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EP2 bug reports  "A thread for bugs"


 Micky C, on 06 August 2016 - 07:12 AM, said:

Yeah once you get me on the phone in a comfortable position I'll be on there for hours. How long did you wait before you tried to get off hang up? Posted Image

I'd certainly like to have an updated version of the suit where the scanner and possibly other PDU functions are actually built-in to the helmet interface. In my mind the suit is meant to have extremely sophisticated scanning and analysis capability (see enemies through walls etc) but alas that's not practical within the gameplay balance and coding feasibility of the TC. Maybe for a special mission in episode 5...

My save is currently at the place of the screen so per say I didn't hang up XD But I'd have probably sustained the thing for less than 5 minutes ^^

It's true that it'd be an interesting touch that there'd be a research about an update of your suit and among other things you would have a PDU message getting progressively displayed onscreen a bit like in SOCOM games or espionage movies if you see what I mean. It's true that given what's written in the Wiki it feels like your suit is "THE Ultimate Weapon", not even Clint Eastwood would best it with the Firefox ^_-

User is offline   Micky C 

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 TheDragonLiner, on 06 August 2016 - 08:05 AM, said:

My save is currently at the place of the screen so per say I didn't hang up XD But I'd have probably sustained the thing for less than 5 minutes ^^

It's true that it'd be an interesting touch that there'd be a research about an update of your suit and among other things you would have a PDU message getting progressively displayed onscreen a bit like in SOCOM games or espionage movies if you see what I mean. It's true that given what's written in the Wiki it feels like your suit is "THE Ultimate Weapon", not even Clint Eastwood would best it with the Firefox ^_-

Yep, you've got it. I can essentially never miss a shot, since the suit makes sure the weapon is aligned with the target I'm looking at, and also takes into account the effect of gravity and atmosphere on the projectile, which is why a science guy can fight along side the world's top soldiers.
If I actually were to build a suit, it would have capability like sonar, infrared, and even the ability to automatically hack into nearby security cameras, then merge all the visual cues together, process them, and display them in a coherent, simplified fashion in my HUD. Needless to say, even if James had the time to do it, and the engine made it easy to set up, it would make my character way overpowered compared to the others.

Keep an eye out my origin story in Episode 3. It's pretty damn short, taking place in an underground lab, but it should be a sweet ride.


 Micky C, on 06 August 2016 - 05:31 PM, said:

Yep, you've got it. I can essentially never miss a shot, since the suit makes sure the weapon is aligned with the target I'm looking at, and also takes into account the effect of gravity and atmosphere on the projectile, which is why a science guy can fight along side the world's top soldiers.
If I actually were to build a suit, it would have capability like sonar, infrared, and even the ability to automatically hack into nearby security cameras, then merge all the visual cues together, process them, and display them in a coherent, simplified fashion in my HUD. Needless to say, even if James had the time to do it, and the engine made it easy to set up, it would make my character way overpowered compared to the others.

Keep an eye out my origin story in Episode 3. It's pretty damn short, taking place in an underground lab, but it should be a sweet ride.

Indeed, and not only would your OC be frustratingly easy to use with all the assistance but it would also make it the most framerate hungry one of the bunch especially with that "all nearby camera" display you mentioned and it would also fill the screen a bit too much to keep the action readable but it sure would feel like playing a precursor of IronMan (and yet the wiki mentions a built-in Jetpack >_>) ^^

About Adelaide and the invasion ? Definitely up for it ! Also for Sang I hope since we'll be supposed to meet his nemesis. Also didn't you say long ago that you had the idea of a mini-mission about stolen plans for your suit having to be retrieved ? that would be interesting as well ^^

BTW I didn't know Australian schools had to be flooded at some point >> Attached Image: duke0002.png
BTW What does the verb "ned" mean ? >> Attached Image: duke0001.png

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 06 August 2016 - 11:44 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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That blue is actually just reflection off glass, which is unfortunately exacerbated when converted to an 8-bit palate. I have a feeling you're really going to like my origin mission Posted Image

'Ned" means James should of looked up the word in the dictionary Posted Image

The suit wouldn't display the camera feed directly. It would pick up enemies and layouts from camera feeds, and re-render them from the player's perspective as part of the seeing-through-walls augmented reality functionality.

