Micky C, on 06 August 2016 - 07:12 AM, said:

I'd certainly like to have an updated version of the suit where the scanner and possibly other PDU functions are actually built-in to the helmet interface. In my mind the suit is meant to have extremely sophisticated scanning and analysis capability (see enemies through walls etc) but alas that's not practical within the gameplay balance and coding feasibility of the TC. Maybe for a special mission in episode 5...
My save is currently at the place of the screen so per say I didn't hang up XD But I'd have probably sustained the thing for less than 5 minutes ^^
It's true that it'd be an interesting touch that there'd be a research about an update of your suit and among other things you would have a PDU message getting progressively displayed onscreen a bit like in SOCOM games or espionage movies if you see what I mean. It's true that given what's written in the Wiki it feels like your suit is "THE Ultimate Weapon", not even Clint Eastwood would best it with the Firefox ^_-