High Treason, on 23 February 2014 - 02:20 PM, said:
I might be out of this, I was given a new computer which is useless and it has fried my monitor. The Atom I have been using to edit has also been going unstable lately.
I can't promise that I can progress past this point, still looking at over a year until workstation replacement, so I might have to back out within the next week, if this happens I hope this doesn't cause problems for the project. Why does shit always go wrong when I go near any community-type projects? It sucks (The situation, not the project... except Beach CBP, that sucks j/k).
In the meantime, here's part of the Library;
And part of the "Other Library";
Honestly not happy with it. And yeah, floor shading looks messed up, something is wrong with either Mapster or my video card. Feel free to kick me off the project for not meeting the standards, this is all I can do with the limited tools I have and that template was simply horrible to build on due to a major difference in the style of my geometry to whoever it was that built it.
I think these screenshots look great. It's like Silent Hill with Duke stock textures. If you're unable to continue I suggest posting the map here and hopefully someone can finish the map by keeping the spirit, idea and visual style of it (sadly I can't do that myself as I already have my own map to finish + the secret map to make)
Paul B, on 23 February 2014 - 06:39 PM, said:
Hi Methy,
I would like to publish showcase.map individually on Megaton. Should I wait until the CBP is complete before I do that? I was hoping at some point to try out the multi-player aspect of the level.
Ideally, except for a one map demo advertising the episode on Megaton, I had dreamt of every map to only be playable within the episode because that's where they make the most sense and because, if almost everybody makes their maps available on Megaton, no player is going to bother downloading the full episode just for a couple more that's not on there.
But, I can't prevent people from doing whatever they want with their map. If they think their map is more important than the project as a whole, I can't help that

and obviously everybody wants THEIR map to be the one that ends up on Megaton, which I understand because that's probably the one that's going to be played the most.
What you should do though is advertise the episode in the description of the map, in the .txt file, and imo even inside the map. For the description and txt file put the download link as well as easy intrusctions on the easy installation of the full episode. For inside the map, put a "DOWNLOAD THE FULL EPISODE *download link*" near the exit door.
And obviously wait for release of the episode, that will give a little more advertisment to the full episode.