The jetpack isn't built in either, it's part of a module. The version of the suit Micky wears in the TC is designed with modularity in mind. This means that there's the base suit which is light and efficient, but can attach extra components such as the jetpack, scuba gear and thicker armour as needed and required by the mission at hand.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 07 August 2016 - 12:12 AM



Hey there !

I found two anomalies that are ... original >_>

1_ The hint is a lie !!

Attached Image: duke0000.png

2_ One of the scientists has capillary problems :P

Attached Image: duke0001.png

Note that the problem occurs only on the frame when he's looking at his hand-board thingamajig. I checked a few other scientists and they didn't seem to have that kind of problem ...
(I suspect he's been messing with Micky's room while he was absent ...)

BTW the help text about Rusty's revolver alternate fire is no longer relevant (I came across it recently)
BTW2 The background with the castle is just great, definitely my favorite ^^


Hey there !

Found a few things :

1_ Attached Image: duke0000.png
Now I understand why "there's nothing on this planet a Russian cannot fix" ... Ain't the Russian engineering I would trust ^^

2_ Attached Image: duke0001.png
Small problem with the sky texture of The Wharf, note that it doesn't occur all the time and not right away, must be linked to the skybox bugs related to sprinting and sliding :/

3_ Suggestion for a fix : Highwire's radio remains at 0% when used up in order to still be usable with field radios BUT if we happen to change item it will disappear, What I'd suggest is make it so that using the radio consumes 49%, leaving the fully used radio at 2% which is enough to make it so that it won't disappear, then you would just have to make it so that the remaining 2% won't be enough to allow a third use.

User is offline   Jblade 


just an FYI if I rep+ a post in this topic it means I've fixed the reported issue (or most of them anyway)

User is offline   Jolteon 


I noticed something when playing usermaps. When Overlord is killed, you cannot walk over his corpse despite he's dead. You will have to blow up his corpse to go through him. I've only noticed this with the Mini Overlords, Haven't checked on the big one though.


 Jolteon, on 18 August 2016 - 05:24 PM, said:

I noticed something when playing usermaps. When Overlord is killed, you cannot walk over his corpse despite he's dead. You will have to blow up his corpse to go through him. I've only noticed this with the Mini Overlords, Haven't checked on the big one though.

I think Snowfall's Pipedream makes use of a big one but it's at the very end but it will trigger a blank cinematic which isn't practical for checking out what you report, same for the last level of Duke's episode 2 ...

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 18 August 2016 - 11:13 PM


User is offline   Jolteon 


 TheDragonLiner, on 18 August 2016 - 11:12 PM, said:

I think Snowfall's Pipedream makes use of a big one but it's at the very end but it will trigger a blank cinematic which isn't practical for checking out what you report, same for the last level of Duke's episode 2 ...

I almost forgot about the Overlord in Pipedream. I could try it out there. But of course I do have to get there where he is. Although I could try with the Overlord in ep2 of Duke 3D, for it would be quicker. But of course there is the blank cinematic that you mentioned, so I could try to get close to him before it happens.

EDIT: I've just tried it out before the blank cinematic happens, and as it turns out, you cannot walk through the big Overlord even when he's dead, just like with the mini ones.

Also for laughs, this is what happens when you play the regular Duke Nukem 3D levels with AMC.

Attached Image: duke0042.png

This post has been edited by Jolteon: 19 August 2016 - 08:29 AM



Hi oh !

Found 3 things to report :

1_ There is a missing word in the phone conversation with John after City Under Siege >> Attached Image: duke0000.png

2_ The phone conversation with Jane after the Shadow Realm doesn't work, just like one of Micky's (I think it's the one after the Shadow Realm as well).

3_ I've noticed that when a Reaper is slashing at you and misses (because you're backing off), IF the animation of his attack is full and the slashing sound plays then you will spawn a little gib even though you were not hit.

4_ I've discovered why James' Auto 5 practically always triggers the SG ammo glitch (shooting uses both mag and ammo) if we try using alt ammo with it : I've noticed that this is due to the fact that when the alternate ammo is depleted with it it will not automatically revert to regular shells like other guns normally do. James' Protecta triggers it way less often and sometimes we can fix it with a bit of luck but this is impossible with the Auto 5.

BTW Jolteon the fact we can't walk through the big Overlord's body kinda makes a bit of sense in a way, it's an anomaly only because we can go through the Emperor and the Battlelord. It would be an interesting, though gadget, feature ...

