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The Post Thread

User is offline   Master Fibbles 

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View PostSangman, on 10 January 2015 - 08:54 PM, said:

That is ridiculous.

So actively creating comics that target and ridicule a religion in a way that is meant to be sacrilegious and insulting is not hate speech? The same journal was going to publish some anti-Semitic stuff too but a higher up said they couldn't publish it. The magazine has a history of just attacking people and anyone who pays attention and isn't a bigot knows that France is one of the biggest anti-muslim countries in the West. They've almost banned the religion.

User is offline   Kyanos 


View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 11 January 2015 - 07:04 AM, said:

So actively creating comics that target and ridicule a religion in a way that is meant to be sacrilegious and insulting is not hate speech? The same journal was going to publish some anti-Semitic stuff too but a higher up said they couldn't publish it. The magazine has a history of just attacking people and anyone who pays attention and isn't a bigot knows that France is one of the biggest anti-muslim countries in the West. They've almost banned the religion.

I had a really good rant reply typed out, but, self censorship wins again :lol:

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User is offline   Ronin 


View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 11 January 2015 - 07:04 AM, said:

So actively creating comics that target and ridicule a religion in a way that is meant to be sacrilegious and insulting is not hate speech? The same journal was going to publish some anti-Semitic stuff too but a higher up said they couldn't publish it. The magazine has a history of just attacking people and anyone who pays attention and isn't a bigot knows that France is one of the biggest anti-muslim countries in the West. They've almost banned the religion.

It's not hate speech it's satire. That you can identify with this act is a bad sign, unfortunately as a man of extreme faith you lack reason that's how you can justify the slaughter of a couple of cartoonists and other innocents, you don't like seeing religion criticized at all. You're basically saying they had it coming. Well I'm sorry but people in a western democracy are not going to allow themselves to be burnt on stakes for voicing their opinions, that day is long gone.

France is a secular country, and it rightfully allows the ridicule of Islamofascism and other absurd ideologies. They are not anti Muslim, they are anti Islamofascism, they do not want Sharia law anywhere in their country, rightfully so. So why would they allow women to be subjugated by the niqab, even the ones with Stockhome syndrome who want to wear it.

Your opinion sucks but you damn well have the right to express it without fear of being slaughtered, it should be the same for everyone else.

This post has been edited by Ronan: 11 January 2015 - 09:26 AM


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View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 10 January 2015 - 08:37 PM, said:

Maybe if the magazine hadn't been an islamaphobic hate-filled liberal establishment, they wouldn't have had a problem. I'm not saying that murder is ever justified, but, you know, they need to deal with the consequences of their actions. You publish hate speech, you have to deal with the reaction to that hate speech.

Islam is a primitive, violent, tribal religion practiced by middle easterners with shitty DNA from over a millennia of occasional or frequent incest. It's a shitty culture that only causes problems.

Please stop being politically correct and look at it objectively. It's shit.


This post has been edited by BREAKINGTHELAYOUT ISACRIME: 11 January 2015 - 09:48 AM


User is offline   Mblackwell 

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I think you just described religion in general.

User is offline   Mark 


View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 11 January 2015 - 07:04 AM, said:

The magazine has a history of just attacking people and anyone who pays attention and isn't a bigot knows that France is one of the biggest anti-muslim countries in the West. They've almost banned the religion.

From the WIKI article ISLAM IN FRANCE:
A thorough survey by the Pew Research Center in Spring 2014 revealed that out of all Europeans, the French view Muslim minorities most favorably with 72% having a favourable opinion. Just sayin'

User is offline   Mark 


WOO HOO. The Packers beat the Cowboys in the playoffs.

User is offline   Hank 


View PostMark., on 11 January 2015 - 12:36 PM, said:

From the WIKI article ISLAM IN FRANCE:
A thorough survey by the Pew Research Center in Spring 2014 revealed that out of all Europeans, the French view Muslim minorities most favorably with 72% having a favourable opinion. Just sayin'

Thorough? PEW called 1000 people :lol:
It was issued in response to another report, link below.

The world (even duke4 posts about this) is devistaded when journalists gets killed by a deranged group, while being apathetic when it's just some black christian in a far away country.

All hail the news media, they know what sells ;)

This post has been edited by Hank: 11 January 2015 - 01:57 PM


User is offline   Wienerhole 

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View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 10 January 2015 - 08:37 PM, said:

Maybe if the magazine hadn't been an islamaphobic hate-filled liberal establishment, they wouldn't have had a problem.

View PostDrek, on 11 January 2015 - 08:33 AM, said:

I had a really good rant reply typed out, but, self censorship wins again :lol:

View PostRonan, on 11 January 2015 - 09:18 AM, said:

Your opinion sucks but you damn well have the right to express it without fear of being slaughtered, it should be the same for everyone else.

View PostBREAKINGTHELAYOUT ISACRIME, on 11 January 2015 - 09:47 AM, said:

Please stop being politically correct and look at it objectively. It's shit.

Wait a minute... you do know you're watching a movie, right?

View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 10 January 2015 - 08:37 PM, said:

I'm not saying that murder is ever justified, but, you know, they need to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Random dude makes a low brow joke in private that becomes public... loses job.

People who relish the idea of being remembered as martyrs jabs anyone they can... eventually jabs someone who says "Yes I would like to make you a martyr."

Whatever... there are plenty of right hands touching the left hand drama pie.

This post has been edited by CharlesT: 11 January 2015 - 04:32 PM


User is offline   Fox 

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Hendricks got a nice pussy.

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EDuke32 toaster support when?


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View PostLunick, on 11 January 2015 - 04:59 PM, said:


User is offline   Fox 

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I don't think it will take that long for we to have "reality shows" about space marines fighting aliens.

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User is online   Hendricks266 

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View PostFox, on 11 January 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

Hendricks got a nice pussy.

I didn't choose the Thug Luff, the Thug Luff chose me.

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User is offline   Wienerhole 

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View PostFox, on 11 January 2015 - 05:22 PM, said:

I don't think it will take that long for we to have "reality shows" about space marines fighting aliens.

Wait... what do you think video games are?

We don't just sit around and imagine stuff!

This post has been edited by CharlesT: 12 January 2015 - 07:08 AM


User is offline   Sangman 


View PostThe Real Slim Flibble, on 11 January 2015 - 07:04 AM, said:

So actively creating comics that target and ridicule a religion in a way that is meant to be sacrilegious and insulting is not hate speech?

Insulting someone (even continuously) is not the same as hate speech, no. It's not nice, and I think you could argue (rightfully so even) that Charlie Hebdo's "satire" cartoons are stupid and racist... but it's not hate speech.

But, your wording "they just have to deal with the consequences of their actions" is what I find ridiculous. I'm gonna assume it was just a poor choice of words.

User is offline   Fox 

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If I make a comic that target and ridicule the republican party, is it hate speech?

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View PostFox, on 12 January 2015 - 11:55 AM, said:

If I make a comic that target and ridicule the republican party, is it hate speech?

No, in fact you'll get flown first-class to Hollywood all expenses paid and invited to DNC fundraisers as a guest speaker.

User is offline   Mark 


And you can guest host on MSNBC.

User is offline   Evilman 


I didn't took part in the above discussion earlier about what happened in France, but as i'm french, i can assure you that Charlie Hebdo is not, and has never been racist in any case.

It surely was offensive, i can agree with that, but using words like racism and hate talking about them is reaaaaally far from the truth. In fact, their publishing director (Charb, RIP) was writing a book about islamophobia if you want all the details, so saying that he was trying to create any form of hate about religions with his drawings is plain stupid, i guess you can understand that.

I really don't wanna talk about religions here, but just try to explain why we should not laugh about a satiric comic about Islam (and not against), and why listening to anti-christians metal bands or playing games like Doom with many satanic references is "okay" for most people ? Or at least, there's no big deal with that. Both examples are clear blasphems against two different religions, you agree ?

This is the reason why they've been killed, because they used blasphemic references in a funny way about Islam. They were fighting against every form of fanatism, and pressure from fanatics, not against religions in any way. They tried to show that they were not intimidated by fanatics, that's pretty much everything there is to understand.

And, really, do you think a comic-strip, even the most offensive, is a good reason enough to kill anyone ? Especially 12 people ?

There's no excuse for what happened, this is just terrible.

User is offline   Robman 

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This situation is accelerating it's pace, this is not going to be pretty.

Hmmm... much to say. To sum up, Islam is younger.. seems to be slyly pitted against Christianity. Think upon these simple truths.

This post has been edited by Robman: 12 January 2015 - 05:43 PM


User is offline   ReaperMan 


View PostEvilman, on 12 January 2015 - 05:15 PM, said:

And, really, do you think a comic-strip, even the most offensive, is a good reason enough to kill anyone ? Especially 12 people ?

Crazy, non-logically thinking, psychotic fanatics seemed to of thought differently. That being said, you can't use any reasonable amount of logic to explain to those people that what they did was wrong. After all we are talking about the same people who strap bombs to children and have them run into groups of soldiers.

User is offline   Kathy 


I always wondered. Doesn't Islam forbid killing and similar bad stuff from Old Testament?

This post has been edited by Kathy: 12 January 2015 - 06:07 PM


User is offline   Robman 

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View PostKathy, on 12 January 2015 - 06:04 PM, said:

I always wondered. Doesn't Islam forbid killing and similar bad stuff from Old Testament?

Imagine taking two paths, at first they follow side-by-side yet gradually grow apart until they veer into completely opposite directions.

Not a thing wrong with the teachings of Jesus, called the New Testament because it came after the old and is the message of salvation.
The teachings are nothing of killing and focus on healing and love. How anyone can even be displeased with such things is beyond me.
It's good. :lol:

Seems to be a lot of events we don't hear about easily when seeking true world events. It's painfully obvious which faction belongs to which Chess Master even through the mud.


Occams Razor - "when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."


View PostEvilman, on 12 January 2015 - 06:15 PM, said:

Why speak softly yet carry a heavy name?

View PostDrek, on 05 December 2014 - 03:53 AM, said:

Ok my power is showing.

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This post has been edited by Robman: 12 January 2015 - 07:48 PM


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View PostSangman, on 10 January 2015 - 06:16 PM, said:

However, there are testimonies from hostages that claim the terrorists were very friendly to certain hostages.

You preclude yourself from being friendly by holding a gun to someone's head.

User is offline   Evilman 


View PostKathy, on 12 January 2015 - 06:04 PM, said:

I always wondered. Isn't Islam forbid killing and similar bad stuff from Old Testament?

Absolutely. But like in any religion, there's some people who think they're doing good by judging, trying to convert, or killing anyone who doesn't think like them. By doing that, they're going themselves against their own religion and princips.

They're what we call fanatics. They're what I'd call assholes.

User is offline   TerminX 

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View PostTerminX, on 12 January 2015 - 11:37 PM, said:

I'm not sure if that's pure insanity, art, stupid, or a mix of all three.


Today I tried Ranitidine for my ongoing problems with stomach acid... I had an allergic reaction. Looks like I'll just have to let my stomach and esophagus rot out because I can't take PPIs either.

I hate this rubbish, I miss eating bacon, salty snacks and food containing tomato. :lol:

User is offline   Lunick 


View PostTerminX, on 12 January 2015 - 11:37 PM, said:


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