thank you so much for dropping some feedback man. i am glad you liked the map. I can definitely feel you on that fear of flying (ha), I am well aware that over time, most duke players have formed strong habits due to developing familiarity with how the original game itself, and most user maps, play. Ie. always be conservative with the jetpack, keep 5 rockets on you at all times in case of a battlelord encounter, prioritize the shotgun and chaingun as the basic weapons etc... I kind of want to break those habits, and show alternative patterns, most of the time it is hard and confusing for the average player to dare allowing themselves to drift away from those conventions though, as though 'is the level going to punish me for playing it differently ?' / 'am I doing something forbidden ?' was resonating non stop in the background as one plays... So on the mapper's side, experimentation is always a risk. Which is probably why some players (such as MetHy) seem to like those maps more on their second / third / etc playthroughs, once they have gotten familiar enough with it to be in position to fully appreciate it as what it is