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CBP Episode 'Duke Hard'  "One building, one map(per) per floor, small maps"

User is offline   MetHy 


Like I said it's still acceptable to believe Duke only wanted to use it to go to a random floor (and not to the rooftop), I've seen much worse senseless things in commercial games in terms of realism (or you know, like the shelves blocking Duke's path in your map which is just as realistic :blink: )
And it's just a randomizer bonus mod after beating the episode the normal way anyway.
Or perhaps you have a better idea for the secret map? Because I see no other solution, other than this one and the other one I mentionned which seems more trouble than it's worth as it means finding and building an entrance to the secret map in every map and creating a code that only makes it accessible when each map is the last one before the boss... (if that's even possible to code such a thing)...

This post has been edited by MetHy: 22 February 2014 - 01:02 PM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


I still don't know why the randomizer is even relevant. Plus I no longer have any clue what the secret level is about.

Too confusing for me.

User is offline   MetHy 


It would be a cool trick for extra replay value once the player has beat the episode.

But if the majority of people don't like, or if nobody is able to (or want to) code such a thing, it's not very important.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 22 February 2014 - 01:05 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


sounds like Attrition
play X number of maps in random order then get the boss map

User is offline   MetHy 


Now that the map randomizer thing is pretty much done and that long ago DeeperThought and Plagman did a map mirroring mod, what do you guys think if, once the player has beat the episode the normal way, he unlocks a sub menu in the main menu called 'EXTRA' and can at will, activate/desactivate the following features :
- Map randomizer
- Map mirroring
- Keep weapons after each level (I thought that some players might be frustrated when losing their weapons after each level, and while it's necessary to do that for the normal episode it could be used for extra replay value after beating it the normal way)

Like this he can at will have one of the features, or even several at the same time (like mirrored+randomized, or randomized+keeps weapons, etc).
Ideally you can access the "EXTRA" menu even before beating the episode, BUT all you see if you access it beforehand is a text saying "Unlocked after beating the episode"

Do you think this would be any good? Or am I asking too much?

This post has been edited by MetHy: 23 February 2014 - 05:50 AM


User is offline   DavoX 

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Anything that adds more replay value is good for me :blink:

User is offline   Steambull 


Well, first of all, it's an episode, and a long one at that, so there's already a very high bar set for people to go through it even once. However, if it's no trouble to do those things, I guess you might as well put them in, at least some of us will probably take a shot at them.


I might be out of this, I was given a new computer which is useless and it has fried my monitor. The Atom I have been using to edit has also been going unstable lately.

I can't promise that I can progress past this point, still looking at over a year until workstation replacement, so I might have to back out within the next week, if this happens I hope this doesn't cause problems for the project. Why does shit always go wrong when I go near any community-type projects? It sucks (The situation, not the project... except Beach CBP, that sucks j/k).

In the meantime, here's part of the Library;
Attached Image: capt0015.png

And part of the "Other Library";
Attached Image: capt0018.png

Honestly not happy with it. And yeah, floor shading looks messed up, something is wrong with either Mapster or my video card. Feel free to kick me off the project for not meeting the standards, this is all I can do with the limited tools I have and that template was simply horrible to build on due to a major difference in the style of my geometry to whoever it was that built it.

This post has been edited by High Treason: 23 February 2014 - 02:20 PM


User is offline   Paul B 


What's the point of posting screen shots if you're not happy with it? I don't understand, I think those screen shots look really good and detailed. I really like the atmosphere and the choice of non typical tiles you've chosen to use to showcase the library. You better finish this map! Blaming your computer for taking out your monitor seems a bit of a stretch and since Eduke can practically work on a Pentium 100 you should have a lot of systems to chose from to use and considering your background in IT I'm sure you'll have no problem finding a replacement or an adequate system to finish the map. I'm wanting to see this Library in game no more excuses! It's a small template and I was really looking forward to seeing this mirror dimension thing play out.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 23 February 2014 - 03:35 PM



Not excuses. Plugged machine in, powered on, heard a dreadful crackling. Monitor no longer works, machine ended up with a dent in it... Was useless anyway, Celeron M430 with a 945GM, dead hard drive and no expansion slots, my only plans were to sell it.

