Carma, on 14 January 2020 - 03:43 PM, said:
But anyway, I find the history of DNF's development fascinating.
I have some questions:
- In 2007 when it was decided to release DNF for consoles as well, they had to cut several portions of the game to run well on the consoles. What portions and segments were cut? It was around this time 3DRealms decided to change the DNF's style from RPG to a more straightforward FPS?
I don't know if Charlie maintained inside knowledge after his depature, but I feel I can probably partially answer this.
For one, let's be clear that DNF was never an RPG. What DNF was, essentially, at that point, seems to be an expansion of the design present in DNF, with a mixture of influence form Half-Life (constant progression through levels, etc..)
As to what was cut:
-Bombshell, as a character was cut and replaced with Dylan. As a result the strip club in the final game loses all of it's subtextual meaning (the "main" stripper in the club was supposed to be Bombshell, who Duke had some kind of a thing for, given she was the one woman who had avoided his "charm" and advances.
-Area 51 and the Duke clones wdfd cut and reworked into the DLC.
-The last section of the game the "Father Ship" which featured the Death of General Graves and the revelation of the Aliens home planet for sequel bait. I'm also fairly certain the Alien Empress was originally supposed to be fought here.
- Los Angeles/Duke 3D flashback was originally during the day time. Las Vegas/Vegas Strip was originally set during the night. Vegas strip was longer with more enemy types, and more of the strip to explore.
- Duke was originally able to brawl with the pigs instead of getting stuck in a quicktime event.
- Used to be able to carry all your weapons
- Beer used to take more than just one can to get you wasted.
- The Mighty Boot section was originally much more Linear
- The "Damn it's Late" section originally featured a studio audience. Duke was going to make use of his jetpack (given to him by a fan.) and utilized a guitar to break a window.
- During the original uncut Area 51/Clone Duke section, Bombshell was going to be playable while Duke was unconcious.
Narrative flow there was much clearer:
Duke gets knocked out fighting the queen, we get a dream sequence with Bombshell, we cut to Bombshell infiltrating the base and seemingly killing Duke Nukem.
Carma, on 14 January 2020 - 03:43 PM, said:
I mean, several scenes that appears in the 2001 trailer also appear in the 2003 and 2006 gameplay videos (Duke on the speedboat, the hologram of the woman dancing in front of the hotel, among others)
But none of these scenes appear in the final game. The scenes in the 2001, 2003 and 2006 videos seem to be from the same game. But the final game does not.
I would like to know which portions, story, segments of the game were cut when they ported the game to the consoles.
They, essentially had a pretty drastic shift in 2006. Lot's of the old enemies were rebuilt around them, the big revision to Duke's model occured in 2006 (The High Poly model, the actual 3DS max file, was last edited in 2006.
Carma, on 14 January 2020 - 03:43 PM, said:
Did she ever exist in the Unreal engine?
And Gus?
Bombshell was in the 2007-2010 version. She wore full EDF battle armor like Dylan. Honestly she looked like a temp model at that point, like a stripper head on a female EDF soldier's body. (I had a picture of her from the DNF artbook, which is somewhere in my buried box of stuff in the closet.)
Gus is seen in the 2001 trailer and pictures from between 99 and 02.
Carma, on 14 January 2020 - 03:43 PM, said:
I wonder how different the game would be if it were released for PC only.
Sorry for my english!
As above, the fathership was the original ending for what ultimately became the released game, and it seems to have been cut due to not being developed far enough when 3D realms closed their doors. As I recall from the leaked spread sheet, the maps associated with the father ship were in the very low percentile of being completed, though likely they would have reused *some* of the assets from the hive and stuff.
Your English was good.