Lotan, on Nov 21 2009, 12:21 PM, said:
Bingo, we have a winner. Thats the stuff.
Girl = something with 'boobies' and 'vagina' which is nice. And sometimes in bad cases it has huge ego... it also can has XX chromosomes
In other news, I'm going to try air rifle shooting (again) in a few minutes. Ive already tried it last week and i'm quite enjoing it but I don't know for how long...
luckily, its still free for now so I've still got time to decide whether I'm joining the club or not. The kind sir that owns it all (guns, range) deceided that If I wanted to join I only have to pay for next years fee (January 2010-2011). After that I'll be free to train with all the Walther airrifles 4 days a week. I've already been taught the basics (stance, ways to hold the rifle steady, etc.) and I'm doing pretty well for a beginner, at least that's what the instructor said.
But I'm afraid it wont be as fun nor as healthy as the 7 years of Wado Ryu Karate training I've followed. I was actually planning to do Kumite (sparring) matches. But that was before I picked and moved to university of applied science. When deceiding between possible future career or sport, sport obviously loses, but I kinda miss the hard training days, and actually feeling pumped and healthy after training. Beleive it or not, I actually had a small 6pack... now long covered by beer and a small layer of fat.
There's not even one Wado Ryu dojo or a different Karate style dojo in or near the city I'm studieing. well, its been 2 years already since the last training and since I'm not actually doing anything beside studying and going out, so I'm just going to try and find something else I like and that happens to be shooting. Problem is I'm afraid it'll get boring after a few weeks...