User is offline   XThX2 


Was there ever a patch made for losing loadout weapons after a map transition? Notable times it happens: Millhaven -> Entering Library, Zeta Base -> Second Floor. This is quite off putting too...

User is offline   Jblade 


Try updating your Eduke32 exe; it was a combination of problems IIRC. I don't have time to push out another patch for an older version I'm afraid but this at least is definitely fixed for the next episode.


I never experienced that glitch but I actually experienced the opposite, it's on Highwire's Ep1 map at the end when you take the elevator down to the bunker, it replaces the temporary weapon I carry for the one I originally chose in the loadout editor :/
Though this must be a problem about the Bunker map itself, there's a similar issue with Loke's Ep2 map though I think I already mentioned that >> If you go to the secret level and finish it you will carry your armor over but not your HPs which will be set back to how they were before you entered the secret level ...

BTW taking on the occasion to report this minor typo : Attached Image: duke0000.png

User is offline   Jblade 


 TheDragonLiner, on 20 September 2016 - 07:55 AM, said:

I never experienced that glitch but I actually experienced the opposite, it's on Highwire's Ep1 map at the end when you take the elevator down to the bunker, it replaces the temporary weapon I carry for the one I originally chose in the loadout editor :/
Though this must be a problem about the Bunker map itself, there's a similar issue with Loke's Ep2 map though I think I already mentioned that >> If you go to the secret level and finish it you will carry your armor over but not your HPs which will be set back to how they were before you entered the secret level ...

BTW taking on the occasion to report this minor typo : duke0000.png

Not a typo, that's a figure of speech ;)


 Jblade, on 20 September 2016 - 08:07 AM, said:

Not a typo, that's a figure of speech ;)

What O_o ?

The S isn't a typo ?

User is offline   Jblade 


No, if it was I would of said so.

User is offline   Micky C 

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 TheDragonLiner, on 20 September 2016 - 08:49 AM, said:

What O_o ?

The S isn't a typo ?

James is famous for his bad grammar, true. You can take my word for it that it's valid english Posted Image

User is online   Danukem 

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The grammar may be fine, but judging from that screen, the kerning on that font could use some work.

User is offline   Jblade 


Yeah it still uses gametext and not screentext, just one of the many million things I need to fix and improve ;)

User is offline   XThX2 


I have forgotten to mention this bug for a long time now but after playing the TC again for the past few days it occured again. The sorcerers (teleporting ones) can sometimes get inside floors (Yeah, under floors etc) and get stuck in there. Can it be fixed so at least they appear above the floor? The problem with their current behavior is they can still melee you from under the floor, I had it happen in Millhaven and it pushed me into a lava pit.


 XThX2, on 21 September 2016 - 04:56 AM, said:

I have forgotten to mention this bug for a long time now but after playing the TC again for the past few days it occured again. The sorcerers (teleporting ones) can sometimes get inside floors (Yeah, under floors etc) and get stuck in there. Can it be fixed so at least they appear above the floor? The problem with their current behavior is they can still melee you from under the floor, I had it happen in Millhaven and it pushed me into a lava pit.

I've experienced that as well, basically a way to prevent them from doing that is to make it so that you're jumping while they teleport, Also the fact they're stuck in the ground doesn't necessarily happen as they teleport but also as they "walk" off a ledge they fall into lava and never fly back up. Another way to prevent that is to find a way to get as far as possible from them in order to make them teleport back to you while you jump to ensure they're not stuck again.

I don't remember seeing that in the original Ep1 version though, has there anything been done to them between 1 and 2 ?

Also similarly the cacodemons tend to have a similar problem especially in Loke's map, when they fly from the castle towards you they suddenly fall down the cliff unless you're jumping as they hover above it and yet it doesn't work 100% all the time :/

User is offline   XThX2 


I feel like I'm bothering you with these bug reports but I need help ;) The medical converter research, it's supposed to be in Megabase right? The medlab room, on the wall? I don't see anything like that, no modules on the walls or anything. The research is unavailable for me for that reason and it's become a new kind of challenge. I can't say I don't like it but I'm missing it now :D Could it be a bug? I checked on mapster that it should be there, the sprite for it is. In game, it's not though.

