Ion Fury "formerly Ion Maiden, launching August 15!"
#3721 Posted 30 September 2019 - 11:16 AM
#3723 Posted 03 October 2019 - 02:17 AM
PsychoGoatee, on 29 September 2019 - 12:44 PM, said:
The switch is pulled, but the platform didn't lower down. And can't use the switch multiple times. Wandered around the level for a long time, then looked at a youtube vid.
Really digging the game by the way, a lot of great levels.
I also came across the same issue (I am also using 1.02a and I played the level on UV + level select / loverboy start).
Also there is a crusher on the same level "The Washington Institute" that didn't function (it worked in 1.0). But the door leading to the hall containing the yellow key was opened from the beginning (I don't remember it being open in 1.00)
Actually, PsychoGoatee's description is exactly what happened in my case as well, except that I was not using any old savegame. I played that level via level select.
PsychoGoatee, on 30 September 2019 - 08:47 AM, said:
After testing, I discovered that all these issues are linked with each other.
I discovered how to replicate all this. After just entering the building through the main entrance, immediately go towards right/east side of building. If u look at the door (the one that leads to the yellow key) during this, u will see that it will first close and then immediately open. If this happens, the other issues (crusher not working and platform not lowering) will also happen.
This post has been edited by ReaperAA: 03 October 2019 - 04:17 AM
#3724 Posted 06 October 2019 - 10:13 PM
1) In the office area on the upper floor of building, there is a glitch when the part of building is destroyed (as shown in image).
2) I cannot climb/jump on top of this light (shown in image) which makes it impossible to get to the "portal secret". Note that in the final version of the map, I can get on top of this light just fine and thus easily get to the portal secret.
#3725 Posted 07 October 2019 - 09:50 AM
ReaperAA, on 06 October 2019 - 10:13 PM, said:
i don't know about getting on top of the light, but I can make the jump from the top of the ladder on that light pole (or one of the others) over to the fire escape, so the secret is still reachable.
getting on top of the light would make the jump easier, but ultimately is unnecessary
This post has been edited by Forge: 07 October 2019 - 09:52 AM
#3726 Posted 07 October 2019 - 11:19 AM
This took a while to hunt down but it seems that there is an issue where a sequence gets triggered two times if you go directly right (and only to the right side) when you first enter the interior of the area, this causes various sequences in the map to break, rendering this map unbeatable.
The way this happens shouldn't be possible but some weird race condition or similar in the scripting system (and combined with mapping) causes the trigger that should only happen once to trigger twice, as the area is surrounded with touchplates that trigger the sequence, this specific spot on the right has two sectors that are small and close enough to get "both" triggers.
Due to the "impossible" nature, it took a bit to hunt down the exact way this happens and why.
Because of the flaky nature, a lot of care during testing went in to making sure that this sequence triggers properly each time but it seems that some last minute fixes to help here allow a new corner case to manifest that was unknown to us.
I tested that it should be possible to bypass this bug by typing "setvar trigger 17808" in console.
This should trigger the sequence for a third time, which should fix the situation you are having and at least allow beating the level.
You can open console with SHIFT + ~ (consolebutton)
#3727 Posted 07 October 2019 - 11:22 AM
ReaperAA, on 06 October 2019 - 10:13 PM, said:
1) In the office area on the upper floor of building, there is a glitch when the part of building is destroyed (as shown in image).
2) I cannot climb/jump on top of this light (shown in image) which makes it impossible to get to the "portal secret". Note that in the final version of the map, I can get on top of this light just fine and thus easily get to the portal secret.
1) is likely related to changes in hitradius to increase performance, it's likely that it doesn't make the glass shatter like it did before for some reason.
2) Possible regression here, yeah. While we tested preview campaign, the levels were actually broken and got fixed for final version manually (multiple textures and some broken scripts). Older codebase, etc.. You sure you can't strafe run to the platforms on the right though ?
#3728 Posted 07 October 2019 - 11:22 PM
oasiz, on 07 October 2019 - 11:22 AM, said:
Ok so I gave it another shot and yes its still possible to reach the portal secret, but it is much more difficult than in the final version of this map.
#3729 Posted 08 October 2019 - 11:41 AM
#3730 Posted 09 October 2019 - 02:08 AM
I didn't expect to get it today!
I'm totally happy.
Shelly meets Romero.
