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[RELEASE] Prison Train  "I'm a sucka for train levels"

User is offline   Jolteon 



To play the map properly, bring out everything from the zip (Sounds, art, con,), and put it in your Eduke32 folder. After that, run the .bat that was included in the zip.


I'm a sucka for Train levels, and That's where we're going in Prison Train!

Anyways, After Duke got captured by the pigcops once again, he was sent on a train hijacked by pigcops that's going to who knows where. Duke must escape the prison and put a stop to the train.

This is my fourth map for Duke Nukem 3D, I've started this map in August, and finished it in September.

This level contains 2 new enemies, plus a return enemy. They are the Lizard Trooper in blue uniform (From Total Meltdown), and the Pigcop Captain. The Lizard Trooper in blue uniform is just like a normal Lizard trooper, except they are as strong as a Pigcop, or Enforcer. The Pigcop Captain is bigger and stronger than a normal pigcop, and they can fire RPG rockets at you! They might drop an RPG when killed. The Snake Heads from Mars Donalds also return in this map.

Darkus for ripping some sprites from TM
jet_nick and Fantinaikos for the snake head sprites
(If there is anyone I missed, let me know so I can add them here)

Also this map may or may not be hard. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the map! ;)

Attached Image: duke0144.png Attached Image: duke0145.png Attached Image: duke0152.png
Attached Image: duke0146.png Attached Image: duke0147.png Attached Image: duke0153.png

Attached File  PrisonTrain.zip (5.66MB)
Number of downloads: 419

This post has been edited by Jolteon: 18 September 2016 - 11:34 AM



Nice map 5-☆'s not overdone and fun to play.

I just got done with Metropolitan Mayhem, it also had a train level in it.

I like maps like these.

Nice work, and I'm kinda picky about maps, I hate 9/10ths of them but liked this one.

Edit.. curious about the names.h file, is it safe to leave in there since it replaced the default one, while I build and play/playtest and so-on?

This post has been edited by Captain Massive: 17 September 2016 - 10:21 AM


User is offline   Jolteon 


View PostCaptain Massive, on 17 September 2016 - 10:12 AM, said:

Nice map 5-☆'s not overdone and fun to play.

I just got done with Metropolitan Mayhem, it also had a train level in it.

I like maps like these.

Nice work, and I'm kinda picky about maps, I hate 9/10ths of them but liked this one.

Edit.. curious about the names.h file, is it safe to leave in there since it replaced the default one, while I build and play/playtest and so-on?

That one is optional along with tile.CFG. That's just for the new enemies when using mapster32. You don't really need it to play the level. It's only needed if you plan on using the new enemies in your levels (But even then you probably still don't need it.). Either way, thank you for playing my map. Glad you enjoyed it. ;)


View PostJolteon, on 17 September 2016 - 10:32 AM, said:

That one is optional along with tile.CFG. That's just for the new enemies when using mapster32. You don't really need it to play the level. It's only needed if you plan on using the new enemies in your levels (But even then you probably still don't need it.). Either way, thank you for playing my map. Glad you enjoyed it. ;)

Yea I used it and its in my duke/mapster directory.

Just wanted to know if it would interfere with nomal gameplay or not.


Kudos on the new map! Just played it, I dig it, fun stuff. The snakehead thingies are fun, I had seen the sprite posted before but hadn't played against them before, and the rocket pigs were no problem.

Nice design and momentum to the map, good feel to it, and the unexpected funny stuff (the camera screens ;)) was fun too. Killed most of the baddies (on lets rock), found one of the secrets.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Judging from the screenshots the map has a complete absence of any kind of shading, which is kind of a turn-off.

Check this out: https://forums.duke4...post__p__242890

This post has been edited by Micky C: 17 September 2016 - 07:28 PM


User is offline   Polunka 


Just finished it, a very fun little-to-medium-sized map. It seemed to me kinda unorthodox in its kind since this was the first train map I've played where I happened to see a karaoke bar or whatever it was (that part was strongly reminiscent of the bar from Raw Meat to me). Took me 14 mins, found every secret.

