DNF 90% Complete Goalposts Shift to 2002 Build "3DR wants to release it, but it's up to Gearbox"
#601 Posted 09 November 2018 - 03:57 PM
#603 Posted 09 November 2018 - 04:11 PM
Both Megaton and World Tour (and Xbox version before that) showed some potential of what could have been done but were lackluster in the end.
#604 Posted 09 November 2018 - 04:28 PM
No EDF, no space stations or aliens. Humor kept to a minimum. Gotta have some because its Duke.
#605 Posted 27 November 2018 - 08:27 AM
We know 2K's stance on modding games: "Though shalt not!"
What if they do finally release the betas for DNF - and there are no modding tools? To everyone on this forum, that would be a truly insane dick-move of biblical proportion. But looking at the history of Gearbox and 2K, it would fit right in with how they do business.
#606 Posted 27 November 2018 - 09:30 AM
#607 Posted 27 November 2018 - 11:02 AM
But the idea of popping open a raw folder of in development stuff and poking around it in it's unmolested state is what appeals to me. That's just not going to happen. At best it sounds like we'll get a guided tour through some of the content and that's it.
And i'm still not convinced that'll happen until the thing is actually put together and released.
#608 Posted 27 November 2018 - 03:38 PM
Tea Monster, on 27 November 2018 - 08:27 AM, said:
We know 2K's stance on modding games: "Though shalt not!"
What if they do finally release the betas for DNF - and there are no modding tools? To everyone on this forum, that would be a truly insane dick-move of biblical proportion. But looking at the history of Gearbox and 2K, it would fit right in with how they do business.
Gearbox have secured a sub-license to publish Duke Nukem Forever and related content in an upcoming compilation they have in production. In the context of this compilation the decision to include mod tools is entirely up to Gearbox Software - 2K Games is not part of the decision making process beyond granting the initial sub-license to enable Gearbox to produce this collection. Randy has referenced this numerous times on Twitter and during Nerdvana Live over the last several months, this is a legal path for them to release Duke Nukem Forever and related content themselves.
Relevant Tweets:

Recent Tweet concerning collection:

#610 Posted 28 November 2018 - 04:07 AM
#611 Posted 02 December 2018 - 12:11 PM
Tea Monster, on 27 November 2018 - 08:27 AM, said:
We know 2K's stance on modding games: "Though shalt not!"
What if they do finally release the betas for DNF - and there are no modding tools? To everyone on this forum, that would be a truly insane dick-move of biblical proportion. But looking at the history of Gearbox and 2K, it would fit right in with how they do business.
This indeed sounds like very much a possibility, but I really hope you did not predict the future. Tho I said beginning of this year, that I'll see for this one year of 2018 if randy can keep his promises. Surprinsingly enough, it's soon 2019 and we haven't gotten anything Duke, especially not anything Forever related.
I guess what I'm saying is, that I will also soon enter the pessimist/I don't care club.
This post has been edited by spessu_sb: 02 December 2018 - 12:12 PM
#612 Posted 08 December 2018 - 01:45 AM
Will it come out sometime in the next few years? Maybe. Will it not suck or be a completely lazy-ass, 'can't be arsed' shitshow? Ehhhhh....
This post has been edited by Tea Monster: 08 December 2018 - 01:46 AM
#613 Posted 08 December 2018 - 06:20 AM
Green, on 27 November 2018 - 03:38 PM, said:

If this is true, why isn't there a "Duke Nukem Forever: Atomic Edition" with all the extras on Steam yet?
#614 Posted 08 December 2018 - 03:37 PM
Altered Reality, on 08 December 2018 - 06:20 AM, said:
They aren't producing "Duke Nukem Forever: Atomic Edition", they're producing a Duke Nukem compilation that will include Duke Nukem Forever.

