A number of the P-HRP texture artists are very new to normal and parallax map creation. A few of them have a bit of modelling experience though. So I've volunteered to make a quick tut on how to make a model version of an existing texture and bake a parallax map for said texture.
Here is a rough version. I've got to pretty it up a bit, but should get you going. Can you take a look and see if it describes everything that you need to know to do this.
ONE BIG POINT: This is NOT a modelling tut! I've included some basic stuff about subdivision modelling and how to set it up in Blender, but I can't really cover the whole Subsurf modelling thing in detail. Also, you could render a diffuse out using this model, but you would need to apply textures and set up lights and various texture maps - something that other tuts have covered properly already.
Again, the tut was requested for Blender 2.5 so that is what I'm using here. Please keep in mind that 2.5 is alpha and save often.
So, could the texture artists take a look at this and see if there is anything vital I've missed or anything else that needs more explanation.
Once everything is sorted out I'll post a finished version into the resources thread.