EDuke works on a Pentium 100? Whilst I have a few machines that can run it in one way or another, only the Atom is capable of 32-Bit rendering and there is no way on this earth I am working under the software renderer (which lags horribly with the Core 2 workstation and is the only mode it can use anyway - expansion is not an option either thanks to Intel locking the PCI-E down). I would run it on the dual PIII workstation but Windows XP has thrown a wobbler and I seriously can't be bothered convincing it to work with the SCSI controller and maintain the dual boot at this point (requires manually altering the boot sector of two drives) - to make matters worse, the hard drive in the Core 2 is throwing up errors, not a good year for technology so far. I do not own any other machine capable or running it, even that P3 would be a stretch given that it runs a Radeon VE.

If you had to work with what I do right now, you'd feel the same way. It hinders creativity when every time you touch something the machine runs the risk of locking up or rebooting without warning, not to mention, no sound, it takes ten seconds to switch between 3D and 2D modes, the test button crashes the system, Ethernet is not functional, the texture browser doesn't work properly (nor does 2D mode really).

The screenshots were posted as they are the best I can do with the tools I have and to give me drive to work on it, given that I haven't touched it in about a week due to busy schedule and lack of motivation due to said issues with the machine. How I'm meant to work on it with no monitor is beyond me anyway unless I am expected to use either a shoddy LCD that doesn't work properly or an older busted up CRT. I gotta be honest, I'm not feeling it right now.

If I have to drop out, I'll post the map in whatever state it is in, but very little exists beyond what is in the screen shots outside of basic layout.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostHigh Treason, on 23 February 2014 - 02:20 PM, said:

Feel free to kick me off the project for not meeting the standards

i'm on the project. the bar of standards is already laying on the floor in the muck under the fridge

User is offline   Paul B 


Well if you do end up posting what you have maybe a talented mapper on these forums can pick up where you left off and continue your vision. Sorry to hear your run of bad luck with hardware.

User is offline   Paul B 


Hi Methy,

I would like to publish showcase.map individually on Megaton. Should I wait until the CBP is complete before I do that? I was hoping at some point to try out the multi-player aspect of the level.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 23 February 2014 - 06:40 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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Obviously wait until the CBP is released otherwise everyone would release theirs individually and it wouldn't be a fresh new experience when people play it. Afterwards then some people will probably release it on megaton as a sort of demo for the episode, and should probably have a message suggesting people to try the full thing.

User is offline   Paul B 


Crap that was suppose to be a private message to Methy. HAHA I didn't realize I was posting on the public forums.. Yea that makes sense i'll wait. I just tried out Megaton Duke for the first time this weekend and I have a big itch to play multiplayer! Now i'm just waiting for all my buddies to pick up a copy so we can finally duke match again, just like old times.

This post has been edited by Paul B: 23 February 2014 - 09:57 PM


User is offline   MetHy 


View PostHigh Treason, on 23 February 2014 - 02:20 PM, said:

I might be out of this, I was given a new computer which is useless and it has fried my monitor. The Atom I have been using to edit has also been going unstable lately.

I can't promise that I can progress past this point, still looking at over a year until workstation replacement, so I might have to back out within the next week, if this happens I hope this doesn't cause problems for the project. Why does shit always go wrong when I go near any community-type projects? It sucks (The situation, not the project... except Beach CBP, that sucks j/k).

In the meantime, here's part of the Library;
Attachment capt0015.png

And part of the "Other Library";
Attachment capt0018.png

Honestly not happy with it. And yeah, floor shading looks messed up, something is wrong with either Mapster or my video card. Feel free to kick me off the project for not meeting the standards, this is all I can do with the limited tools I have and that template was simply horrible to build on due to a major difference in the style of my geometry to whoever it was that built it.

I think these screenshots look great. It's like Silent Hill with Duke stock textures. If you're unable to continue I suggest posting the map here and hopefully someone can finish the map by keeping the spirit, idea and visual style of it (sadly I can't do that myself as I already have my own map to finish + the secret map to make)

View PostPaul B, on 23 February 2014 - 06:39 PM, said:

Hi Methy,

I would like to publish showcase.map individually on Megaton. Should I wait until the CBP is complete before I do that? I was hoping at some point to try out the multi-player aspect of the level.

