the Shotgun animation which was just so fubar that it looked like a joke. Yes I'm sorry but it's true.
I've taken LeoD's package and further adjusted it. Use X-oldguns-Shotgun-only.zip to get back the older shotgun, while keeping other weapons untouched.
Attached File  X-oldguns-Shotgun-only.zip (5.1K)
Number of downloads: 318
*updated perspective model*

Posted Image

Also I have now finished the new Palm Tree, I will also put that into the updated art/assets thread to get that package.

Posted Image

*I've reuploaded the pack since something went bad. You can actually see the palm-tree in the screenshot in the far background :D but see for yourself. I've spent hours and days. Unfortunately it won't look that good in-game ;)
Attached File  X-palm_package.zip (6.47MB)
Number of downloads: 312
*updated missing spec-map*

Good luck, out.
Simply put the .zip files inside the autoload directory

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 17 January 2014 - 02:14 PM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


Can you post some pics of the palm tree?

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


The shotgun model we currently have in the pack is still very WIP, but I like the model more than the old one because it is much closer to the original. Major problem with this is probably the lack of available frames to animate this thing smoothly. Anyway, I am sure it can be done, and if we are lucky, an improved version might find its way into a future HRP release.

User is offline   KareBear 


Does the old shotgun patch have the perspective fix?


That was the best shotgun yet imo.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View PostNightFright, on 16 January 2014 - 01:09 AM, said:

Major problem with this is probably the lack of available frames to animate this thing smoothly.

The ART frames are irrelevant, but the shotgun's animation itself must be made well enough.


delete this

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 16 January 2014 - 02:51 AM



View PostKareBear, on 16 January 2014 - 01:17 AM, said:

Does the old shotgun patch have the perspective fix?


That was the best shotgun yet imo.

No, it does not!
Thanks for posting this screenshot, this is actually the Shotgun (after the fix) that I was looking for.
After the fix it truly felt like the Duke Nukem 3D.

Do you still have this release installed?
If you do, maybe you could send me the file duke3d_hrp.zip/highres/sprites/firstperson.def
If the fix was defined within this file, I will update the package. Otherwise I will also need the model highres/sprites/firstperson_polymost/2613_shotgun.md3
If anyone still has this release post me those files.
Thank you

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Try with this code from firstperson.def for the shotgun. I took it from polymer_update.zip dated 2012-03-11. Should work with existing old model. The release version when this was added was 5.1.295, and the update I still have on my Rapidshare backup is 5.1.302.

Just replace old shotgun code with this in firstperson.def. I guess the bottom lines (starting with "hud") are those which actually matter.

// Shotgun (2613)
model "highres/sprites/firstperson/2613_shotgun.md3" {
   scale 1.7
   skin { pal 0 file "highres/sprites/firstperson/2613_shotgun.png" }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2613 }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2614 }
   frame { name "2613" tile 2615 }
   frame { name "2616" tile 2616 }
   frame { name "2617" tile 2617 }
   frame { name "2618" tile 2618 }
   frame { name "2619" tile 2619 }
   hud { tile 2613 xadd 0.12 yadd 1.15 zadd -0.4 angadd -24 fov 280 }
   hud { tile 2616 xadd 0.053 yadd 1.15 zadd -0.4 angadd -24 fov 280 }
   hud { tile 2617 xadd -0.21 yadd 1.15 zadd -0.4 angadd -24 fov 280 }
   hud { tile 2618 xadd -0.474 yadd 1.15 zadd -0.7 angadd -24 fov 280 }
   hud { tile 2619 xadd -0.474 yadd 1.15 zadd -0.7 angadd -24 fov 280 }

The direct changes I see after comparing it with the file you provided:
- Scale changes from 1.76 to 1.7
- Different values for yadd/zadd plus fov 280 (just replace all "hud" lines, I guess)

The full Polymer HRP Update v5.1.302 from March 2012 can be downloaded from my Rapidshare mirror (18.9 MB). All you would need is the code I posted above, though - provided you already have the old shotgun model from any pre-5.1.295 release.

You can also directly try the changes directly applied to your mod by downloading the attachment of this post. My playtesting has resulted in some kinda weird animation at the beginning, but in general it seems to work.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 17 January 2014 - 02:28 AM



Thanks I've updated the shotgun-package
Attached File  X-oldguns-Shotgun-only.zip (5.1K)
Number of downloads: 318
*updated perspective model*

I' just had to point the model and texture to the polymost folder, since the model was originally intended for polymost rendering, the only downside might be a slight unnatural glow on dukes arm.

Ive also updated the palm-package because the specular map was wrongly assigned
Heres a screenshot:
Posted Image

Attached File  X-palm_package.zip (6.47MB)
Number of downloads: 312
*updated missing spec-map*

This post has been edited by BuddhaMaster: 17 January 2014 - 02:14 PM


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