I thought it would be a good idea to collect the most important questions and answers skipping the questions that are asked multiple times,and put the most interesting in one thread.
So,there we go:
Bethesda_Cloud: Is Duke Nukem Forever really being delayed or is this just some cruel joke?
Randy Pitchford: It's real - not a joke.
goodgrimes: Be honest. Does this have anything to do with the Capture-the-Babe mode? Please don't tell me you guys are changing that.
Randy Pitchford: No - it has nothing to do with the Capture the Flag inspired multiplayer mode.
R&T PRODUCTIONS: May I ask how come the delay happened? Like...is there still major bugs or something?
Randy Pitchford: We've got about 50 - 60 certification and "A" bugs left in the database, which is about right for where we are.
aspiegeek: What're your overall plans after DNF is released?
Randy Pitchford: After DNF is finished, we'll probably want to do some DLC and then think about the future.
Grounder: Please for the love of God, include mod tools or some kind of editor in Duke Nukem Forever. I want DNF to last a long time.
Randy Pitchford: Currently, there are no mod tools included with the game. But we love the idea of that and have done that in the past. We'll see.
Stavrosdimou: Why are the members of your team painting monkeys ?
Randy Pitchford: Random - has nothing to do with this bit. Just background noise. Good question, though!
delta2kbr: Is this delay due to any content being cut? Please don't take away the booty spanking! =P
Randy Pitchford: Nothing is getting cut because of the delay. Some things are getting better, though.
lucasnooker: Why!!!!!? I just want a valid explanation of why DNF was pushed back yet again?? also when will there be demo news?
Randy Pitchford: We have to finish the game. Demo news will come soon - hopefully before May.