Ideally, except for a one map demo advertising the episode on Megaton, I had dreamt of every map to only be playable within the episode because that's where they make the most sense and because, if almost everybody makes their maps available on Megaton, no player is going to bother downloading the full episode just for a couple more that's not on there.

But, I can't prevent people from doing whatever they want with their map. If they think their map is more important than the project as a whole, I can't help that :blink: and obviously everybody wants THEIR map to be the one that ends up on Megaton, which I understand because that's probably the one that's going to be played the most.

What you should do though is advertise the episode in the description of the map, in the .txt file, and imo even inside the map. For the description and txt file put the download link as well as easy intrusctions on the easy installation of the full episode. For inside the map, put a "DOWNLOAD THE FULL EPISODE *download link*" near the exit door.
And obviously wait for release of the episode, that will give a little more advertisment to the full episode.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 24 February 2014 - 04:39 AM


User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostMetHy, on 24 February 2014 - 02:00 AM, said:

What you should do though is advertise the episode in the description of the map, in the .txt file, and imo even inside the map. For the description and txt file put the download link as well as easy intrusctions on the easy installation of the full episode. For inside the map, put a "DOWNLOAD THE FULL EPISODE *download link*" near the exit door.
And obviously wait for release of the episode, that will give a little more advertisment to the full episode.

We should use a QR code. I can make it if you want :blink:

(On anyone's map)

User is offline   MetHy 


Yeah that would be good to have it as well! We'll see when the time comes (when we know which map we'll use for the Megaton, which I will probably pick randomly)

User is offline   Kyanos 


I stick my nose in here from time to time for a good read, oh the drama... Anyways, Paul b as long as you and your friend both have the map in gameroot/maps (not the workshop folder) then you can play with friends without publishing yet...

Keep up the good work guys! And keep em in line Methy!!

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


You can also put it on workshop and just set visibility to private or friends-only. Just make sure that you reset the visibility after each update.

User is offline   Stabs 


so can i make an escher haunted floor that mkes no logical sense

User is offline   MetHy 


You want to make a floor? What do you mean exactly by that theme? Because ACB is already making a haunted apartments floor...

User is offline   Stabs 


I guess a tardis like effect, windows exist where they shouldn't, upside down stufff

kind of tainted by the chaos realms

if somoene wanted to hide a secret satantic like portal it would be a good secret level

This post has been edited by DanM: 24 February 2014 - 06:25 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


Sounds cool, go for it. Should I add you to the OP?
I always thought the Build engine, with SoS, could do cool stuff à la The Shinning (corridors leading to places that shouldn't exist, windows through which you can see outdoor even though the window is located between two rooms, etc). That's hardly even ever been done, too.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 24 February 2014 - 06:48 AM


User is offline   Stabs 


exactly i want to work on more SoS trickery to make things that are logically impossible, i was hopping to experiment with making a hallway that never ends, assume there is a bit of time on this because the next 2 weeks iam doing some heavy DNE patching

This post has been edited by DanM: 24 February 2014 - 09:58 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


A hallway that NEVER ends sounds a bit too much for me though :blink: I always get scared by this kind of stuff that players will get pissed, and give up playing, and therefore not get to play the next maps.

User is offline   Stabs 


k i got a better idea anyway

Stratton Oakmont

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


I'm waiting for someone else to get what that is reference to, so they can tell me.

User is offline   Mark 


The wild and out of control company from the movie Wolf of Wall Street. Parties and debauchery in the offices.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 25 February 2014 - 04:58 AM


User is online   ck3D 


as for me i couldn't manage any mapping time this entire week with the exception of one or two hours here and there, still got some decent progress though, i'd say it's about 40% done now, however i have to say that i just took a look at everyone's screenshots and ideas in this thread so far and although i used to think my map looked cool enough, now i find it kind of bland and uninspired in comparison. Everyone is just too good of a mapper nowadays... I most likely will be able to work on the rest of the map this week, hopefully i can use the remaining 60% to take it to higher standards...

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