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The Post Thread

User is offline   LakiSoft 


View PostNoddy, on 24 April 2019 - 06:34 AM, said:

Yeah, what did you expect when EU treats them like shit. EU treats all Eastern European members like shit, and they don't listen to them. A real shame, if you ask me.

@Noddy Yes some Coutnries like Croatia, Czech and Slovakia should really get out of EU before they got used like tissues and thrown up. I can say same for Romania and Bulgaria. Though, interesting note, thanks to that same mean EU, in Romania, at their faculties they earn money for getting good marks such as 9 or 10 as like they got salarries on job. However I don't know that EU only appiles this to some countires like Romania or to all EU membership countries. Seriously, in Serbia at our faculties they look how to stole your money no matter your marks are good or not, this is one of rare positive attitudes of EU, i must admit. But in pretty much everything else they threat Eastern Europeans like shit, i agree about this.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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No men with a common sense would like or support EU in anyway, at least unless they're rich.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 24 April 2019 - 06:44 AM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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I'm from Estonia and I've often felt like I'm living in an episode of the Twilight Zone that never seems to end. To the outside we seem prosperous because of our PR machine trying to attract investors to the country, but inside it's a deeply rotten society with a lot of inequality and just a fucked up culture that no one here will admit or speak openly about because of fears that doing so will benefit Russia somehow. That's all you hear about in the media.

Also, touching on the topic a page back - god, the women here. Just fucking terrible, personality of a wet rag and expecting to be treated like princesses. Google Kaia Kanepi if you want an idea of what they look like. I ended up marrying a Brazilian who I met on Omegle of all places.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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It's not about Russia benefiting from this (Russia being bogeyman is nothing even new), it's about keeping EU and leftist image "clean" as always. Either way, nothing is worse than a country where child trafficking is completely legal like in Sweden. Just can't top this shit in my opinion. Though I believe in UK child protection services too are doing child trafficking.

Also I'm sure it's not as bad about women. There are always decent girls who even despise this parasitic way of life and support traditional society. I've met plenty of them, one thing I regret though is that I lost contact with one which was way better than my ex. Still hate myself for not taking her cellphone number.

View PostGingis Khan, on 23 April 2019 - 07:47 AM, said:

I didn't knew Japan was so pro-American though.

It isn't. But the people do have respect for Americans themselves and for many other nations. Granted people don't really know much about the outside world and are pretty naive when it comes to various things, even those who know something about foreign politics don't know too well what happens outside. The only way to learn what the hell happens in USA or Europe is to learn English and talk to the people. For example, I thought it was us who lived in hell until I learned English. Now I feel like we're lucky and with Trump providing huge support to Israel (I guess we should move this to Outhouse) and I don't envy anymore.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 24 April 2019 - 11:16 AM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostSledgehammer, on 24 April 2019 - 11:05 AM, said:

Also I'm sure it's not as bad about women. There are always decent girls who even despise this parasitic way of life and support traditional society. I've met plenty of them, one thing I regret though is that I lost contact with one which was way better than my ex. Still hate myself for not taking her cellphone number.

Are you from this region too? I don't really care about "traditional society", I just can't deal with the excesses of neoliberalism disguised as genuine left wing politics.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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View Postthricecursed, on 24 April 2019 - 11:09 AM, said:

Are you from this region too? I don't really care about "traditional society", I just can't deal with the excesses of neoliberalism disguised as genuine left wing politics.

Nah, I'm from Japan. I'm simply curious about other countries, had a lot of acquaintances and friends around the world who provided me pretty valuable information about various things. Either way, there are still people with common sense including women if this is what you want.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 24 April 2019 - 11:21 AM


User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostSledgehammer, on 24 April 2019 - 11:21 AM, said:

Either way, there are still people with common sense including women if this is what you want.

I'm not saying there aren't, but if I don't ever meet one in the years I've lived in a place, I can sure generalize. As for women, I'm happy with the one I've got, haha. The irony is once you're married, you suddenly become a hot commodity.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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View Postthricecursed, on 24 April 2019 - 11:26 AM, said:

I can sure generalize.

Absolutely, it's clearly a problem these days, never denied that. I blame the media and education.

View Postthricecursed, on 24 April 2019 - 11:26 AM, said:

As for women, I'm happy with the one I've got, haha. The irony is once you're married, you suddenly become a hot commodity.

Yeah, they say it's because if a man is married he's automatically successful.

User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostLazy Dog, on 06 April 2019 - 01:08 PM, said:

my god that was painful to watch :)

And the pigeon had a much harder tutorial. It had to figure out how to move the platform over and rotate it without the benefit of instructions right on the screen. <_<

User is offline   Noddy 



it's about keeping EU and leftist image "clean" as always.

