Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction "All Out Of Gum aka Gearbox foils Interceptor's plan again"
#931 Posted 15 May 2014 - 10:43 AM
Add me to the list of sent condolences regarding George's recent health scare. I always admired the guy despite because of his investments in DNF, as well as the rest of the 3DR/Apogee library. He also seems like such a genuine, kind, and down-to-earth man who worked like crazy to please his customers. I never contributed to the hate that was thrown in his direction, and always defended him- despite all the hate I myself received in turn. Yes, he may have made some critical mistakes that caused DNF to suffer greatly, but I still honestly believe that every decision he made- business or otherwise- was done with the very best of intentions to deliver awesomeness to his loyal fans...fans who I'd bet my life George never took for granted, and always fully recognized and appreciated their undying support. And yes, I would say all of this regardless of what physical condition he happened to be in...I'm not sure if this applies to anyone who has wished the best for him within the past 24 hours, but I for one am sick and tired of a serious tragedy occurring in order for people to start showing some god damn respect. So many people in the past of openly prayed for unspeakable things to happen to Mr. Broussard, and now that he suffers a stroke are any of those people cheering? Not that I would want them to, obviously, but when a horrible turn of events actually DOES take place all the assholes who previously bashed him hardcore when he was well start singing a completely different tune and needless to say, this flip-flopping bullshit irritates the hell out of me. Apologies for the somewhat incoherent rant, but I'm so sick and tired of seeing this exact sort of false-side-switching-for-the-sake-of-being-politically-correct repeat itself time and time again.
#932 Posted 15 May 2014 - 03:19 PM
I just think these kinds of things are terrible for anyone to go through and I wouldn't be happier or sadder if it happened to anybody else despite all the good/bad they did/didn't do.