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WG Realms 2: Get Medieval on Their Asses!  "WG and DT present the ultimate 8-bit medieval fragfest"

User is online   quakis 


That font looks absolutely nice. Very fitting and tidy, nice work!

User is offline   Geoffrey 


Nice font - though I'm not sure if it fits: the whole game seems to be pretty bulky, with heavy weapons and big explosions, but the font is really thin and fragile. But it's better than the standard duke font (for this mod), that's for sure.


This'll probably be the biggest mod ever since Starship Troopers, back in 2000.


Remember the first release will only have 3 main levels and 1 tiny intro level.


I don't care how many levels there are. So long as each one of them is badass... like me!

User is offline   Jimmy 

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View PostKillerBudgie, on Oct 29 2009, 12:05 PM, said:

This'll probably be the biggest mod ever since Starship Troopers, back in 2000.

Do you only know how to kiss ass?

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I am in the process of putting some finishing touches on this TC before we release it. One thing I would like to have is different crosshairs for the various weapons. Here is a gallery showing all of the weapons that need crosshairs:


Now that I think about it, the watcher sentry (tripbomb) does not need a crosshair, so forget about that one.

I could try to make some myself, but I'm afraid they wouldn't be very good. Would anyone like to help out? If you would like to submit a crosshair, please do so in PNG format. If I decide they need 8-bit versions I can do the conversion myself. I'm not going to dictate how detailed they should be or whether they should have animation or anything like that. They don't even have to be original: if you can find suitable crosshairs from an existing game, I'm happy to steal them (perhaps with some modifications).

There are 8 different weapons needing crosshairs, but if you have just one crosshair you'd like to submit go right ahead.

EDIT: Please do NOT send links to crosshairs that you find in a google image search, such as this:
I might even end up using some of those, but I can stoop that low without help :)

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 29 October 2009 - 09:44 PM


User is offline   XThX2 


I remember Commander sharing some crosshair generator website sometime ago. I don't know if I have it on my favorites, but if I do have it on there or somewhere else (txt files and such :) ) I'll put it here.

EDIT : Crosshairs for free :)

This post has been edited by XThX2: 29 October 2009 - 11:29 PM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostXThX2, on Oct 30 2009, 12:25 AM, said:

I remember Commander sharing some crosshair generator website sometime ago. I don't know if I have it on my favorites, but if I do have it on there or somewhere else (txt files and such :) ) I'll put it here.

EDIT : Crosshairs for free :)

That's cool, although you can't make a finished product that way. You have to take a screenshot, then process the image to add color, details, and remove the background.

EDIT: I've started using it and the preliminary results look promising. I'm going to try making them 8-bit only, since there is really no advantage of hires on these.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 30 October 2009 - 12:37 AM



Different crosshairs for each weapon? Very ingenious. I love it!

User is offline   Spiker 


View PostKillerBudgie, on Oct 30 2009, 09:18 AM, said:

Different crosshairs for each weapon? Very ingenious. I love it!

I wouldn't say that's ingenious but that's definately an improvement.


Still. Quite good if you ask me.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


The ones that I did tonight didn't turn out very well. A few of the designs were bad, but the main problem was I made some bad choices in the process of converting them for Duke and I didn't save my original screenshots so I can't fix them. So my request for crosshairs stands until further notice. :)

User is offline   Mikko 

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View PostDeeperThought, on Oct 30 2009, 07:35 AM, said:

One thing I would like to have is different crosshairs for the various weapons.

You mean a unique crosshair for each weapon? If so, then what's the point?

User is online   quakis 


Personally, I'll have to agree with Mikko here. Sure it has some cosmetic variety, but with no real significant purpose upon doing so; one should honestly be enough.

User is offline   Sangman 


The cosmetic variety is the whole point I guess.


And I was about to say "Do a Red Dot Sight" for the pistol. But that won't work because there isn't one in this TC.

This post has been edited by KillerBudgie: 30 October 2009 - 06:42 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostSangman, on Oct 30 2009, 06:58 AM, said:

The cosmetic variety is the whole point I guess.

Yes, that is the whole point. And since last night I have found a reason why maybe it's not a good idea. As far as I can tell, there is no access in CON to the crosshair size the player has selected. Therefore the size selection feature would be broken if I used multiple crosshairs (because I would have to draw them using the scale that I choose and I don't know what scale the player selected).

EDIT: And now another annoyance. No matter what color the crosshair pixels are in the art file, it will appear white on screen, and there is no way to change the color either in the game menus or in CON.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 30 October 2009 - 07:52 AM



You must be very unlucky. Every time you fix one problem, another one crops up. :)


View PostDeeperThought, on Oct 30 2009, 11:08 AM, said:

As far as I can tell, there is no access in CON to the crosshair size the player has selected. Therefore the size selection feature would be broken if I used multiple crosshairs (because I would have to draw them using the scale that I choose and I don't know what scale the player selected).

getuserdef[THISACTOR].crosshairscale temp

It's stored as a percentage with 100 as the largest size.