How does that saying go "The cleaner the decor, the uglier the secret". Anyway, the solution, in my opinion, is not that the member states should leave the EU, it's that they should at least try to have some reforms in the EU. Now if the EU doesn't want to listen, then they should leave.


Also, touching on the topic a page back - god, the women here. Just fucking terrible, the personality of a wet rag and expecting to be treated like princesses.

But, are they crazy like the Western women you see on the internet? I'm mean, I'm simply tired of the whole oppression narrative, wage gap and of the other nonsense. The more and more people that I meat (mostly foreigners), tell me that the women here, in the Balkans are better than theirs. Some of them like the looks, while others like the personality. If that is their opinion, then they must be tired of their own women. I mean, our average Balkan women, is nothing special, looks sure (but beauty is the thing of taste), and they are not afraid to tell you what they think, often swearing, a lot.


Either way, there are still people with common sense including women if this is what you want.

True, you just have to look really hard to find them these days.


For example, I thought it was us who lived in hell until I learned English.

Bro, you are from Japan, trust me you have it good. You have no idea how corrupt the rest of the world is. Now, I'm not saying that Japan doesn't have its share of problems, but compared to my country, you guys are living the life. Here in Serbia, pretty much everyone respects Japan, and your women are beautiful. Man, I still remember the donations you guys sent us, back in the early '00s. You guys sent us real aid, like materials, medical supplies, and so on. You didn't send money, it's like you knew that the politicians would steal it, so you guys sent actual aid. Much respect for that bro.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostNoddy, on 25 April 2019 - 02:18 AM, said:

But, are they crazy like the Western women you see on the internet?

A lot of them are crazy like the feminazi cliche or just poor slobs hoping for a man to take care of them while they sit on their ass and do nothing, but are otherwise apolitical or conservative only as far as it involves hating foreigners and homosexuals. The actual traditional women tend to be Russian/Ukrainian and they're our largest minority. I had the most positive experiences with them as well.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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View PostNoddy, on 25 April 2019 - 02:18 AM, said:

You have no idea how corrupt the rest of the world is

Believe me I do which is why I said that I consider Japan more or less lucky. However, there are countries which have it better like Denmark, Switzerland or even Iceland. Regardless, things will change and the rest will be affected too because it's like plague, the question is will they fight it. I think Japanese people will. Things in Japan are slowly but starting to get worse a bit (as if zainichi problem isn't enough already), I expect Tokyo Olympics to bring significant impact.

View PostNoddy, on 25 April 2019 - 02:18 AM, said:

You didn't send money, it's like you knew that the politicians would steal it, so you guys sent actual aid.

Beside that I think plain money would be used just as toilet paper by average people who needed actual help.

This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 25 April 2019 - 06:09 AM


User is offline   LakiSoft 


@thricecursed I find Estonian and other Baltic girls nice just like Slavic ones. Remember that in ancient past our mutual language was called Balto-Slavic so probably we were samw ethcnity back then. <_<

@SledgeHammer nice that you are from Japan. Just like Noddy pointed out Japan helped us alot. We love Russia and Japan :)

@Noddy agree bro. Japan always suported us. Yes i agree it is smart thing they sent actual stuff than just giving moeny to our greedy goverment that probably would steal the money if got in their hands. Nice move Japan! :P

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


need to re-establish and unify the old PLC-Slavic empire block. fuck the EU.

Posted Image
Serbia in year 1355, Bulgaria cerca 900, Moravia in year 892 (green) and PLC in 1611 (occupied areas in lighter colour).

This post has been edited by Forge: 25 April 2019 - 06:19 AM


User is offline   LakiSoft 


@Forge totally agree here. Though i would also add Romania and Greece to our union since they are one of best friends Slavs ever had. Note i know during Serbian Emperoer Czar Dushan Serbian Empire was greatest that it contained northern part of Greece. Hence Dushan was known as "Emperor of both Serbs and Greeks" the only Serbian ruler who had this title. But i mean i would add Entire Modern Greece and Romania to our union.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostGingis Khan, on 25 April 2019 - 06:01 AM, said:

@thricecursed I find Estonian and other Baltic girls nice just like Slavic ones. Remember that in ancient past our mutual language was called Balto-Slavic so probably we were samw ethcnity back then. <_<

Balto-Slavic? I think you're thinking about Latvian/Lithuanian. Estonian is Finno-Ugric. BTW, our local Slavic people love to say to outsiders that they are Estonian when they can't be bothered to even learn the language. To a large degree they live separately in low income neighborhoods and have their own separate schools, which we're afraid to get rid of because, again, we think Russia will invade. I personally don't think our government actually believes this, it's just good to have a permanent underclass. Saves you the trouble of having to import third worlders.

