The editors have unpacked the files and added their own installer (it is possible that the demo was distributed with Channel 7's installer, like later versions), so the distribution is not original. I have repacked the files and uploaded them here:
An internal string in the executable identifies this version as 1.016. There are three levels from the city-temple episode, as in demo v2.0, but they use different music tracks. The level warp cheat, contrary to what the readme states, is simply GO# (where # is the level number), just like in the final version.
There are some quite noticeable differences compared to v2.0. Some textures and possibly the palette have been changed between v1.0 and v2.0.
The priest and archer (Veek Warrior according to the internal strings) have slightly different sprites and/or animations compared to v2.0. There is no giant head monster. Instead, there's another enemy type, possibly called a Veek Lord:

The player's clones (created with the Clone item) will attack the player but seemingly ignore monsters:

Some more screenshots can be found here: