Just finished it, a nice urban map

, took me about 15 minutes (given that I wasted like 3-5 mins trying to find where to go after grabbing one of the keycards on a rooftop, the place where you're required to use steroids; tho it's nice that you marked the path with those little steroid pictures). Btw, I was kinda surprised at first by the absence of any secrets, but that's not a big deal.
Overall, the gameplay was constantly switching between peaceful and calm exploration\sight observation and some action-packed battles with freshly spawned monsters. Right at the start I chose gotham.mid as the music track (one of my favourites from Duke3D

), and it turned out it fit really well with the atmosphere, since the peaceful portion of the play time exceeds the battle portion (imo). There were no problems with proceeding through the map, I always knew where to go (well, except the steroids puzzle, but that's on my side).
The design is really nice, the street parts felt spacious as they should be (imho), while the inside parts were properly sized. Tho I saw one door that was oversized, but it was just a texture so doesnt matter much. Yea, I know I'm talking about the design not from the perspective of a mapper. Well, you're free to call me dumb and tasteless regarding the case. Btw, will I be right if I suppose the storage room (with many shelves inside) of the starting place was made by MRCK? Also, I noticed those many lit up windows in the walls of the flat complexes surrunding the area - was that also made by MRCK or at least influenced by his style? (since I remember something like that from his maps)
The battles were nicely executed, tho a novice player could get fucked over by them several times

(I, in turn, didn't die once) Ammo to monster ratio is reasonable, neither are you an "armaments tycoon" nor a hobo with a shotgun (trying to make a joke but most likely failing

Yep, that's what I like most about Duke maps - when authors moderately provide you with ammo.
All in all, a nice little map having got something for both those who like to do sights and those who want good gameplay. Also, I guess my little debut at writing map reviews
(feel free to call me dumb for this review, men

P.S.: I know you'd already "released" it, but I didn't play it that time cause I hesitated after looking through the comments and later your post where you apologised that the release was too hasty (or sth like that).