And unfortunately we're way too fucking racist here to ever want to be in some union with slavs. If it were up to me, I wouldn't mind, but at the same time you gotta consider the historical context here. We were invaded by Russia several times and the Soviet Union is still viewed as basically Russia. We're desperately trying to be seen as a Nordic country...

This post has been edited by thricecursed: 25 April 2019 - 07:16 AM


User is offline   LakiSoft 


View Postthricecursed, on 25 April 2019 - 07:13 AM, said:

Balto-Slavic? I think you're thinking about Latvian/Lithuanian. Estonian is Finno-Ugric. BTW, our local Slavic people love to say to outsiders that they are Estonian when they can't be bothered to even learn the language. To a large degree they live separately in low income neighborhoods and have their own separate schools, which we're afraid to get rid of because, again, we think Russia will invade. I personally don't think our government actually believes this, it's just good to have a permanent underclass. Saves you the trouble of having to import third worlders.

And unfortunately we're way too fucking racist here to ever want to be in some union with slavs. If it were up to me, I wouldn't mind, but at the same time you gotta consider the historical context here. We were invaded by Russia several times and the Soviet Union is still viewed as basically Russia. We're desperately trying to be seen as a Nordic country...

Uh sorry i thought Estonia is also Baltic group such as Lithuania and Latvia. I thoguht that all Baltic nations (Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian) are some mixture of Slavs and Nordic, i didn't knew Estonia is only Nordic\Finno-Ugric. Sorry for confusion man. Personaly i don't know much about Estonia except that it was part of Soviet Union and that Stalin was cruel dictator who also killed Russians\Slavs. Note that Stalin was Georgian by ethncity not Slavic. And Stalin even tried to occupy my country Yugoslavia sometime after WW2 events, when Tito president of Yugoslavia refused to be part of Soviet Block and Stalin sent Soviet troops ito Hungarian-Yugoslavian border, but for some reason chaos was prevented somehow, i don't know much details, but we also was almost occupied by Stalin's Russia\Soviet Union. Note that Vladimir Putin is totally different. He respects everyone and trying to keep safety in the world. Also before fucking Lenin and Stalin communist piece of shits took chargre of Russia, Czar Nikolay Romanov was friend of Serbia and always helped Serbia. Then fucking communist such ass Lenninist scum killed his enitre family. My great-great-grandfather was a Russian who supported White Army and disliked Red Army, so he had to run away and escaped to Serbia to don't get killed by Red Army communist scum. But trust me, Putin behaves same as Czar Nikolay and respects everyone. And for Estonians being too racist, as you described sicne you live there they probably have some historical reasons as you said, but again blame Lenin\Stalin dumpfucks, not Pre-Communist Russia or Modern Russia.

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostGingis Khan, on 25 April 2019 - 07:50 AM, said:

again blame Lenin\Stalin dumpfucks, not Pre-Communist Russia or Modern Russia.

Well, to us it's all the same shit because pre-Communist Russia invaded us too. And while the Soviets occupied us, the official language became Russian, so we always saw it as an ethnic thing. I personally understand it's more complicated, but I can't convince people here. I also don't trust Putin, but I don't think he's the demon that Western mainstream media is trying to turn him into. He's a pragmatist that cares about Russian interests first and he's somebody who doesn't want nuclear war (unlike certain psychopaths at Washington), which I can support.

BTW, evidently Eastern Europe genetically is the oldest Europe, with hunter gatherer DNA peaking in the Baltics. So we're some real cavemen here and I've always thought it explained some of our attitudes, lol.

User is offline   LakiSoft 


View Postthricecursed, on 25 April 2019 - 08:46 AM, said:

Well, to us it's all the same shit because pre-Communist Russia invaded us too. And while the Soviets occupied us, the official language became Russian, so we always saw it as an ethnic thing. I personally understand it's more complicated, but I can't convince people here. I also don't trust Putin, but I don't think he's the demon that Western mainstream media is trying to turn him into. He's a pragmatist that cares about Russian interests first and he's somebody who doesn't want nuclear war (unlike certain psychopaths at Washington), which I can support.

BTW, evidently Eastern Europe genetically is the oldest Europe, with hunter gatherer DNA peaking in the Baltics. So we're some real cavemen here and I've always thought it explained some of our attitudes, lol.

I am glad you guys don't belelive that western media bullshit. But when you say that Russia occupied Estonia, even back in pre-commnust era, could you specify me when and which ruler did that. I am 100% sure that wasn't Nikolay Romanov, he was really nice soul of a man could be. Maybe some older Russian dysnasty did this.Yes i am Slav, Part Serbian, Part Russian, Part Rusy, but i don't want to be complete douchebag and force my own pinion as totally best one and only truely one, as i always want to hear arguments fron the other side, in case of hisotry events, wars, and stuff. So can you tell me when Russia occupied Estonia and why? I would really like to learn some new history i never heard about and listen the other side of the dispute. Note that i am not saying that you personaly hate Russia, but i talking about general Estonian opinion on Russia. Really i am interesed in this subject. Sorry if i sounded rude or racist in any way, but my english sucks so i probably wrote some sentences in wrong order and make them missleading and missunderstanding. Hope you did understand me!

