Well here are some my ideas. First off, weapons:
While I enjoyed the weapons selection of the game, I think some more futuristic Temporary Weapons of some sort. I thought about something like this:
Militech Ronin Light Assault

Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 35
Rate of fire : 2/3/30
Cartridge : 5.56C (5D6)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 450 eb
Reference : Blackhammer Cyberpunk Project
Length : 89 cm
Country : USA
The Militech Ronin standard edition is the classic light assault rifle of the modern battlefield. Measuring in at 35 inches in length, it only weighs 3 kilograms loaded.
I think that would fit right into the game and could be a nice addition to the existing arsenal.
Colt/Arasaka M102 AGL

Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : 0
Availability : common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/30
Cartridge : 6,8mm SPC (5D6+2)
Reliability : standard
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 1790 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 96 cm
Country : Japan/USA
Made for the battlefield this assault rifle grenade launcher combo is has become a staple in many militaries around the world.Grenade launcher (+2 25 mm 8 2 ST 200m).
For those who are more into Russian guns, why not take this:

Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/30
Cartridge : 7.62S (5D6)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 680 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 55 cm, crosse repliée
Country : Russia
Most modern and updated version of the legendary AK series of assault rifles.
In the megabase map you find the Barrett sniper rifle, but I thought the design and look are a bit overuse, why not replace it with something more futuristic looking? Like this for example:
Armalite-Barrett CSR-50

Type : Heavy sniper rifle
Accuracy : +4
Availability : Rare
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 10
Rate of fire : 1
Cartridge : .50 (6D10)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 1800 meters
Cost : 3925 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 161 cm
Country : USA
CSR-50 is the bullpup version of the M90, more precise, more advanced but also more expensive.
Or at least have the option to buy the gun. Interesting would also be the option to get AP or explosive ammo for that gun as well. Also of course, this gun should either be able to be bought or found in levels where sniping makes sense (wide open areas and such).
Also, since you are able to research the Battlelord minigun, why not add a weapons project that leads to a man portable minigun of some sort? Would be a interesting thing if you ask me. The idea would be that you have to research some sort of hydraulic recoil reduction system first, then caseless ammo (that you can get by finding a project for it or acquire a weapon that fires caseless ammo) before you finally get a man portable minigun.
Anyway, at the end of the game, James says that AMC needs to grow, which brings me to the idea that you should be able to buy and research stuff like power Armor and so on for both you and your troops to use. I mean it would make a sense after all.
As I mentioned in the other thread, story wise the future episodes could deal with HP Lovecraft horrors from beyond the stars. My idea would be to start slow: somewhere at a remote (coastal or maybe a town that has both coast and mountains) town, reports of strange sightings gather the attention of the EDF/EAF and they ask the AMC to look into this. So you go to the town, talk to the people there and what they saw and so on and so forth. You collect evidence that leads you to belive that some cult may be responsible for this and Rusty and Sang are the ones that are send to look further into it.
What they discover is more then concerning: they actually ran into the Cult of the Yellow Sign, worshippers of Hastur. It is soon clear why they are here: they are hunting the aliens known as the Mi-Go, strange creatures from beyond the stars that worship Nyarlathotep and are searching for a rear metal that only exist on earth (at least rare for those aliens and no so much for us), at least thats what the Mi-Go say.
Soon, things heat up and its clear that both of these factions are looking for someone........or something of great value to them......and a danger to all of humanity. Now its up to the AMC to stop whatever these 2 factions have uncovered.
I think this would make a good story for an EP for the TC. Optional ep idea: "Move your Ass to Mars!" The AMC has to deal with a supposed spy/agent that is trying to get to Mars and is hunted by a unknown party, that cumulates in them going to Mars to stop a oppressive Corporate Enterprise to blow up the Mars colony and blame it on a group of insurgents, so they can then proceed with building a colony solely dedicated to super rich people.
Well, I think thats all I can think of right now. Hope others have some more ideas and suggestions tho. As I said, feel free to post em here.