Edit: It was already on the wiki, but somebody forgot to add it to the list. :)

This post has been edited by Dr. Kylstein: 30 October 2009 - 08:55 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDr. Kylstein, on Oct 30 2009, 09:52 AM, said:

getuserdef[THISACTOR].crosshairscale temp

It's stored as a percentage with 100 as the largest size.

Edit: It was already on the wiki, but somebody forgot to add it to the list. :)

Thanks! Although I've already moved on and decided to do more important things.

User is offline   TerminX 

  • el fundador


The crosshair probably showed up white for you because of a bug (already fixed a couple weeks ago) which caused the cfg to end up with 255,255,255 for the crosshair color if you launched a game but didn't actually make it past the menu. This would force your crosshair to be white the next time you played. The color can be changed in the console with the crosshaircolor command; if you don't set a color yourself, you get whatever the brightest pixel was in the original tile as your color. This effectively limits all the pixels in the crosshair tile to a single color but it works pretty well otherwise. For 8-bit tiles, RGB values that don't actually exist in the palette will simply give you whatever color the engine thinks is closest.

It's one of those features that never got a menu made for it because other things were more important.


That new gore video is good. It's even gorier than standard Duke if you ask me.

You're not going to change it all are ya?

This post has been edited by KillerBudgie: 31 October 2009 - 03:27 AM


User is offline   Sebastian 


View PostMikko_Sandt, on Oct 30 2009, 05:38 AM, said:

You mean a unique crosshair for each weapon? If so, then what's the point?

To give the player visual feedback on the weapon's firing power, spread and accuracy. A shotgun's crosshair as a big circle obviously wouldn't be too accurate medium to long distances while a pistol might do a better job. Likewise using a sniper rifle without looking down the scope would be highly unwise as you'd have just about no idea where the heck the shot might end up.

In any case, I'm all for different crosshairs, if anything to make the game feel more fresh and modern.


Here are 2 Gore movies.

General Gore
Headshot Gore

Almost done.


Looks like someone's been having a headshot frenzy on that recently uploaded video. With some enemies, after you shoot their heads off they'll still wander around for a few seconds before they die. Impressive.

This post has been edited by KillerBudgie: 31 October 2009 - 02:49 PM


User is offline   Mikko 

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View PostRusty Nails, on Oct 31 2009, 03:57 PM, said:

To give the player visual feedback on the weapon's firing power, spread and accuracy. A shotgun's crosshair as a big circle obviously wouldn't be too accurate medium to long distances while a pistol might do a better job. Likewise using a sniper rifle without looking down the scope would be highly unwise as you'd have just about no idea where the heck the shot might end up.

In any case, I'm all for different crosshairs, if anything to make the game feel more fresh and modern.

As far as I'm concerned, the point of having a crosshair is to tell when a target is in the middle of the screen.

User is offline   Geoffrey 


I don't want to criticise everything I see, but I never knew the gibs in wgr2 ("the ultimate 8-bit..") were so non-8-bit. You've got these awesome weapons that are top-notch, art-wise, but for blood and gib effects it's basically the amount of them that's supposed to hide their non-finished appearance. Before the release I'd say it'd definately pay off to touch that up - add some shading to the blood and gut sprites, maybe make some new ones for diversity? In my experience a large piece of well-drawn flesh looks better than 20 small red dots. Blitz's latest gore movies from his project look better to me, gore-wise, than these wgr videos - even though he uses a lot less sprites and particles.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostGeoffrey, on Nov 1 2009, 01:48 AM, said:

I don't want to criticise everything I see, but I never knew the gibs in wgr2 ("the ultimate 8-bit..") were so non-8-bit. You've got these awesome weapons that are top-notch, art-wise, but for blood and gib effects it's basically the amount of them that's supposed to hide their non-finished appearance. Before the release I'd say it'd definately pay off to touch that up - add some shading to the blood and gut sprites, maybe make some new ones for diversity? In my experience a large piece of well-drawn flesh looks better than 20 small red dots. Blitz's latest gore movies from his project look better to me, gore-wise, than these wgr videos - even though he uses a lot less sprites and particles.

Heh, I didn't even know that WG had posted those movies until I saw your post! I made some improvements to the jibs this morning. The main problem imo was that the blood trails coming from the flying jibs were big ugly smears of red. This made all of the jibs look like...big ugly smears of red. Now they are much better, although there is still plenty of room for improvement.

I sure miss having Cage working on the art. :) It's so much more efficient when we can stick to our own specializations.

User is offline   Sangman 


Haha I loved the "walk around for a bit after headshot" thing :)

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