MusicallyInspired, on 24 September 2016 - 07:03 AM, said:
For something like the original Quake or Unreal, I agree. For stuff like Doom or Duke3D, however, I think either way is perfectly viable. There isn't as much demand for precise pixel perfect twitch aiming, even less so for the original Doom with its lack of vertical aiming, afterall a number of players used arrows to move and aim.
The only big issue is selecting weapons; you can easily pull out any of them at any point on PC using the number keys, however on console you either have to switch through them in order until you get what you want or if the port allows it, putting certain weapons on favorites (so D-pad left is always rocket launcher, for instance).
The problem with these videos isn't that they are recorded using a console/controller, instead they are recorded with mediocre players.