All in all, it happened to be a nostalgic ride for me (idk why, the map itself felt very similar to those early attempts at train levels from the end of the '90s; don't take it as a downside, to me it only will be a stimulus for playing the map further). Liked the use of TM assets once again (and by this I mean not merely the enemies but that clothes sprite inside some wardrobes that I thought was neatly placed), I hope you won't abandon this tendency regarding your future maps. Liked the reference to your previous map as well as the rest of the monitor messages (including the joke with a pigcop and a pig-in-a-dress doing ya-no-wat :D. The music fit in very well, I guess it was a slightly modified/remastered version of The City Streets?

Btw, another thing that made this map old-school to me was high amounts of ammo being thrown at me throughout the level (like it used to be during the dawn of Duke3D mapping when authors had no idea how to properly set the ammo/monster ratio; sorry if this statement puts you off).

P.S.: I think it can be considered a bug:

This post has been edited by Polunka: 18 September 2016 - 02:17 AM


User is offline   Jolteon 


View PostPolunka, on 18 September 2016 - 02:10 AM, said:

P.S.: I think it can be considered a bug:

Crap, I didn't realize that could occur. I'm not sure if it could be fixed (Unless I remove the secret though. or maybe using TROR?).

Anyways, thank you for playing my map, glad you enjoyed it. ;)

Also added 2 more screenshots on the first post.

User is offline   CruX 


View PostMicky C, on 17 September 2016 - 07:26 PM, said:

Judging from the screenshots the map has a complete absence of any kind of shading, which is kind of a turn-off.

Check this out: https://forums.duke4...post__p__242890

Take another look at the third picture, looks like at least some time was spent on it. Too busy with other stuff to get on this right now, though ;)

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostCruX, on 18 September 2016 - 02:55 PM, said:

Take another look at the third picture, looks like at least some time was spent on it. Too busy with other stuff to get on this right now, though ;)

I'm pretty sure that third pic with the crates had not been posted at the time of the comment. Still, one should play the map before criticizing.

User is offline   Micky C 

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View PostTrooper Dan, on 18 September 2016 - 03:54 PM, said:

I'm pretty sure that third pic with the crates had not been posted at the time of the comment. Still, one should play the map before criticizing.

Yeah only 4 of the 6 were originally there. I agree it's important to play the map. Unfortunately I'm quite busy these days, and made a superhuman effort to play Shaky Grounds.

The map does look like fun, I'm just trying to add my 2c of constructive criticism in that an extra 20 minutes or so of simple shading can go a surprisingly long way.

User is offline   Lunick 


View PostMicky C, on 18 September 2016 - 06:18 PM, said:

Unfortunately I'm quite busy these days, and made a superhuman effort to play Shaky Grounds.

View PostMicky C, on 18 September 2016 - 10:18 PM, said:

20 minutes?? Holy cow! I'll have to watch it later today.

Posted Image

User is offline   Micky C 

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It's easier to watch a video than play a map Posted Image Plus I can watch it on the bus on a mobile device, unlike a certain game starring a blonde character.

User is offline   LeoD 

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I haven't seen a train-ish release in a while, so it was quite refreshing. Well done. Btw., is it just me or did you improve the snake-heads' behaviour? They seemed more entertaining than last time.

User is offline   Jolteon 


View PostLeoD, on 27 September 2016 - 11:40 AM, said:

I haven't seen a train-ish release in a while, so it was quite refreshing. Well done. Btw., is it just me or did you improve the snake-heads' behaviour? They seemed more entertaining than last time.

No, they're still the same as they were in Mars Donalds. Either way, thank you for playing my map, glad you enjoyed it. ;)

User is offline   Merlijn 


Train maps are always fun. I did quite enjoy the map, thanks for releasing it!
Favorite bit was the back of the train, with the respawns closing in from the sky.
I also liked how each compartment had its own setting. And one of the viewscreens made me chuckle (you can probably guess which one ;)).

Some areas lacked wall-shading, it's someting to keep in mind for your next map.

User is offline   Sanek 


Played it.
Train maps are always rare, so it's nice to see a level like this. It feels refreshing.
There are some nice variety (for a train map), and ammo/enemy ratio is ok, and except the wall-shading, I can say that it's a good map to play.

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