User is offline   Jblade 


yeah that's a known bug I'm afraid - I fucked up whilst editing the level. Did you check to see if the sprite is inside the actual building? The problem was I moved the wall so whilst the sprite is still there it's now considered outside the room.Try moving it and then checking if you can see it in 3D mode.

User is offline   XThX2 


Well a new Eduke version did fix weapon slot mess ups in Zeta Base but now I'm getting random silent crashes, no error, no report or anything. It just silently shuts it and takes me back to desktop... This happens in random places but now after I go to the elevator that takes me back down to floor 1 of Zeta Base to the octabrain area it simply crashes no matter what I do. Anything I can do about this?

Oh and, grenades don't explode properly anymore, due to this new Eduke version. It seems to affect the grenades with bounce counts rather than times, like the grenades of that one zombie.

This post has been edited by XThX2: 26 September 2016 - 06:53 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


Probably not - like I said, I'm not really in a position to spend time making a patch for the EP2 release version since my time is limited unfortunately.

User is offline   XThX2 


 Jblade, on 26 September 2016 - 07:29 AM, said:

Probably not - like I said, I'm not really in a position to spend time making a patch for the EP2 release version since my time is limited unfortunately.

My intent was not to ask for a patch, but maybe a solution that does not require any patches. At worst you are aware of some problems that exist now ;)


 XThX2, on 26 September 2016 - 07:49 AM, said:

My intent was not to ask for a patch, but maybe a solution that does not require any patches. At worst you are aware of some problems that exist now ;)

Personally I'd recommend sticking to the Eduke provided with the original game and its patch instead of using a newer one, also for the problems you mention maybe you should check if your Eduke CFG file isn't corrupted because it once happened to me and although I didn't get your specific problem I got things both far and close to them.


Hey I found a new bug !

It occurred in Providence but I suppose there are possible ways of reproducing it elsewhere ... Here's the thing, I was as James in the mines going up to John, I had the Tommy Gun as temp weapon and when I got back to Sang in his cell I couldn't use fists, even taking a temp weapon and dropping it didn't fix the problem I couldn't fist still.
A small test reveals that I had the Tommy Gun fitted with Sliver Bullets and this is what caused the bug, if I activate the cutscene while having Regular ammo in it then I can use fists with Sang but not if I activate the cutscene with Silver ammo selected.

I have kept my save where I can't use the fists just in case ...

Also I didn't understand how it happened but in the first portion with James when I entered the house where John first calls you I accidentally pressed scroll-lock too early while clicking alt-fire to skip the communication and what happened is that I got the PDU show up while we could hear the conversation but I couldn't remove the PDU ... I didn't have the patience to wait until the conversation ended though maybe it would have unlocked the situation >_>


Hey I found another brand new bug concerning automatic slot 2 weapons !

It appears that when you're using a full auto handgun while quick-kicking at the same time you can actually have a few free bullets in your magazine, meaning you can have a full burst last a few bullets longer than normal.

Here's a special compound picture to show you : Attached Image: duke0000.png
As you can see between 2 and 3 I shot 14 bullets but my magazine had drawn 13 instead; When I first noticed that bug I had 0 ammo but 2 mag (unusable).
I've done testing on a bunch of auto guns and only the slot 2 guns seem to be affected but not all and not all the time, Highwire's Kashtan is affected systematically but the other ones aren't. Here's a series of shots confirming you what I say :

1_ Attached Image: duke0004.png
Using the same technique the first clip brought me to 28 (correct) but the second clip brought me to 5 while it should have been 8 (3 extras).

2_ Attached Image: duke0006.png
Using the same technique I should have been brought to 180 but I got 2 extra bullets. Yet I had to stop firing twice because the shovel strike took priority over the kick.

3_ Attached Image: duke0009.png
Using the same technique the first clip brought me to 216 (correct) but the second clip brought me to 181 while it should have been 186 (5 extras).

4_ Attached Image: duke0011.png
Using the same technique I should have been brought to 375 but I got down to 371 (4 extras).

I tested more guns than that (Namely Sang's SR2 and Highwire's VAL) but only these ones (pictures) have shown the glitch and as I said not systematically unlike the Kashtan, for James' Glock and Highwire's Skorpion I had to use 2 clips in order to manifest the glitch. Also it doesn't seem to have any relation with Highwire's SVD and James' Crossbow gaining an extra shot when firing super fast and yet it has the same effect of having extra shots before reloading.

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