Attached File(s)
DSCN4958.JPG (3.6MB)
Number of downloads: 62
This post has been edited by funduke: 09 October 2019 - 02:35 AM
#3731 Posted 09 October 2019 - 03:06 AM
#3732 Posted 09 October 2019 - 07:32 AM
#3734 Posted 09 October 2019 - 10:21 PM
#3735 Posted 10 October 2019 - 12:28 PM
Frederik Schreiber, on 10 October 2019 - 01:53 AM, said:
First, the Founders Edition boxes were received by distribution centers in Europe last week, and most of them have already been shipped.
We're super happy to see photos of your boxes! Please keep posting them!
The Founders Edition boxes for the US territory cleared customs this week, and are now being stocked at the US distribution center.
Any day now, they will be shipped out. (It's always a bitch working with distribution centers in so many different countries, as we have no idea when they will clear customs. Once we ship the palettes from Denmark, all we can do is wait).
About the regular editions - As you might already know, the USB Bowling Bombs were delayed, but they have all arrived at the packaging center, and the Regular Editions are all currently being packed.
We expect all of them to be packed (There are a few thousands of them, being packed by hand), by the end of next week. Then they will go on palettes, and will be shipped to the same distribution centers.
To be on the safe side, we expect the Regular Editions to reach the distribution centers in 2 weeks time, and then it'll be another week for stocking and shipping.
We wish we could make this go faster, but due to our wish of having the latest build on the actual USBs (Floppies and USB Bowling Bombs), we had to wait with the production of the final items.
Setting up an entire production pipeline like this, has been a huge learning experience for 3D Realms.
This is the first time since the '90s - We're producing, packing and distributing Big Box games directly from 3D Realms.
And, as we now have a full pipeline working (And we know the exact time it will take to produce and ship the boxes),
we can stay ahead of a lot of these challenges in the future, so you'll be able to receive your physical big box games on release date, instead of a month of two after.
Thank you for your patience! ❤️
#3736 Posted 10 October 2019 - 01:34 PM
Truck Stop Santa Claus, on 09 October 2019 - 10:35 AM, said:
Make Ion Fury Great Again!
#3737 Posted 10 October 2019 - 09:41 PM
#3738 Posted 10 October 2019 - 09:50 PM
#3739 Posted 11 October 2019 - 07:57 AM
TerminX, on 10 October 2019 - 09:50 PM, said:
Is Ion Fury gonna get multiplayer?
#3742 Posted 12 October 2019 - 03:02 AM
#3743 Posted 14 October 2019 - 05:49 PM
#3744 Posted 14 October 2019 - 08:08 PM
find 100% of everything, and right before you kill the final boss, open the command console with shift+~ and type "setvar yahahayoufoundme2 1" without quotes. Defeat the boss
#3745 Posted 20 October 2019 - 02:21 PM
I know it's a little late, my pc had some problems so i had to send it to repair, just got it back yesterday.
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 20 October 2019 - 02:24 PM
#3746 Posted 20 October 2019 - 05:03 PM
Lazy Dog, on 20 October 2019 - 02:21 PM, said:
I know it's a little late, my pc had some problems so i had to send it to repair, just got it back yesterday.
I actually made a post about this several weeks ago in the bug reports thread but never received a response- figured it was just an issue on my end.
I just tried setting the FPS offset to -1 like you said and it works perfectly now! Something is definitely weird w/ the frame rate limiter & v-sync.
BTW I'm using the latest build (8240) and this problem is still there for me.
#3747 Posted 25 October 2019 - 11:55 AM
#3748 Posted 25 October 2019 - 03:40 PM
Lazy Dog, on 25 October 2019 - 11:55 AM, said:
I noticed that the problem seems to be specifically v-sync related for me, do the FPS drops still happen for you if v-sync is disabled?
If I set the frame limiter to my refresh rate (75hz), and also have v-sync enabled it works fine. But if I disable the frame limiter or set it higher than my refresh rate w/ v-sync turned on then my FPS is super unstable and goes 3/4 frames above & below 75hz.
#3749 Posted 25 October 2019 - 05:32 PM
Also i noticed that if i enable vsync and set the frame limiter to none frame pacing goes to hell, the game feels like it's running at 20 fps but it's running at 60.
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 25 October 2019 - 05:37 PM
#3750 Posted 25 October 2019 - 07:57 PM
Lazy Dog, on 25 October 2019 - 05:32 PM, said:
Also i noticed that if i enable vsync and set the frame limiter to none frame pacing goes to hell, the game feels like it's running at 20 fps but it's running at 60.
Yep- that's pretty much the exact same thing that happens for me...
Is anyone else experiencing this issue?