DavoX, on 17 February 2014 - 01:41 PM, said:

I'm following the rules.... I just read your reply that I couldn't access other buildings so I just went back to mapping normally. I guess I should've made a comment but to say all this is really unfair on me.
I'd like to ask if this is going to the workshop and if polymost is going to be the standar render mode or are some guys doing classic too? I'm doing this with polymost in my mind. That way spritework looks flawless.
Well I'm sorry if I sounded rude, but I was pretty pissed at the whole thing when I wrote that and when I saw that you gave no answer for the longest time, I was certain you'd have taken my previous comment about your map negatively and that you'd drop it altogether.
Forge, on 17 February 2014 - 03:04 PM, said:
my next question is; since this is not going to be megaton compatible, why are co-op start points necessary? I've never put co-op/multiplayer anything in any map i've worked on. If it's not something simple my dumb ass can do, i may be breaking a rule and letting someone else put it in my section properly.
Eduke32's online is broken at the moment, as I heard (actually I haven't tried it in years). But we should always think ahead : at some point it will be possible, and even if all maps might not work in other sourceports (even though I hope every map will, I'll come to this point later on in this post) it's still 100% sure that some will. So, I do believe some players can take the maps and use another sourceport to play them in coop if they want to.
James, on 17 February 2014 - 02:18 PM, said:
It's gonna be an Eduke mod due to the increased amount of levels allowed in an episode (If megaton adds proper mod support than of course it could be split and added to the workshop at some point) I built my map for classic mode, I'd recommend building what looks best in both rather than choosing one due to how many people are building.
About Megaton, that's exactly what I hope. I hope they'll add proper mod support, or at the very least episode support, at some point. If they do we could split the whole thing into 3 episodes and it wouldn't hurt it too much considering every map starts weaponless, I'd try to make the separation sensible if that happens so that the players are less likely to lose tons of items (like a medipack etc) in between each part. But that's all hypotetical for now, but something we should keep in mind anyway. Megaton probably represents the biggest % of Duke3D userbase these days.
About the polymost?classic? question:
I will completely honest with you, I guess I haven't followed eduke's technical stuff at all because I had no idea polymost and classic had such important differences. Until now I thought eduke32's setting called 'software' was classic look. I had no idea some sprite-stuff could work in polymost and not in classic (the only difference I knew is that you can shade sprites independantly from the ceiling/floor's shade in eduke32, but if you're smart enough you can do that in classic if you remain on one level or if all the sprites on the same Y axis need the same shade value that's a different value from the sector, you 'simply' have to make a small near-invisible sector below each sprite...). Just like I had no idea polymer could hide SOS view glitches (the glitches you get when the player sees 2 floors at once in classic mode) until today.
So basically, what I meant in the OP was that, yes, we're building this for eduke32 because at the moment it's the only port which make it possible to have such a long episode. BUT we should make it so that it remains classic compatible, or at the very least, so that the maps can work in Megaton. As far as TROR and polymer are concerned, it's very obvious that only very few mappers would have wanted to use them, therefore they shouldn't use them because it would be stupid to have only 1 or 2 maps with polymer lights while every other don't use them, and after all, what the fuck would you want TROR for? You're supposed to stay on one floor... So, not only it would break the constitency, but it would also prevent the WHOLE thing from being playable somewhere either than eduke32 just because of a couple of maps. That's out of question. It might sound incoherent to you because atm we do need eduke32 anyway, but I don't thing incoherent at all. it's like for the players coop spawn points. We need to think ahead. In 5 years, I want people to be able to download the episode and install it and play it very easily without having to track down the exact right version of the right port. Nobody would bother. I don't 'only' make maps for myself, I make them so that people can play them, hence the logic I follow with Megaton.
So in conclusion, I'm sorry if I was clueless about the differences between polymost and classic and I hope this doesn't cause big issues. I'd like every map to be classic compatible, this is what I wanted to say in the OP and I thought that "No TROR, no hi res textures, no polymer" was enough to make it classic compatible.
In any case, no polymer is a point I made pretty clear to begin with. Someone asked me privately if his map could be an exception due to how it fixes the sos view glitch but I'm just about to ask him to change the map so that it fixes the glitch, everybody else abided to this rule (including someone else who would have wanted to add polymer lights) so I see no reason to come back on this word.
Micky C, on 18 February 2014 - 01:00 AM, said:
Yeah so far I've only done the door and elevator. Nothing outside the starting point. I'm hoping since it's a secret level and the basement, I'll be allowed to use some SOS to make two or three "levels" of parking space, or other related areas. Nobody likes a flat parking lot.
Maybe someone else can do the generator room (for the elevator) itself though.
Well I made it pretty clear I wanted to do the secret map (except that every mapper gets to build a car on his parking slot, unless he doesn't actually want to and then the space would remain empty). The reason behind this is that I want every mapper to have the same chance (same exposure) within the episode. This is made to avoid unnecessary drama and to also avoid having more people saying they want to make another map, and then another one (etc) until we've reached the 30th of February 2050. The other reason is that I got almost all the ideas of how it should be.
Okay, that means I have 2 maps contrary to every other mapper, but, 1) it's a secret map not everybody is going to play anyway 2)it's not going to be a long map anyway 3)as questionnable as it may be I'm still project leader so I get the privilege (but do trust me if I say and do that to avoid making mapping time longer with more maps and to avoid unnecessary drama even though it might just cause the contrary

Edit : So, now that this has been went through, I hope we can all continue to finish our maps happily. Everything which I've seen of this episode looks great so far and it sounds like it will turn out great in the end. Keep up the good work!