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CBP Episode 'Duke Hard'  "One building, one map(per) per floor, small maps"

User is offline   Lunick 


View PostMetHy, on 10 February 2014 - 01:13 AM, said:

I've seen some in-the-works DN3D maps by Daedolon and I can tell you they look great. It's like classic style sort of, but really clean and really solid.

Daedolon's maps look awesome (he just won't ever release them)

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


View PostMetHy, on 10 February 2014 - 01:13 AM, said:

It's like classic style sort of, but really clean and really solid.

Posted Image

I guess? I have to admit I like (to make) clean looking areas. Here's one from my map without too much away.

User is offline   Steambull 


The great advantage in the "clean" style is that heavy shading is easy to apply when you don't have to think of all the crap that would cast a shadow. Most maps that are full of detail and complex design don't dare to go very far with shadow lines and dark areas, unless it's a completely separate room in question. I usually try to create a few areas that are "dedicated" to shade by creating simple light sources and leaving excess detailing out. Anyway, the heavy shading contrast is what I most admire in original Duke map design.


In continuation of what was discussed at Scent-88, I think I should be able to do something for this. I've decided on my theme, I shall make an alien infested floor, possibly a library.

I do however have a question, I want to add a "mirror dimension" - with this dimension, given that it would seemingly exist in a mirror, can I then exceed the size limit inside the mirror dimension? If not, I'll just cut my floor in half.

I have something twisted planned.

The concept would be that you had to change things in the mirror dimension, such as getting an item or moving something, even if it didn't make sense in the mirror dimension - such as close a door here to open one in the real world, with some unusual consequences a la Red Drawf VIII.

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


That's generally a great idea, but I personally would like everyone to keep to the same limits so the maps retain the same tempo and overall unity to them.

User is offline   MetHy 


I love the concept, it's kinda like the time travel map in the Doom wad which gave me the idea of this episode though :(

I say the mirror dimension shouldn't exceed the size of the original floor, like it's a mirror dimension of the floor (duh...). But like Daedolon said, it would be cool if you keep it short so that it doesn't end up being a double map and it still has the same "tempo" as the rest. Then again, Paul B is making a floor that's actually 2 interconnected floors so what could I say...

I'm glad you're in, I'm adding you to the OP's list of mappers.

User is offline   Jblade 


I think it would be ok to have one or two maps that play with the size as long as they're for an interesting concept like High Treason's suggesting - it would be more of a neat suprise and possible serve as a 'boss' map (without bosses) that could serve as natural checkpoints to the tower. It should only be for a couple of levels though, if everybody did it than it wouldn't be interesting or noteworthy.

User is online   Mike Norvak 

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View PostHigh Treason, on 10 February 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:

In continuation of what was discussed at Scent-88, I think I should be able to do something for this. I've decided on my theme, I shall make an alien infested floor, possibly a library.

I do however have a question, I want to add a "mirror dimension" - with this dimension, given that it would seemingly exist in a mirror, can I then exceed the size limit inside the mirror dimension? If not, I'll just cut my floor in half.

I have something twisted planned.

The concept would be that you had to change things in the mirror dimension, such as getting an item or moving something, even if it didn't make sense in the mirror dimension - such as close a door here to open one in the real world, with some unusual consequences a la Red Drawf VIII.

That's sort of what I'm doing.... Hope the theme don't gets the same at some point...

User is offline   MetHy 


Are you doing alien infested theme too? or 'mirror' map too? is it through a mirror too?

btw speaking of that, recently i played a map where you could open up a mirror using use and go to the other side, it was pretty cool, could be idea for this theme. However it was a little glitchy, i ended up inside the mirror sector you're not supposed to see a few times...

User is offline   MetHy 


A little update.

Paul B's map is at 70% now. He dropped the 'library' theme to fully concentrate on the high security art exhibit theme, so if someone else wants to join he can take the library theme.
As for me I'm doing a security room on the ground floor which serves as a security room for the entire building (I'm thinking of copy/pasting small parts of a few maps at random only so that you could see those bits of maps from the viewscreens of my security room). I'm doing some really cool stuff in it, but no spoilers :blink:

There are still people who said they might join but who didn't say for sure like Hendricks266 and Bird, also some good active mappers who never showed up ITT like Locke or Forge. I'd love to get at least one more mapper so that the episode has 20 maps. Atm if you count the secret map planned, the episode will have 19 maps from 18 mappers.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 13 February 2014 - 03:11 AM


User is offline   ck3D 


i am still working on my map, on and off though and mostly off - i only get a few spare hours a week i can use as duke / mapster32 time. i have only added three rooms so far and haven't decided on a central theme yet. i already know the gameplay features i want to implement, yet am still unsure (and a little confused) about the aesthetics i should decide on. i have built three rooms so far and am going for a fairly 'detailed' style, seeing as it seems to be what would fit the rest of the maps (and the original template) the most.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 13 February 2014 - 06:27 AM


User is offline   neoacix 


Hey there guys, just wanna give a short signal.
I'm kind of stuck, over the head full of work and need the few hours I got left on a day just to relax and calm down.
Hopefully I get something done next week again...