#615 Posted 03 February 2019 - 01:22 AM

I've sent a Tweet to Randy - if he replies I will let You guys know. 2 months without any post is how the last 20 years of waiting for Duke has been...
This post has been edited by hiczok: 03 February 2019 - 01:23 AM
#616 Posted 19 February 2019 - 12:24 PM
#617 Posted 13 March 2019 - 02:15 AM
Diaz, on 19 February 2019 - 12:24 PM, said:
I'd say that's how most of the Duke Community (those that even care anymore) would feel about it.
#619 Posted 13 March 2019 - 03:15 PM
#620 Posted 15 March 2019 - 12:57 AM
But I don't think it will ever happen. Duke has been so horrifically mismanaged over the last 18 years now.
It breaks my heart. It really does. 1999-2007. Duke was riding high in popularity, even after years and years with no releases. Things were still going, the community for Duke3D was strong. New threads and discussions were happening in earnest daily. Dozens and dozens of people partaking. All the old faces. Now? Nothing.
And it makes no sense. It will never make sense, even with answers it wouldn't make sense. How the Hell could they fuck up having that empire so badly?
It's a rhetorical question, because ultimately the answer isn't important. It happened. It's done.
Duke is dead. A few people making maps and mods carry the candle down the aisle, but the king is in his coffin, and if we're really really honest with ourselves, he was there May 6 2009 when 3D Realms shuttered and the original team, and the grander vision of DNF, were lost completely to desperate last minute moves.
I miss Duke. I wish he'd make a comeback, but there's no fire at Gearbox to do it right, and with all do respect to "3D Realms" It's just a name. It's not the same company, it doesn't have the same voice anymore. It's got it's own thing, and that's fine, and maybe they've finally found their footing between Ion Maiden and Wrath. We will see, won't we?
But the era of Duke Nukem is dead. He was murdered by greed, apathy, ignorance, and insecurity.
#621 Posted 17 March 2019 - 05:46 AM
Commando Nukem, on 15 March 2019 - 12:57 AM, said:
It does make perfect sense, actually, and the answer is simple: the empire's very foundation really was not that strong to begin with. One could easily argue that Duke Nukem was a one-hit wonder with Duke Nukem 3D being the only real success in the whole franchise and every other game turning out to be at best mediocre and forgettable.
I for once do not really miss Duke Nukem, as he never was a particularly interesting character to begin with nor is he necessary to make a first-person shooter good. The only way I see myself playing another Duke Nukem game is if it is a really good, really solid game or if the character is reinvented into a more likeable and compelling protagonist, like Lo-Wang in Shadow Warrior 2013.
This post has been edited by johnnythewolf: 17 March 2019 - 05:54 AM
#622 Posted 17 March 2019 - 06:03 AM
This post has been edited by MusicallyInspired: 17 March 2019 - 06:03 AM
#623 Posted 17 March 2019 - 06:08 AM
MusicallyInspired, on 17 March 2019 - 06:03 AM, said:
Which is why a Duke compilation is a great next step to remind players what Duke was all about and that one bad game shouldn't define him.
This post has been edited by hismasterplan: 17 March 2019 - 06:08 AM
#624 Posted 17 March 2019 - 06:13 AM
MusicallyInspired, on 17 March 2019 - 06:03 AM, said:
I do not doubt it, but they must have been quite unexceptional, as nobody is really talking about them any more and I do not think that many people would care about them today. Duke Nukem Advance, for instance, seems like it was a good first-person shooter... for the Game Boy Advance. That does not look like the kind of game that can really stand the test of time like Duke Nukem 3d (mostly) did.

This post has been edited by johnnythewolf: 17 March 2019 - 06:20 AM
#625 Posted 17 March 2019 - 10:13 AM
#626 Posted 17 March 2019 - 10:25 AM
As someone said previously, DNF (and Critical Mass) kind of colored public perception of the franchise to something more negative, and it even captured DN3D in its thrall. Especially these days where the idea of a super machismo politically incorrect character doesn't play nice with modern
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 17 March 2019 - 10:27 AM
#627 Posted 17 March 2019 - 10:44 AM
MusicallyInspired, on 17 March 2019 - 10:13 AM, said:
In the Duke Nukem community maybe, but definitely not in the mainstream gaming culture. Even I who enjoy Duke Nukem 3D have little interest in them...
Ninety-Six, on 17 March 2019 - 10:25 AM, said:
"Pussies"? What is up with the gratuitous misandry?

Anyway, as I said in a different topic, I do not get why people refer to Duke Nukem as "politically incorrect", as all he does is make pop culture references/steal catchphrases and objectify women. Not just that, but he does not use slurs beyond the occasional "fuck" or "shit" nor does he do anything to challenge the statu quo.... That is some incredibly mainstream shit right there; back in the 90s, that sort of character was pretty much the norm and it very much still is: God of War, Gears of War, Serious Sam, Warhammer, WarCraft/StarCraft and such are still around and even slightly more inclusive titles like Overwatch and Borderlands still feature plenty of violent, unnaturally muscular men... It is simply ridiculous to suggest that a character like Duke Nukem is somehow subversive in this day and age.
This post has been edited by johnnythewolf: 17 March 2019 - 11:10 AM
#628 Posted 17 March 2019 - 11:29 AM
johnnythewolf, on 17 March 2019 - 10:44 AM, said:
Anyway, as I said in a different topic, I do not get why people refer to Duke Nukem as "politically incorrect", as all he does is make pop culture references/steal catchphrases and objectify women. Not just that, but he does not use slurs beyond the occasional "fuck" or "shit" nor does he do anything to challenge the statu quo.... That is some incredibly mainstream shit right there; back in the 90s, that sort of character was pretty much the norm and it very much still is: God of War, Gears of War, Serious Sam, Warhammer, WarCraft/StarCraft and such are still around and even slightly more inclusive titles like Overwatch and Borderlands still feature plenty of violent, unnaturally muscular men... It is simply ridiculous to suggest that a character like Duke Nukem is somehow subversive in this day and age.
can you honestly say that if a new Duke Nukem game came out tomorrow sjw or feminists or any other idiots that can't distinguish a videogame from reality wouldn't start complaining? do we live on the same planet?
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 17 March 2019 - 11:31 AM
#629 Posted 17 March 2019 - 12:01 PM
johnnythewolf, on 17 March 2019 - 05:46 AM, said:
johnnythewolf, on 17 March 2019 - 05:46 AM, said:
Cannot relate to this character at all, nor look up to him.
To me this sounds exactly like how a pc character would be. Something feminists can very much relate to because he is weak and does not offend anyone.
johnnythewolf, on 17 March 2019 - 10:44 AM, said:
Some few years ago I fired the game up on an PS emulator and.. it was different certainly but it was not just plain bad. Main problem I recall having was not being able to play it as an PC TPS game with mouse and keyboard. But like, I'm sure had the Interceptor idea been fullfilled where they re-releaased (when 3DR owned the Duke IP) Time To Kill, Land of the Babes and Zero Hour on PC, that this control scheme issue wouldn't exist and then it would fully hold up test of time. This atleast when it comes to gameplay.
Altho one thing always did pop out to me in it which bothered. For some reason the animation of Duke Nukem made it look like Duke was a woman in the game. He walked feet close exactly like Lara Croft did in the original TR games.
johnnythewolf, on 17 March 2019 - 05:46 AM, said:

