Update (April 12th, 2012): The update to this post added on April 8th has been edited. A URL change is one cause. I also feel it's somewhat more appropriate in a few ways.
Update (April 8th, 2012): Well, I think that I've got very good news for now! (I'd like to say awesome news, but maybe lower the tone...?)
Looks like our old friend Mav has accidentally found this forum topic, after doing an unrelated web search engine. He's told about writing some program that turned the original Strifes' frames (from the older This/That Strife website) into larger images (so there is one image per comic). Now, gradually, the comics are to be (automatically) uploaded for watching again!
The automation is set to upload one comic per Monday. As an exception, the first week has had 4 comics up (3 on Sunday and 1 on Monday).
Mav's new page for the Strifes: http://www.thatstrife.com/ (Yes, it's no surprise if the URL sounds familiar!)
I do intend to upload these as well, considering what the shutdowns of the original Strife websites (and the later Strife Strips backup site) have taught me (and possibly others)...
I can't promise I will upload them weekly as done by Mav (as it'd probably be manual here, not automatic).
EDIT: Alright, the first three comics are now up on the "Selected Strife Contents" section as a backup!
EDIT 2: And so is the fourth!
--- Original Post (possibly with a few of its own edits) ---
Hey all,
Well, as I've already told in two places (actually web pages...), I'm going to repeat it:
Before anybody gets potentially disappointed, I'm warning there is much less than what would some hope for.
Alright, lets begin with the link (please read the notes before continuing): http://ny.duke4.net/strife.html
And now, onto a brief description:
Some of you may remember a website or more with Duke (and Build) related comics, under one of the following names, at least: This Strife, That Strife and Strife Strips.
In the beginning, during the "This Strife" period, there were many comics to read, gradually added over the time, and even some community around the site. At some point, due to technical issues, "This Strife" got renamed to "That Strife".
Some years from the beginning, though, and things had begun to gradually shrink. Truly, this is not an uncommon thing. Eventually, there were a few last comics on "Strife Strips", although somewhat short. Again, I guess it's just a usual thing, with the lots of "hype" disappearing after some time.
Unfortunately, I have made the mistake of not making a backup of the comics before the sites went down. Yes, I may have not read them *that* often, but it can still be nice to re-read some of them at least, once the topic pops up in your head.
There was, in fact, a (relatively) short period with some alternative "backup" site (and URL) hosted for strifestrips.com, but that's gone as well now, probably due to the lack of interest as there was long before.
And yet, I could find (very) few of the contents on the Internet Archive. Not so many, yes, but there's still something! I've even got into adding not just a bit of comics and videos related pages, but also a few other kinds of pages.
It has taken a while to prepare even a little portion of the actual pages, and there are still a lot of contents which may be somewhat "full", but not up for showing publicly (it's just a bit messy).
One final note: It would be more than helpful if anybody has more Strife contents (mainly comics and videos) that can't really be found online now.
It does not mean I'd process them immediately, as that can really take some *days* (if not more). However, even the mere fact that I'd have a backup would already give out a great feeling here