User is offline   MetHy 


Don't worry about it guys, everybody's got life stuff he has to take care of. After all I'm only doing more progress this week because I have the week off.

User is offline   MetHy 


We got another map(per). Stummpy84 just pm'd me with a 95% done map consisting of a storage room.

User is offline   ck3D 


i am slowly getting some progress on mine. i'd say it's about 15% done so far, nothing to write home about still, but i am getting there. i think i am going to go for a medley of themes (since i can't seem to find a central speciality to my floor), i have built a small sushi corner so far along with storage rooms. the way the player enters the floor through said storage rooms before accessing the restaurant itself defies all logic, but whatever. i think i am just going to focus on making a succession of rooms that look good, with plenty of different corners like a mall sort of. i'll possibly add a cafe / coffee and tea shop and a library next, then keep going with different small shops. not the most coherent of maps but i think it will look good and play well and that might just be what matters the most.

User is offline   MetHy 


View Postck3D, on 17 February 2014 - 05:51 AM, said:

the way the player enters the floor through said storage rooms before accessing the restaurant itself defies all logic, but whatever.

Sounds like good Duke3D logic to me :blink: Good to hear about people's progress

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostMetHy, on 13 February 2014 - 03:08 AM, said:

...also some good active mappers who never showed up ITT like ... Forge.

define "good"

i can't promise anything; i haven't actively mapped since cbp 8 back in 2012

send me the proper template and i'll look to see if i can find my missing inspiration
maybe i'll do a penthouse apartment if the idea isn't taken already

This post has been edited by Forge: 17 February 2014 - 10:04 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


The template is in the 2Nd post page 1

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


there's two maps in the file. which one is supposed to used, regular or longfall?

User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


Use Regular.

User is offline   MetHy 


Use longall if you plan to have windows though. Everybody with windows has used it, it's so that every floor has the same unreachable area.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 17 February 2014 - 11:28 AM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


I don't get what you mean by that.

The player enters outside the area for me but I use Regular since you can't die in Longfall.

User is offline   MetHy 


Oh I thought regular had no unreachable area (no windows)... Wait, I don't understand what's the difference between both then? wtf

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


i was thinking about doing a penthouse like apartment. it'll have windows, but i wasn't planning on having a balcony or skywalk. everything will be within the building limits.

from what i seen, they're both the same thing (with windows), just longfall has that extra section connected via SE i was assuming was intended to make people splat if they fell out of the building

so does it really matter which one is used? not that longfall takes up alot of resources, but if i'm not using them then they're just a waste

This post has been edited by Forge: 17 February 2014 - 11:44 AM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


Longfall has a loop that makes you fall forever, otherwise it's identical.

User is offline   MetHy 


Well I hope nobody is using Longfall then, that's just stupid. I should have checked the template more thoroughly to begin with. The difference in size with my original template, as well as the different door placement is giving trouble for people who started with my template and who now have to do the extra copy pasting. For those, the door means changing quite a part of the map.

Anyway I'm pretty pissed at the whole thing right now. Unneeded template troubles and people doing whatever the fuck they want with the rules... I guess doing like the Doom community does all the time (an episode with 20+ mappers) isn't that simple among us.

And btw I asked Davox TWO WEEKS AGO to clarify the situation of his map. I don't know, maybe his highness thinks he shouldn't lower himself to speak with lowlives such as us ? You decided to join in this community project involving 20 other people, and by doing that, to follow the rules everybody is using, so please do tell if your map is (or plans to) break the rules in any way

User is offline   Steambull 


Due to the problems that MetHy mentioned above I have to shitcan my map, which I started right away on the template posted in the OP. After some time I was aware that most people were working on a different template, but I assumed that the new one wouldn't have changed the structure so that changing into that would require re-making a large portion of my map, but that's how it seems to be. I don't see why there needed to be a template change at all, especially since the project leader gave us a perfectly good one right in the beginning. I know that people will think that I should've paid more attention to what was going on in this thread and that I'm making a scene and so on, but I really am pissed that I wasted all this time for the project (map was almost done at 570 sectors, and a lot of my time went into it since I am a very slow mapper).

I hope that nobody else is working on the original template, oblivious to the fact that their map won't make it into the project because the demanded structure and measurements were changed somewhere along the way.

This post has been edited by Steambull: 17 February 2014 - 12:53 PM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


You should be able to just swap the central bit and the exteriors pretty easily?

User is offline   Jblade 


I'll volunteer to help port any maps over to the newer template if they were built on the old one, let's not start scrapping hard work over something like this.

I built my map on the old template and it took about a minute to swap it over to Cage's one. Just delete interior in the template map, save it, open your map and delete the outside + lift room and then copy it over onto the template. You will have to change the door position a bit.

This post has been edited by James: 17 February 2014 - 01:22 PM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


I was going to jump in for that as well, but seeing how James already did it once and his map is finished, it should not be too much of a trouble for him.

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