Anyway, as I said in a different topic, I do not get why people refer to Duke Nukem as "politically incorrect", as all he does is make pop culture references/steal catchphrases and objectify women. Not just that, but he does not use slurs beyond the occasional "fuck" or "shit" nor does he do anything to challenge the statu quo.... That is some incredibly mainstream shit right there; back in the 90s, that sort of character was pretty much the norm and it very much still is: God of War, Gears of War, Serious Sam, Warhammer, WarCraft/StarCraft and such are still around and even slightly more inclusive titles like Overwatch and Borderlands still feature plenty of violent, unnaturally muscular men... It is simply ridiculous to suggest that a character like Duke Nukem is somehow subversive in this day and age.
Kane & Lynch was a franchise that was set in modern times and it had characters that were, plain just crazy and imo more ballsy. Surprisingly enough this franchise isn't going anymore, eventho it was same kinda dull regenerating health covershooter as Gears and other modern TPS covershooters. Probably has nothing to do with feminists not being able to relate to it

This post has been edited by spessu_sb: 17 March 2019 - 12:09 PM
#630 Posted 17 March 2019 - 12:29 PM
johnnythewolf, on 17 March 2019 - 10:44 AM, said:
In the Duke Nukem community maybe, but definitely not in the mainstream gaming culture. Even I who enjoy Duke Nukem 3D have little interest in them...
"Pussies"? What is up with the gratuitous misandry?

Anyway, as I said in a different topic, I do not get why people refer to Duke Nukem as "politically incorrect", as all he does is make pop culture references/steal catchphrases and objectify women. Not just that, but he does not use slurs beyond the occasional "fuck" or "shit" nor does he do anything to challenge the statu quo.... That is some incredibly mainstream shit right there; back in the 90s, that sort of character was pretty much the norm and it very much still is: God of War, Gears of War, Serious Sam, Warhammer, WarCraft/StarCraft and such are still around and even slightly more inclusive titles like Overwatch and Borderlands still feature plenty of violent, unnaturally muscular men... It is simply ridiculous to suggest that a character like Duke Nukem is somehow subversive in this day and age.
I don't really get that view, either. In my experience, the perception of Duke being politically incorrect either come from those who don't understand the Duke Nukem games, or people who have played the games but embrace what they think is being politically incorrect. The only thing from the Duke games (at least, Duke 3D and Forever), that would be considered offensive is having babes bound in alien vines in reference to first Evil Dead and the Alien films. And of course, there are strippers and prostitutes, but that's not really offensive or politically incorrect. Having the option to kill NPCs, who mainly women, would set people off, but I always try to keep the NPCs alive so I can interact with them. But all in all, I don't think the character of Duke is either politically incorrect or offensive. I think Duke has the potential to have a new game, regardless of complaints or politics, and a good game too.
Also, johnnythewolf, I'm sorry the other members are giving you such a hard time. I've tried to reason and talk with them too, but a lot them are set in their ways, and I think they have trouble telling the difference between someone who is genuine and someone who is a confrontational dick. I don't know why some of the guys here are so angry. Maybe it's the years of waiting for DNF. Maybe there are other things in their life that make it difficult to talk to people. Maybe it's just personality differences. I don't know. I've seen some of the crazier members make scapegoats out of members with more liberal opinions, and it just makes everything unpleasant.
Guys. Duke4.net is supposed to be a place where Duke fans can discuss the games we love and encourage creativity, not a place where everyone stabs each other in the neck because of personal unresolved anger. If it keeps going on like this, you're not going to have any members left to keep the place alive.