The PSN store has an easter sale still going on until 15th of April:
https://store.playst...08-EASSPRSALE15 (you might have to go through the
front page to your local version)
Some decent titles like Demon's Souls for 4.95€, Alice: Madness Returns (which includes American McGee's Alice in it) and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for 3.95€. Some really nice bundles like the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Mass Effect Trilogy, Devil May Cry HD collection, Hitman HD Collection, Splinter Cell HD collection all between 10€ to 15€. Though the coolest stuff being DOOM Classic Complete (and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light) for 2.95€
Apparently the DOOM Classic collection has an exclusive episode for consoles, titled DOOM 2: No Rest for the Living (in addition to Ultimate DOOM, DOOM 2, Final DOOM and DOOM 2: Master Levels).