Nice to see you again WG
WGSpace in WGR2... it's an interesting idea, although I mainly remember corridors and stuff from WGSpace, whereas WGR2 is best suited for open, outdoor areas. On the other hand, depending on how much you're going to change it (and scripts will make this much easier), it would be pretty friggin sweet to have some kind of demonic space ship type theme like in Event Horizon. The change in theme and level design mentality could be a nice breath of fresh air.
If you're doing a vote, that's a yes from me

(Maybe it'll help motivate Norvak to finish his episode too, what little is left of my mapping time these days is mostly reserved for the AMC TC Episode 3)
Edit: Was writing my post when that screenshot was posted. Looks good. Looking back I'm not sure if I ever played past the first map or two of the episode; if so then I have no idea what the later levels are like.
Btw there's now a (sort of) WIP mapster script that's designed to automatically shade sectors, and it would work very well with outdoor terrain like in WGR2 (and with some tweaking, indoor stuff too). It's not a replacement for manual shading, but it's a fantastic first pass for general surfaces and slopes.