Well I haven't seen this posted here, so I guess I might as well. Maybe not all of you are familiar with Laffer, he used to be in the 3DR community quite a lot over the years. So, some bad news:
I was going to post this later, I don't know if it needs a thread or not, this is a small community so i'll just post it here and assume most/all of you see it...
I was contacted by Laffer's brother yesterday morning on facebook, he decided to pass some sad news on to me since I was a close friend of Laffer... He apparently hung himself and died yesterday
He's been indirectly talking about suicide for a long time, he never appeared depressed but he also never showed much desire to have any kind of future, he openly talked to me and others including his brother Leif about these sort of things, but he always seemed hesitant enough and not to mention confident with living on enough to never go this far, but I guess he must have had his reasons, despite how we usually would openly talk together about everything...
Laffer was my first internet friend that i ever had and spoke actively with, I even visited him in Norway and we had a really great time, and he even called me a month back asking if i'd be up for coming over again soon, to which i said yes... He and I had some great times together, both online and in real life, it's sad to see him go, but if he was still here, I know for a fact (as morbid as it may seem) that he'd rather have us joke about him than mourn over his death...
Anyway, it's sad news, but I knew Laffer very well, he'd definitely want us to keep talking about him on much less serious terms, so apart from this post I'll try and keep my mood up if he's ever referred to again, he'd definitely have wanted that...
I wish he'd at least have spoken to me a little before this, but done is done, and it's not like i'm angry at him for what he did to himself, I'll still remember him as the fun friend I met when I last saw him... I'm not keeping back any information so far, since i simply know nothing more than the fact that he hung himself, if I get to speak with his brother some more I might learn some more things, and find out later if it's necessary/decent to share it to others that knew him...
Anyway, RIP Laffer, I miss chatting with you as often as we did back in the days