User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostGingis Khan, on 25 April 2019 - 09:01 AM, said:

I am glad you guys don't belelive that western media bullshit.

Oh, the people here largely do believe the bullshit! I'm just saying there are also historical reasons for why certain hatreds stick around. But, I'm quite an outlier or outcast in many ways. I never followed what others did or what was told to me.

You can read this page about the history of Estonian-Russian relations: https://en.wikipedia...lations#History

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View Postthricecursed, on 25 April 2019 - 08:46 AM, said:

I also don't trust Putin, but I don't think he's the demon that Western mainstream media is trying to turn him into. He's a pragmatist that cares about Russian interests first and he's somebody who doesn't want nuclear war (unlike certain psychopaths at Washington), which I can support.

If he doesn't want war then why is he constantly saber-rattling with the development of those hypersonic and "continent killer" weapons?

User is offline   Jimmy 

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Why does the United States do the same?

Don't ask someone else to give up their arms if you're not prepared to do the same.

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View PostHendricks266, on 25 April 2019 - 09:28 AM, said:

If he doesn't want war then why is he constantly saber-rattling with the development of those hypersonic and "continent killer" weapons?

Because the big bullies would take advantage of the unarmed ones.

User is offline   Sledgehammer 

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User is offline   Aristotle Gumball 

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View PostHendricks266, on 25 April 2019 - 09:28 AM, said:

If he doesn't want war then why is he constantly saber-rattling with the development of those hypersonic and "continent killer" weapons?

I can't explain it any better, so why not hear it straight from the "devil's" mouth?


User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostJimmy 100MPH, on 25 April 2019 - 09:31 AM, said:

Why does the United States do the same?

We're not. The US nuclear arsenal is aging and most efforts are focused on maintaining the tech we already have. Don't forget that your favorite president is the one responsible for withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, in part thanks to having a chickenhawk like John Bolton as his National Security Advisor.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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Treaties are for fags.

Also if you think that aging nuclear weapons are the best things we've got, that's fucking laughable. Whatever Russia has got we're 50 years ahead of them bare minimum.

This post has been edited by Jimmy 100MPH: 25 April 2019 - 10:22 AM


User is offline   Forge 

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I honestly and truly believe that any individual, group, nation, etc absolutely has the right to defend themselves, the right to arm themselves with whatever means they deem fit and can afford. Even outright hostile nations like North Korea or Iran, but also if Elon Musk wants a nuclear missile silo, good for him! He'll build a better one than any government would.

People always counter this belief with the argument "But we can't trust everyone with these weapons! We have to limit others!"

When in fact the truth is that we can't trust anyone with these weapons. Anyone who speaks otherwise has been brainwashed by a big bully with power to enable them to keep their power, and make sure no one else gains any power.

I am not a Russophile, in fact, I bust their balls on the regular. But they absolutely have a right to defend themselves and bear arms, and that includes cutting edge experimental weaponry.

User is offline   LakiSoft 


View Postthricecursed, on 25 April 2019 - 09:40 AM, said:

I can't explain it any better, so why not hear it straight from the "devil's" mouth?

@ thricecursed Man you couldn't explain better. Thank you! I am glad you are objective and seeing the truth as there still many people ignorant in the world who blames Russia for everything.

@Jimmy 100 MPH Thnak you for being objective man. You may trust me, or not trust me,your choice, but only Russia has answer to defend herself but also they are trying to keep world in safety and stway away from Nuclear War, they are only arming themselvees and their allies only because of threats they are getting from Western Politicians. Also speaking of my case, i am from little Slavic country Serbia, which was bombed in year 1999 by NATO, mostly backed by Clitnon's Administration of USA by that time and German politicians. Clinton in order to make a good reason for bombing my country sent his CIA Agent William Walker to stage Racak Massacre, as it to look like we massacred Albanian civlians in Kosovo province, even if thesse corposes were actually UCK Terrorist, killed off by Serbian police mostly. Yes we killed Albanian but only terrorist maniacs, not innocent civilians like Western media is potrayting. CLinton and Walker were fucking liars. And Russia speaks the truth about this as well and we Serbs, being much same Slavic as Russian, are very pro-Russian. I just fcking hate how western media always potryats Russia and Serbia as animals. I am sick of those lies. This is what i am talking about.

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